From e4c07041493a3cd01542ff5522ee20e79e390c0c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eric Giovannini <>
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2024 17:55:36 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] begin discussion of abstract model constructions

 paper-new/categorical-model.tex | 225 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 205 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/paper-new/categorical-model.tex b/paper-new/categorical-model.tex
index 9f48a66..818bd54 100644
--- a/paper-new/categorical-model.tex
+++ b/paper-new/categorical-model.tex
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-\section{Abstract Categorical Models of Graduality}
+\section{Abstract Categorical Models of Graduality}\label{sec:abstract-models}
 First, what is a categorical model of call-by-push-value? We will use
 the following notion as our basic structure\footnote{There are models
@@ -123,13 +123,14 @@ That is, for the values, we have
   $\rv : \mathcal V_f \to \mathcal V_{sq}$.
-Likewise, we have an analogous definition for computations.
+Likewise, we have the analogous definitions for computations.
 We write $c : A \rel A'$ to mean that $c \in \ob(\vsq)$ such that 
-$\sv(c) = A$ and $\tv(A) = A'$.
+$\sv(c) = A$ and $\tv(c) = A'$.
 Likewise, let $c_i : A_i \rel A_i'$ and $c_o : A_o \rel A_o'$,
 and let $f \in \vf(A_i, A_o)$ and $f' \in \vf(A_i', A_o')$.
-The judgment $\beta : f \ltdyn_{c_o}^{c_i} f'$ is defined to mean
+The notation $\beta : f \ltdyn_{c_o}^{c_i} f'$ is defined to mean
   \item $\beta \in \vsq(c_i, c_o)$
@@ -153,6 +154,10 @@ Picorially, this is depicted as a commuting square:
 	\arrow["\alpha"{description}, draw=none, from=0, to=1]
+% Note: When the identity of the square $\beta$ is not important, we may omit it
+% and write $f \ltdyn_{c_o}^{c_i} f'$. In this case the meaning is that there exists
+% a square $\beta : f \ltdyn_{c_o}^{c_i} f'$.
 Composition of squares $\beta : f \ltdyn_{c_2}^{c_1} g$ and $\beta' : f' \ltdyn_{c_3}^{c_2} g'$
 corresponds to ``stacking'' the square for $\beta'$ below the square for $\beta$.
 Fuctoriality of $s$ and $t$ ensure that the left and right sides of the resulting square are as expected,
@@ -170,6 +175,8 @@ All of the above holds in an analogous manner for the computations.
 We will work in ``locally thin'' models where there is at most one
 square with a given boundary.
 That is, if $\beta, \beta' : f \ltdyn_{c_o}^{c_i} f'$, then $\beta = \beta'$.
+Thus, we may unambiguously omit the identity of the square, i.e., we may write
+$f \ltdyn_{c_o}^{c_i} f'$.
 We also have a ``horizontal" composition operation on value edges and on computation edges.
 That is, let 
@@ -342,11 +349,13 @@ In summary, an extensional model consists of:
 \subsection{Intensional Models}\label{sec:abstract-intensional-models}
 An intensional model of gradual typing is defined similarly to an extensional model,
-with two key differences that will be discussed below.
+with a few key differences that will be discussed below.
 The starting point is similar to that of the extensional model: an intensional model
 will be given by a diagram in the category of CBPV objects, satisfying
@@ -372,16 +381,17 @@ In particular, this consists of a functor
 $m_{\mathcal{V}} : \vsq \times_{\sv = \tv} \vsq \to \vsq$ for composition of value
 relations/squares, and a functor $m_{\mathcal{E}} : \esq \times_{\se = \te} \esq \to \esq$
 for composition of computation relations/squares.
+Furthermore, $s \circ m = s \circ \pi_1$ and $t \circ m = t \circ \pi_2$.
 % If we spell this all out explicitly, we end up with a definition similar to the
 % one for the extensional case, but now with the addition of a functor $m_{\mathcal{V}}$ for
 % composition of value relations/squares and a functor $m_{\mathcal{E}}$ for
 % composition of computation relations/squares.
-For the sake of ease of reference, we recap the definition of a step-1 model:
+For the sake of ease of reference, we recap the definition of a step-0 model:
-  A \emph{step-1} model of intensional gradual typing consists of a category internal to the
+  A \emph{step-0} model of intensional gradual typing consists of a category internal to the
   category of CBPV models.
@@ -391,7 +401,7 @@ For the sake of ease of reference, we recap the definition of a step-1 model:
 % But we now have horizontal composition of squares as well.
 Working intensionally means we need to take into consideration the steps
 taken by terms. One consequence of this is that we need a way to specify
@@ -412,7 +422,7 @@ We can specify all of this abstractly via categories $\vsim$ and $\esim$ along w
 functors $\rvsim : \vf \to \vsim$ and $\svsim, \tvsim : \vsim \to \vf$,
 and likewise for computations.
 Since bisimilarity of morphisms $f$ and $f'$ requires that they share source and target,
-we require that $\svsim$ and $\tvsim$ agree on objects and likewise for $\sesim and \tesim$.
+we require that $\svsim$ and $\tvsim$ agree on objects and likewise for $\sesim$ and $\tesim$.
 Thus, the objects of $\vsim$ are identified with $\ob(\vf)$.
 The morphisms of $\vsim$ are ``bisimilarity proofs'', analogous to the commuting squares of $\vsq$.
@@ -423,16 +433,26 @@ and $\text{sym}_{\mathcal{V}}^\bisim \circ \text{sym}_{\mathcal{V}}^\bisim$ is t
 Likewise there is a symmetry endofunctor $\text{sym}_{\mathcal{E}}^\bisim : \esim \to \esim$.
 % TODO explain what this means in terms of bisimilarity "squares"?
+In this setting, we write $\refl_A : A \bisim A$ to mean that $\refl_A \in \ob(\vsim)$,
+such that $\svsim(\refl_A) = A = \tvsim(\refl_A)$.
+Let $f, f' \in \vf(A_i, A_o)$.
+The judgment $\gamma : f \bisim_{A_i, A_o} f'$ is defined to mean:
+  \item $\gamma \in \vsim(\refl_{A_i}, \refl_{A_o})$
+  \item $\svsim(\gamma) = f$
+  \item $\tvsim(\gamma) = f'$
 % Spelling this all out concretely, for any pair...
-A \emph{step-2 intensional model} consists of all the data of a step-1 intensional model along
+A \emph{step-1 intensional model} consists of all the data of a step-0 intensional model along
 with the additional categories and functors for bisimiarity described above.
 A second consequence of working intensionally is that the squares in the representable
 properties must now involve a notion of ``delay" or ``perturbation'' in order to
@@ -492,8 +512,8 @@ forms a monoid under composition.
 This is summarized below:
-  A \emph{step-3} model of intensional gradual typing consists of all the data of a step-2 model plus:
+  A \emph{step-2} model of intensional gradual typing consists of all the data of a step-1 model plus:
     \item $\pv_A$ and a monoid homomorphism 
       \[ \ptbv_A : \pv_A \to \{ f \in \vf(A,A) \mid f \bisim \id \} \]
@@ -517,7 +537,8 @@ but as mentioned above, now there
 are perturbations involved in order to keep both sides ``in lock-step".
 The precise definitions are as follows.
-Let $c : A \rel A'$. We say that $c$ is \emph{quasi-left-representable by}
+Let $c : A \rel A'$ be a value relation. We say that $c$ is \emph{quasi-left-representable by}
 $f \in \vf(A, A')$ if there are perturbations $\delta_c^{l,e} \in \pv_A$ and
 $\delta_c^{r,e} \in \pv_{A'}$ such that the following squares commute:
@@ -544,8 +565,10 @@ $\delta_c^{r,e} \in \pv_{A'}$ such that the following squares commute:
-Similarly, let $d : B \rel B'$. We say that $d$ is
+Let $d : B \rel B'$ be a computation relation. We say that $d$ is
 \emph{quasi-right-representable by} $f \in \ef(B', B)$
 if there exist perturbations $\delta_d^{l,p} \in \pe_B$ and
 $\delta_d^{r,p} \in \pe_{B'}$ such that the following squares commute:
@@ -573,7 +596,7 @@ $\delta_d^{r,p} \in \pe_{B'}$ such that the following squares commute:
 Besides the perturbations, one other difference between the extensional
 and intensional versions of the representability axioms is that in the
@@ -587,9 +610,9 @@ so we can take the simpler versions as primitive and derive the ones
 involving composition (though we must be careful about the perturbations
 when doing so!).
-  A \emph{step-4 intensional model}, or simply an \emph{intensional model}, consists
-  of all the data of a step-3 intensional model, with the following additional data:
+  A \emph{step-3 intensional model} consists
+  of all the data of a step-2 intensional model, with the following additional data:
     \item Functors $\upf : \ve \to \vf$ and $\dnf : \ee^{op} \to \ef$ % TODO: image is thin?
     \item Every value edge $c : A \rel A'$ is quasi-left-representable by $\upf(c)$ and
@@ -598,4 +621,166 @@ when doing so!).
+\subsubsection{The Dynamic Type}
+Now we can discuss what it means for an intensional model to model the dynamic type.
+  A \emph{step-4 intensional model}, or simply an \emph{intensional model}, consists
+  of all the data of a step-3 intensional model, along with 
+  %a distinguished value object $D \in \ob(\vf)$ such that:
+  %
+  \begin{enumerate}
+    \item A distinguished value object $D \in \ob(\vf)$.
+    (By definition of a step-3 model, this means there is also a monoid $\pv_D$ of
+    perturbations and a homomorphism $\ptbv_D$.)
+    \item For each value type $A$, there is a value relation $\text{inj}_A : A \rel D$.
+    (By definition of a step-3 model, this relation satisfies the push-pull property and is
+    quasi-left-representable.)
+    \item If $c : A \rel A'$, then $\text{inj}_{A} = c \comp \text{inj}_{A'}$.
+  \end{enumerate}
+\subsection{Constructing an Extensional Model}\label{sec:extensional-model-construction}
+In the previous section, we have given the definition of an intensional model
+of gradual typing as a series of steps with each definition building on the previous one.
+Here, we discuss how to construct an extensional model from an intensional model.
+We do so in several phases, beginning with a step-1 intensional model
+and ending with an extensional model.
+Moreover, this construction is \emph{modular}, in that each phase of the
+construction does not depend on the details of the previous ones.
+However, this process cannot proceed in isolation: some phases require
+additional inputs. We will make clear what data must be supplied to each phase.
+% Going from a step-1 intensional model $\mathcal{M}_1$ to a step-2 intensional model
+% requires defining a bisimilarity relation on the value morphisms and on
+% the computation morphisms of $\mathcal{M}_1$.
+% In particular, we need for every $A$ and $A'$ a reflexive, symmetric relation 
+% $\bisim_{A,A'}$ on $\vf(A, A')$ and for every $B$ and $B'$ a reflexive, symmetric relation
+% $\bisim_{B,B'}$ on $\ef(B, B')$. Moreover, the relation must respect composition of morphisms.
+% This phase of the construction is quite simple, because it consists entirely of extra structure
+% supplied as input to the construction.
+\subsubsection{Adding Perturbations}
+Suppose we have a \hyperref[def:step-1-model]{step-1 intensional model} $\mathcal{M}$.
+Recall that a step-1 intensional model consists of a step-0 model (i.e., a
+category internal to the category of CBPV models), along with the necessary
+categories and functors for bisimilarity as discussed in Section
+Further, recall that a \hyperref[def:step-2-model]{step-2 model} has everything
+a step-1 model has, with the addition of perturbation monoids $\pv_A$ for all
+$A$ and $\pe_B$ for all $B$.
+% These perturbations must be interpretable as endomorphisms via homomorphisms
+% $\ptb_A$ and $\ptb_B$, 
+These perturbations must be interpretable via homomorphisms
+$\ptb_A$ and $\ptb_B$ as endomorphisms bisimilar to the identity,
+and moreover, the push-pull property must hold for all
+value relations $c$ and all computation relations $d$.
+% TODO do we really need all of this data?
+What ``external" data do we need to define such a model?
+Suppose we are given, for each value type $A$, a monoid $\pv_A$ with homomorphism
+$\ptb_A$ into the endomorphisms on $A$ bisimilar to the identity, and likewise, for
+each computation type $B$, a monoid $\pv_B$ and homomorphism $\ptb_B$.
+Furthermore, suppose we are given, for each value type $A$, a distinguished endomorphism
+$\delta_A \in \ef(FA, FA)$ such that $\delta_A \bisim \id_{FA}$.
+Finally, suppose that each value relation $c : A \rel A'$ satisfies the push-pull property
+and likewise for each computation relation $d : B \rel B'$.
+Then we claim that from the above data, we can construct a step-2 intensional model.
+For the proof, see Lemma \ref{lem:step-1-model-to-step-2-model} in the Appendix.
+\subsubsection{Adding Quasi-Representability}
+Now suppose we have a step-2 intensional model $\mathcal{M}$.
+We will describe how to construct a \hyperref[def:step-3-model]{step-3 intensional model} $\mathcal{M'}$.
+We begin with a definition.
+\begin{definition}[representation structure]
+Let $c : A \rel A'$ be a value relation. A \emph{left-representation structure} $\rho^L_c$ for $c$ consists of
+a value morphism $u \in \vf(A, A')$ such that $c$ is quasi-left-representable by $u$ (see Definition \ref{def:quasi-left-representable}).
+Likewise, let $d : B \rel B'$. A \emph{right-representation structure} $\rho^R_d$ for $d$ consists of
+a computation morphism $d \in \ef(B', B)$ such that $d$ is quasi-right-representable by $d$ (see Definition \ref{def:quasi-right-representable}).
+(Notice that the direction of the morphism is opposite in the definition of
+right-representation structure.)
+We now describe the construction of a step-3 model $\mathcal M'$.
+The objects of $\mathcal M'$ are defined to be the same as the objects of the
+step-2 model $\mathcal M$.
+The value and computation morphisms in $\mathcal M'$ are the same as those of
+$\mathcal M$.
+A value relation is defined to be a pair $(c, \rho^L_c)$ with $c$ a value
+relation in $\mathcal M$ and $\rho^L_c$ a left-representation structure for $c$.
+Likewise, a computation relation is defined to be a pair $(d, \rho^R_d)$ with
+$d$ a computation relation in $\mathcal M$ and $\rho^R_d$ a right-representation
+structure for $d$.
+Lastly, morphisms of value relations (i.e., value squares) are defined by simply
+ignoring the representation structure. That is, a morphism of value relations
+$\alpha \in \vsq'((c, \rho^L_c), (c' \rho^L_{c'}))$ is simply a morphism of value
+relations in $\vsq(c, c')$. Likewise for computations.
+Now we define the functors $F$, $U$, and $\arr$.
+On objects, the behavior is the same as the respective functors in $\mathcal M$.
+For relations, we define 
+$\Fsq' (c, \rho^L_c) = (\Fsq c, \rho^R_{F c})$ and
+$\Usq' (d, \rho^R_d) = (\Usq d, \rho^L_{U d})$.
+We define $(c, \rho^L_c) \arr (d, \rho^R_d) = (c \arr d, \rho^R_{c \arr d})$.
+We now verify that the construction meets the requirements of a step-3 model.
+First, we check that composition of value relations (resp. computation relations)
+is well-defined. This might seem obvious, but there is actually a subtlety here:
+what should the representation structure be for the composition?
+\subsubsection{Defining an Extensional Model}
+Finally, suppose $\mathcal M$ is a step-3 intensional model.
+We now describe how to build an extensional model.
+The idea is to define an extensional model whose squares are the ``bisimilarity-closure''
+of the squares of the provided intensional model $\mathcal M$.
+The categories $\vf$, $\ef$ are the same as those of $\mathcal M$.
+Additionally, the objects of $\vsq$ and $\esq$, i.e., the value and
+computation relations, are the same.
+The difference arises in the \emph{morphisms} of $\vsq$ and $\esq$,
+i.e., the commuting squares. In particular, a morphism
+$\alpha_e \in \vsq'(c_i, c_o)$ with source $f$ and target $g$ is given by:
+  \item a morphism $f' \in \vf(A_i, A_o)$ with $f \bisim f'$.
+  \item a morphism $g' \in \vf(A_i', A_o')$ with $g \bisim g'$.
+  \item a square $\alpha_i \in \vsq(c_i, c_o)$ with source $f'$ and target $g'$.
+Using our existing notation, we say that $f \le_{c_o}^{c_i} g$ if there exist $f'$ and $g'$ such that
+\[ f \bisim_{A_i,A_o} f' \ltdyn_{c_o}^{c_i} g' \bisim_{A_i',A_o'} g. \]
+We make the analogous construction for the computation squares.
+Next, we check that the requirements of an extensional model are satisfied.
+In particular, we need to verify the representability properties.
+We define functors $\upf$ and $\dnf$