From 5afdfd796926e73dee93f64792df36a67fb8e276 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: akaiDing <> Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2024 14:18:59 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] discussion on adgda work --- paper-new/discussion.tex | 67 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+) diff --git a/paper-new/discussion.tex b/paper-new/discussion.tex index 711932d..28cc8a1 100644 --- a/paper-new/discussion.tex +++ b/paper-new/discussion.tex @@ -7,6 +7,73 @@ \subsection{Mechanization} % Discuss Guarded Cubical Agda and mechanization efforts +We will use Guarded Cubical Agda to prove graduality in the syntax of +GTLC, which involves the construction of the abstract model described in +\ref{sec:concrete-model} and the extensional model with external dynamic +type. This part is still work-in-progress. + +% step-1 +Currently, we have defined the step-1 intensional model in Cubical +Agda. For value types, we constructed predomain which holds ordering and +bisimilarity, and morphisms between predmains. For computation types, we +constructed error domain which contains its underlying predomain, +elements of $\mho$ and $\theta$ and morphisms between error domains. We +also defined two functors $U$ and $F$ which support conversions between +predomains and error domains. + +% step-2 +Then we plan to construct the step-2 intensional model. Besides all the +data in step-1, we need to include perturbations on value and computation +types, functors $\times$, $\arr$, $U$, and $F$ that preserve +perturbations and push/pull properties for all morphisms on value and +computation types. Notice that for any object $A$ which has value type, +we will take not only the monoid of perturbations $P^V_A$ and the monoid +homomorphism $\ptbv_A : \pv_A \to \vf(A,A)$ on itself, but also $P^C_{F A} +$ and $\ptbe_{F A} : \pe_{F A} \to \ef(F A,F A)$ on $F A$, which have +computation types. Similarly, for any computation object $B$, we will +construct the perturbations on $U B$ besides the monoid $P^C_B$ and +monoid homomorphism $\ptbe_B : \pe_B \to \ef(B,B)$. Also, for functors +that preserves perturbations, we need to include the ones in the context +of Kleisli category. + +% step-3 +In the step-3 intensional model, we will enhance it with +quasi-representability. For any value relation $c : A \rel A'$, we need +to show that there exists a left-representation structure for $c$ and a +right-representation structure for $F\ c$. Correspondingly, for any +computation relation $d : B \rel B'$, we will show there exists a +right-representation structure for $d$ and a left-representation +structure for $U\ d$. As we define the quasi-representability for value +and computation relation, we will construct the quasi-representability on +the function and product of the relation, which makes it necessary to +have the dual version of quasi-representability. + +% step-4 construct a concrete dynamic type and apply it to the abstract model +After defining the abstract model and its interface, we will model GTLC +by providing explicit construction triples of dynamic type at each step, +which includes defining Dyn as a predomain, its pure and Kleisli +perturbation monoids, push/pull property for pure and Kleisli +perturbation, as well as quasi-representability. The +quasi-representability involves explicit rules which show that Nat is +more precise than Dyn (Inj-Nat) and Dyn $\to$ Dyn is more precise than +Dyn (Inj-Arr). Currently, we have formalized the concrete construction of +Dyn in Cubical Agda and it was more challenging than expected because we +define Dyn using the technique of fixed point, which means that every +time we analyze the case inside of Dyn, we need to unfold it and add +corresponding proof. + +% adequacy +Besides the abstract model and its concrete construction on dynamic type, +we will also formalize the adequacy result in \ref{sec:appendix-adequacy}, +which involves clock quantification of the lift monad, the weak bisim +relation, and the lock-step error ordering. In order to prove adequacy, +we will first prove that the global lift of X is isomorphic to Delay(1 + X) +whether X is clock-irrelevant or not. Then, we aim to prove the equivalence +between the global lock-step error ordering and the error ordering observed +in Delay(1 + X) and equivalence between the global weak bisimilarity +relation and the weak bisimilarity relation on Delay(1 + X). We have +finished some prerequisite proofs on clock quantification and postulated +some theorems on clock globalization. \subsection{Benefits and Drawbacks of the Synthetic Approach} -- GitLab