From 62e9af5ead8ff69a59e96e3541b4660aca53a026 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Max New <>
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2018 16:14:24 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] start definition of freyd categories as generalized

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 freyd-multicategories.tex | 113 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 114 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 freyd-multicategories.tex

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 3e52f7b..fc4c644 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -219,3 +219,4 @@ TSWLatexianTemp*
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diff --git a/freyd-multicategories.tex b/freyd-multicategories.tex
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/freyd-multicategories.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+\title{Freyd Multicategories as Generalized Multicategories}
+\author{Max S. New}
+  Based on work of Power, we present the \emph{Freyd Multicategories}
+  of Staton-Levy as a form of Generalized Multicategories (Leinster,
+  Crutwell-Shulman) relative to the monad whose algebras are strict
+  Freyd categories. Following Crutwell-Shulman, we could also call
+  these \emph{Virtual Freyd Categories}. We plan for this to be the
+  basis for our call-by-value gradual type theory, by adapting the
+  construction from Set to Poset/Cat.
+\section{M-categories and Freyd Categories}
+First, we recount and re-organize some details of Power on freyd
+categories as $\M$-categories with algebraic structure.
+\begin{definition}[Sierpinski, Mono]
+  Define $\to$ to be the free category with two objects and one arrow
+  between them.  Then the Sierpinski topos is the category
+  $\Set^{\to}$ of arrows and commuting squares is a preasheaf topos
+  and the category Mono of injective functions and
+  commuting squares is a quasitopos: the category of
+  $\neg\neg$-separated presheaves on $\Set^{\to}$.
+We can then form the double categories of Sierpinski and
+Mono-matrices, the right place to define categories enriched in
+Sierpinski and Mono.
+  The virtual equipment of Sierpinski (Mono) matrices has as vertical
+  category the category of sets and functions and a horizontal arrow
+  $M : X \relto Y$ is a matrix giving for each $(x,y)\in X\times Y$ an
+  object of Sierpinski (Mono).  A globular 2-cell is given by an arrow
+  in Sierpinski (Mono) for each $x,y$ and the restriction of matrix $M
+  : X \relto Y$ by functions $f : X' \to X$ and $g : Y' \to Y$ is
+  given by $((f,g)^*M)_{x',y'} = M_{f(x'),g(y')}$.
+\begin{definition}[Sierpinski Categories]
+  The virtual equipment of sierpinski categories and functors/profs is
+  given by Mod(Mat(Sierp))
+  More explicitly, a Sierpinski category $C$ consist of a set of
+  objects $C_0$, a category structure of ``tight'' morphisms $C_t$ and
+  a category of ``loose'' morphisms $C_l$ with an injective function
+  $i : C_t(a,b) \to C_l(a,b)$ that preserves identity and composition.
+Next, we consider ordered and cartesian Freyd Categories as
+(Sierp)/Mono-categories with ``algebraic structure'', we give a more
+pedestrian presentation than Power.
+First, planar freyd categories are monoidal sierpinski-categories
+using the following ``funny'' tensor product, which we can define on
+the double category of matrices, and thus automatically for
+The idea is that the funny tensor product is the cartesian product of
+the tight maps and blah
+\begin{definition}[Funny Tensor Product of Matrices]
+  We define a ``funny tensor product'' $\sq$ on the double category of
+  Sierpinksi matrices by setting the action on vertical categories to
+  be the cartesian product, and on matrices:
+  \begin{enumerate}
+  \item $(C \sq D)_0 = C \times D$
+  \item $(C \sq D)_{x,y,t} = C_{x,y,t} \times D_{x,y,t}$
+  \item $(C \sq D)_{x,y,l}$ is the following \emph{pushout}:
+    \[
+C_t\times D_t = (C\sq D)_t \arrow[d] \arrow[r] & C_t \times D_l \arrow[d] \\
+C_l \times D_t \arrow[r] & (C \sq D)_l
+  I.e, it is the quotient of the sum $(C_l \times D_t) + (C_t \times
+  D_l)$ by the equivalence induced by $(i_C(f_l),g_l) = (f_l,
+  i_D(g_l))$
+  \end{enumerate}
+  I checked on the board that it maps 2-cells, and it must be
+  functorial, right?
+By abstract nonsense, the funny tensor product on the equipment of
+matrices becomes a monoidal product on the equipment of categories,
+and then a planar premonoidal category is a monoid object wrt the
+funny tensor product. In more pedestrian terms, a planar premonoidal
+category has a monoidal category of tight morphisms, a premonoidal
+category of loose morphisms and all tight morphisms are central.
+A freyd category is then a \emph{cartesian} premonoidal category:
+i.e. a premonoidal category where the monoidal structure on the tight
+morphisms is a cartesian product. I don't know how to describe this in
+terms of adjoints.