From 3a5dbcd5e658843139615e9d01498770d2663a16 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eric Giovannini <>
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2023 15:44:04 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Refactor modules; work on adequacy for intensional semantics

 .../guarded-cubical/Common/Common.agda        |  19 +
 .../guarded-cubical/{ => Common}/Later.agda   |  49 ++-
 .../guarded-cubical/{ => Common}/Lemmas.agda  | 125 +++++-
 .../guarded-cubical/{ => Common}/MonFuns.agda | 122 ++++--
 .../guarded-cubical/Interpretation.agda       |  91 -----
 formalizations/guarded-cubical/Results.agda   | 251 ------------
 .../guarded-cubical/Results/Coinductive.agda  | 247 ++++++++++++
 .../Results/IntensionalAdequacy.agda          | 361 +++++++++++++++++
 .../{ => Semantics}/Semantics.agda            | 360 +++++++++++------
 .../{ => Semantics}/StrongBisimulation.agda   | 381 ++++++++++++------
 .../SyntacticTermPrecision.agda               | 170 --------
 .../DeBruijnCommon.agda}                      | 180 +++------
 .../guarded-cubical/Syntax/GSTLC.agda         | 278 +++++++++++++
 .../guarded-cubical/Syntax/GSTLCCollapse.agda |  66 +++
 14 files changed, 1765 insertions(+), 935 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 formalizations/guarded-cubical/Common/Common.agda
 rename formalizations/guarded-cubical/{ => Common}/Later.agda (79%)
 rename formalizations/guarded-cubical/{ => Common}/Lemmas.agda (67%)
 rename formalizations/guarded-cubical/{ => Common}/MonFuns.agda (79%)
 delete mode 100644 formalizations/guarded-cubical/Interpretation.agda
 delete mode 100644 formalizations/guarded-cubical/Results.agda
 create mode 100644 formalizations/guarded-cubical/Results/Coinductive.agda
 create mode 100644 formalizations/guarded-cubical/Results/IntensionalAdequacy.agda
 rename formalizations/guarded-cubical/{ => Semantics}/Semantics.agda (69%)
 rename formalizations/guarded-cubical/{ => Semantics}/StrongBisimulation.agda (80%)
 delete mode 100644 formalizations/guarded-cubical/SyntacticTermPrecision.agda
 rename formalizations/guarded-cubical/{GradualSTLC.agda => Syntax/DeBruijnCommon.agda} (57%)
 create mode 100644 formalizations/guarded-cubical/Syntax/GSTLC.agda
 create mode 100644 formalizations/guarded-cubical/Syntax/GSTLCCollapse.agda

diff --git a/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Common/Common.agda b/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Common/Common.agda
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9ca7e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Common/Common.agda
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+{-# OPTIONS --cubical --rewriting --guarded #-}
+ -- to allow opening this module in other files while there are still holes
+{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
+module Common.Common where
+open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
+open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
+open import Cubical.Data.Nat hiding (_^_) renaming (â„• to Nat)
+id : {â„“ : Level} -> {A : Type â„“} -> A -> A
+id x = x
+_^_ : {â„“ : Level} -> {A : Type â„“} -> (A -> A) -> Nat -> A -> A
+f ^ zero = id
+f ^ suc n = f ∘ (f ^ n)
diff --git a/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Later.agda b/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Common/Later.agda
similarity index 79%
rename from formalizations/guarded-cubical/Later.agda
rename to formalizations/guarded-cubical/Common/Later.agda
index e68d77e..b5624a8 100644
--- a/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Later.agda
+++ b/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Common/Later.agda
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 {-# OPTIONS --cubical --rewriting --guarded #-}
-module Later where
+module Common.Later where
 -- | This file is adapted from the supplementary material for the
 -- | paper, originally written
 -- | by Niccolò Veltri and Andrea Vezzosi see the LICENSE.txt for
 -- | their license.
-open import Agda.Builtin.Equality renaming (_≡_ to _≣_)
+open import Agda.Builtin.Equality renaming (_≡_ to _≣_) hiding (refl)
 open import Agda.Builtin.Equality.Rewrite
 open import Agda.Builtin.Sigma
@@ -130,18 +130,44 @@ next-Mt≡M' M t = next-Mt≡M M t
+-- Clock-related postulates.
+clock-ext : {ℓ : Level} {A : (k : Clock) -> Type ℓ} -> {M N : (k : Clock) -> A k} →
+  (∀ k → M k ≡ N k) → M ≡ N
+clock-ext eq i k = eq k i
 -- "Dependent" forcing (where the type can mention the clock).
 -- This seems to be the correct type of the force function.
   force' : {A : Clock -> Type} -> (∀ k → (▹ k , A k)) → (∀ (k : Clock) → A k)
+  -- original (non-dependent) version:
+  -- force'-beta : ∀ {A : Type} (x : A) → force' (λ k -> next x) ≡ λ k → x
+  -- "Reduction" rules:
+  -- Builds in clock extensionality
+  force'-beta : ∀ {A : Clock -> Type} (f : ∀ k -> A k) →
+    force' (λ k -> next (f k)) ≡ f
+  -- Builds in clock extensionality
+  next-force' :     ∀ {A : Clock -> Type} (f : ∀ k -> ▹ k , A k) ->
+    (λ k -> next (force' f k)) ≡ f
+  --next-force' :     ∀ {A : Clock -> Type} (f : ∀ k -> ▹ k , A k) ->
+  --  (k : Clock) -> next (force' f k) ≡ f k
+force-iso : {A : Clock -> Type} -> Iso (∀ k -> (▹ k , A k)) (∀ k -> A k)
+force-iso = iso force' (λ f k → next (f k))
+  force'-beta
+  next-force'
+  -- (λ f → clock-ext (λ k → next-force' f k))
--- Clock-related postulates.
-  clock-iso : {A : Type} -> (∀ (k : Clock) -> A) ≡ A
   k0 : Clock
@@ -152,7 +178,7 @@ postulate
 -- Definition of clock irrelevance, parameterized by a specific type
-clock-irrel : Type -> Type
+clock-irrel : {â„“ : Level} -> Type â„“ -> Type â„“
 clock-irrel A =
   (M : ∀ (k : Clock) -> A) ->
   (k k' : Clock) ->
@@ -165,15 +191,20 @@ clock-irrel A =
 -- If A is clock irrelevant, then the above map is inverse
 -- to the map A -> ∀ k . A.
+Iso-∀kA-A : {A : Type} -> clock-irrel A -> Iso (∀ (k : Clock) -> A) A
+Iso-∀kA-A {A} H-irrel-A = iso
+  (∀kA->A A)
+  (λ a k -> a)
+  (λ a → refl)
+  (λ f → clock-ext (λ k → H-irrel-A f k0 k))
   nat-clock-irrel : clock-irrel â„•
+  type-clock-irrel : clock-irrel Type
-clock-ext : {ℓ : Level} {A : (k : Clock) -> Type ℓ} -> {M N : (k : Clock) -> A k} →
-  (∀ k → M k ≡ N k) → M ≡ N
-clock-ext eq i k = eq k i
diff --git a/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Lemmas.agda b/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Common/Lemmas.agda
similarity index 67%
rename from formalizations/guarded-cubical/Lemmas.agda
rename to formalizations/guarded-cubical/Common/Lemmas.agda
index 95c1d1a..dd3acc6 100644
--- a/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Lemmas.agda
+++ b/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Common/Lemmas.agda
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
  -- to allow opening this module in other files while there are still holes
 {-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
-open import Later
+open import Common.Later
-module Lemmas (k : Clock) where
+module Common.Lemmas (k : Clock) where
 open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
 open import Cubical.Data.Nat renaming (â„• to Nat) hiding (_^_)
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ open import Cubical.Data.Empty
 open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
-open import StrongBisimulation k
-open import GradualSTLC
-open import SyntacticTermPrecision k
+open import Semantics.StrongBisimulation k
+open import Syntax.GradualSTLC
+open import Syntax.SyntacticTermPrecision k
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ private
   ▹_ : Set l → Set l
   â–¹_ A = â–¹_,_ k A
-open 𝕃
+open LiftPredomain
 test : (A B : Type) -> (eq : A ≡ B) -> (x : A) -> (T : (A : Type) -> A -> Type) ->
@@ -137,7 +137,72 @@ mTransportDomain {A} {B} {C} eq f = record {
 -- ord' (next ord) (ext' f (next (ext f)) la) (ext' f (next (ext f)) la')
--- ext respects monotonicity 
+-- ext respects monotonicity, in a general, heterogeneous sense
+ext-monotone-het : {A A' B B' : Predomain} ->
+  (rAA' : ⟨ A ⟩ -> ⟨ A' ⟩ -> Type) -> (rBB' : ⟨ B ⟩ -> ⟨ B' ⟩ -> Type) ->
+  (f : ⟨ A ⟩ -> ⟨ (𝕃 B) ⟩) -> (f' : ⟨ A' ⟩ -> ⟨ (𝕃 B') ⟩) ->
+  fun-order-het A A' (𝕃 B) (𝕃 B') rAA' (LiftRelation._≾_ B B' rBB') f f' ->
+  (la : ⟨ 𝕃 A ⟩) -> (la' : ⟨ 𝕃 A' ⟩) ->
+  (LiftRelation._≾_ A A' rAA' la la') ->
+  LiftRelation._≾_ B B' rBB' (ext f la) (ext f' la')
+ext-monotone-het {A} {A'} {B} {B'} rAA' rBB' f f' f≤f' la la' la≤la' =
+  let fixed = fix (monotone-ext') in
+  transport
+    (sym (λ i -> LiftBB'.unfold-≾ i (unfold-ext f i la) (unfold-ext f' i la')))
+    (fixed la la' (transport (λ i → LiftAA'.unfold-≾ i la la') la≤la'))
+  where
+    -- bring the homogeneous lifted relations into scope
+    _≾LA_  = LiftPredomain._≾_ A
+    _≾LA'_ = LiftPredomain._≾_ A'
+    _≾LB_  = LiftPredomain._≾_ B
+    _≾LB'_ = LiftPredomain._≾_ B'
+    -- Note that these next four have already been
+    -- passed (next _≾_) as a parameter (this happened in
+    -- the defintion of the module 𝕃, where we said
+    -- open Inductive (next _≾_) public)
+    _≾'LA_  = LiftPredomain._≾'_ A
+    _≾'LA'_ = LiftPredomain._≾'_ A'
+    _≾'LB_  = LiftPredomain._≾'_ B
+    _≾'LB'_ = LiftPredomain._≾'_ B'
+    module LiftAA' = LiftRelation A A' rAA'
+    module LiftBB' = LiftRelation B B' rBB'
+    -- The heterogeneous lifted relations
+    _≾'LALA'_ = LiftAA'.Inductive._≾'_ (next LiftAA'._≾_)
+    _≾'LBLB'_ = LiftBB'.Inductive._≾'_ (next LiftBB'._≾_)
+    monotone-ext' :
+      â–¹ (
+          (la : ⟨ 𝕃 A ⟩) -> (la' : ⟨ 𝕃 A' ⟩)  ->
+          (la ≾'LALA' la') ->
+          (ext' f  (next (ext f))  la) ≾'LBLB'
+          (ext' f' (next (ext f')) la')) ->
+       (la : ⟨ 𝕃 A ⟩) -> (la' : ⟨ 𝕃 A' ⟩)  ->
+          (la ≾'LALA' la') ->
+          (ext' f  (next (ext f))  la) ≾'LBLB'
+          (ext' f' (next (ext f')) la')
+    monotone-ext' IH (η x) (η y) x≤y =
+      transport
+      (λ i → LiftBB'.unfold-≾ i (f x) (f' y))
+      (f≤f' x y x≤y)
+    monotone-ext' IH ℧ la' la≤la' = tt
+    monotone-ext' IH (θ lx~) (θ ly~) la≤la' = λ t ->
+      transport
+        (λ i → (sym (LiftBB'.unfold-≾)) i
+          (sym (unfold-ext f) i (lx~ t))
+          (sym (unfold-ext f') i (ly~ t)))
+        (IH t (lx~ t) (ly~ t)
+          (transport (λ i -> LiftAA'.unfold-≾ i (lx~ t) (ly~ t)) (la≤la' t)))
+-- ext respects monotonicity (in the usual homogeneous sense)
+-- This can be rewritten to reuse the above result!
 ext-monotone : {A B : Predomain} ->
   (f f' : ⟨ A ⟩ -> ⟨ (𝕃 B) ⟩) ->
   fun-order A (𝕃 B) f f' ->
@@ -147,35 +212,45 @@ ext-monotone : {A B : Predomain} ->
 ext-monotone {A} {B} f f' f≤f' la la' la≤la' =
   let fixed = fix (monotone-ext' f f' f≤f') in
-    (sym (λ i -> unfold-ord B i (unfold-ext f i la) (unfold-ext f' i la')))
-    (fixed la la' (transport (λ i → unfold-ord A i la la') la≤la'))
+    (sym (λ i -> unfold-≾ B i (unfold-ext f i la) (unfold-ext f' i la')))
+    (fixed la la' (transport (λ i → unfold-≾ A i la la') la≤la'))
+    -- bring the homogeneous lifted relations into scope
+    _≾LA_ = LiftPredomain._≾_ A
+    _≾LB_ = LiftPredomain._≾_ B
+    -- Note that these next two have already been
+    -- passed (next _≾_) as a parameter (this happened in
+    -- the defintion of the module 𝕃, where we said
+    -- open Inductive (next _≾_) public)
+    _≾'LA_ = LiftPredomain._≾'_ A
+    _≾'LB_ = LiftPredomain._≾'_ B
     monotone-ext' :
       (f f' : ⟨ A ⟩ -> ⟨ (𝕃 B) ⟩) ->
       (fun-order A (𝕃 B) f f') ->
       â–¹ (
         (la la' : ⟨ 𝕃 A ⟩) ->
-         ord' A (next (ord A)) la la' ->
-         ord' B (next (ord B))
-          (ext' f  (next (ext f))  la)
+          la ≾'LA la' ->
+          (ext' f  (next (ext f))  la) ≾'LB
           (ext' f' (next (ext f')) la')) ->
      (la la' : ⟨ 𝕃 A ⟩) ->
-       ord' A (next (ord A)) la la' ->
-       ord' B (next (ord B))
-        (ext' f  (next (ext f))  la)
+        la ≾'LA la' ->
+        (ext' f  (next (ext f))  la) ≾'LB
         (ext' f' (next (ext f')) la')
     monotone-ext' f f' f≤f' IH (η x) (η y) x≤y =
-      (λ i → unfold-ord B i (f x) (f' y))
+      (λ i → unfold-≾ B i (f x) (f' y))
       (f≤f' x y x≤y)
     monotone-ext' f f' f≤f' IH ℧ la' la≤la' = tt
     monotone-ext' f f' f≤f' IH (θ lx~) (θ ly~) la≤la' = λ t ->
-        (λ i → (sym (unfold-ord B)) i
+        (λ i → (sym (unfold-≾ B)) i
           (sym (unfold-ext f) i (lx~ t))
           (sym (unfold-ext f') i (ly~ t)))
         (IH t (lx~ t) (ly~ t)
-          (transport (λ i -> unfold-ord A i (lx~ t) (ly~ t)) (la≤la' t)))
+          (transport (λ i -> unfold-≾ A i (lx~ t) (ly~ t)) (la≤la' t)))
@@ -223,6 +298,20 @@ bind-monotone {A} {B} {la} {la'} f f' la≤la' f≤f' =
   ext-monotone f f' f≤f' la la' la≤la'
+mapL-monotone-het : {A A' B B' : Predomain} ->
+  (rAA' : ⟨ A ⟩ -> ⟨ A' ⟩ -> Type) -> (rBB' : ⟨ B ⟩ -> ⟨ B' ⟩ -> Type) ->
+  (f : ⟨ A ⟩ -> ⟨ B ⟩) -> (f' : ⟨ A' ⟩ -> ⟨ B' ⟩) ->
+  fun-order-het A A' B B' rAA' rBB' f f' ->
+  (la : ⟨ 𝕃 A ⟩) -> (la' : ⟨ 𝕃 A' ⟩) ->
+  (LiftRelation._≾_ A A' rAA' la la') ->
+   LiftRelation._≾_ B B' rBB' (mapL f la) (mapL f' la')
+mapL-monotone-het {A} {A'} {B} {B'} rAA' rBB' f f' f≤f' la la' la≤la' =
+  ext-monotone-het rAA' rBB' (ret ∘ f) (ret ∘ f')
+    (λ a a' a≤a' → LiftRelation.Properties.ord-η-monotone B B' rBB' (f≤f' a a' a≤a'))
+    la la' la≤la'
+-- This is a special case of the above
 mapL-monotone : {A B : Predomain} ->
   {la la' : ⟨ 𝕃 A ⟩} ->
   (f f' : ⟨ A ⟩ -> ⟨ B ⟩) ->
diff --git a/formalizations/guarded-cubical/MonFuns.agda b/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Common/MonFuns.agda
similarity index 79%
rename from formalizations/guarded-cubical/MonFuns.agda
rename to formalizations/guarded-cubical/Common/MonFuns.agda
index ff86d56..9ff0671 100644
--- a/formalizations/guarded-cubical/MonFuns.agda
+++ b/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Common/MonFuns.agda
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
  -- to allow opening this module in other files while there are still holes
 {-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
-open import Later
+open import Common.Later
-module MonFuns (k : Clock) where
+module Common.MonFuns (k : Clock) where
 open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
 open import Cubical.Data.Nat renaming (â„• to Nat)
@@ -22,10 +22,11 @@ open import Cubical.Data.Empty
 open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
-open import StrongBisimulation k
-open import GradualSTLC
-open import SyntacticTermPrecision k
-open import Lemmas k
+open import Common.Common
+open import Semantics.StrongBisimulation k
+open import Syntax.GradualSTLC
+open import Syntax.SyntacticTermPrecision k
+open import Common.Lemmas k
@@ -36,8 +37,9 @@ private
   ▹_ : Set l → Set l
   â–¹_ A = â–¹_,_ k A
+open MonFun
-open 𝕃
+open LiftPredomain
 -- abstract
@@ -106,8 +108,8 @@ mSuc = record {
 U : {A B : Predomain} -> ⟨ A ==> B ⟩ -> ⟨ A ⟩ -> ⟨ B ⟩
 U f = MonFun.f f
-_<$$>_ : {A B : Predomain} -> ⟨ A ==> B ⟩ -> ⟨ A ⟩ -> ⟨ B ⟩
-_<$$>_ = U
+_$_ : {A B : Predomain} -> ⟨ A ==> B ⟩ -> ⟨ A ⟩ -> ⟨ B ⟩
+_$_ = U
 S : (Γ : Predomain) -> {A B : Predomain} ->
     ⟨ Γ ×d A ==> B ⟩ -> ⟨ Γ ==> A ⟩ -> ⟨ Γ ==> B ⟩
@@ -140,12 +142,15 @@ Id = record { f = id ; isMon = λ x≤y → x≤y }
 Curry : {Γ A B : Predomain} -> ⟨ (Γ ×d A) ==> B ⟩ -> ⟨ Γ ==> A ==> B ⟩
-Curry f = record {
+Curry {Γ} g = record {
     f = λ γ →
       record {
-        f = λ a → MonFun.f f (γ , a) ;
-        isMon = {!!} } ;
-    isMon = {!!} }
+        f = λ a → MonFun.f g (γ , a) ;
+        -- For a fixed γ, f as defined directly above is monotone
+        isMon = λ {a} {a'} a≤a' → MonFun.isMon g (reflexive Γ _ , a≤a') } ;
+    -- The outer f is monotone in γ
+    isMon = λ {γ} {γ'} γ≤γ' → λ a a' a≤a' -> MonFun.isMon g (γ≤γ' , a≤a') }
 Uncurry : {Γ A B : Predomain} -> ⟨ Γ ==> A ==> B ⟩ -> ⟨ (Γ ×d A) ==> B ⟩
 Uncurry f = record {
@@ -171,23 +176,10 @@ Swap Γ f = record {
       λ γ1 γ2 γ1≤γ2 -> {!!} } -- γ1 γ2 γ1≤γ2 → {!!} }
-  -- Convenience versions of comp, ext, and ret using combinators
-mComp' : (Γ : Predomain) -> {A B C : Predomain} ->
-    ⟨ (Γ ×d B ==> C) ⟩ -> ⟨ (Γ ×d A ==> B) ⟩ -> ⟨ (Γ ×d A ==> C) ⟩
-mComp' Γ f g = {!!}
-    --_ ! _ ! K Γ mComp <*> f <*> g
-    -- (K Γ mComp) <*> f <*> g
-_∘m_ : {Γ A B C : Predomain} ->
-   ⟨ (Γ ×d B ==> C) ⟩ -> ⟨ (Γ ×d A ==> B) ⟩ -> ⟨ (Γ ×d A ==> C) ⟩
-_∘m_ {Γ} = mComp' Γ
-_$_∘m_ :  (Γ : Predomain) -> {A B C : Predomain} ->
-    ⟨ (Γ ×d B ==> C) ⟩ -> ⟨ (Γ ×d A ==> B) ⟩ -> ⟨ (Γ ×d A ==> C) ⟩
-Γ $ f ∘m g = mComp' Γ f g
-infixl 20 _∘m_
+SwapPair : {A B : Predomain} -> ⟨ (A ×d B) ==> (B ×d A) ⟩
+SwapPair = record {
+  f = λ { (a , b) -> b , a } ;
+  isMon = λ { {a1 , b1} {a2 , b2} (a1≤a2 , b1≤b2) → b1≤b2 , a1≤a2} }
 -- Apply a monotone function to the first or second argument of a pair
@@ -210,17 +202,76 @@ Cong2nd = {!!}
-IntroArg : {Γ B B' : Predomain} ->
+IntroArg' : {Γ B B' : Predomain} ->
     ⟨ Γ ==> B ⟩ -> ⟨ B ==> B' ⟩ -> ⟨ Γ ==> B' ⟩
-IntroArg {Γ} {B} {B'} fΓB fBB' = S Γ (With2nd fBB') fΓB
+IntroArg' {Γ} {B} {B'} fΓB fBB' = S Γ (With2nd fBB') fΓB
 -- S : ⟨ Γ ×d A ==> B ⟩ -> ⟨ Γ ==> A ⟩ -> ⟨ Γ ==> B ⟩
+IntroArg : {Γ B B' : Predomain} ->
+  ⟨ B ==> B' ⟩ -> ⟨ (Γ ==> B) ==> (Γ ==> B') ⟩
+IntroArg f = Curry (mCompU f App)
+PairAssocLR : {A B C : Predomain} ->
+  ⟨ A ×d B ×d C ==> A ×d (B ×d C) ⟩
+PairAssocLR = record {
+  f = λ { ((a , b) , c) → a , (b , c) } ;
+  isMon = λ { {(a1 , b1) , c1} {(a2 , b2) , c2} ((a1≤a2 , b1≤b2) , c1≤c2) →
+    a1≤a2 , (b1≤b2 , c1≤c2)} }
+PairAssocRL : {A B C : Predomain} ->
+ ⟨ A ×d (B ×d C) ==> A ×d B ×d C ⟩
+PairAssocRL = record {
+  f =  λ { (a , (b , c)) -> (a , b) , c } ;
+  isMon = λ { {a1 , (b1 , c1)} {a2 , (b2 , c2)} (a1≤a2 , (b1≤b2 , c1≤c2)) →
+    (a1≤a2 , b1≤b2) , c1≤c2} }
+PairCong : {Γ A A' : Predomain} ->
+  ⟨ A ==> A' ⟩ -> ⟨ (Γ ×d A) ==> (Γ ×d A') ⟩
+PairCong f = record {
+  f = λ { (γ , a) → γ , (f $ a)} ;
+  isMon = λ { {γ1 , a1} {γ2 , a2} (γ1≤γ2 , a1≤a2) → γ1≤γ2 , isMon f a1≤a2 }}
+PairCong : {Γ A A' : Predomain} ->
+  ⟨ A ==> A' ⟩ -> ⟨ (Γ ×d A) ==> (Γ ×d A') ⟩
+PairCong f = Uncurry (mCompU {!!} {!!})
+-- Goal: 
+-- Γ ==> (A ==> Γ ×d A')
+-- Write it as : Γ ==> (A ==> (A' ==> Γ ×d A'))
+-- i.e. Γ ==> A' ==> Γ ×d A'
+-- Pair : ⟨ A ==> B ==> A ×d B ⟩
 TransformDomain : {Γ A A' B : Predomain} ->
     ⟨ Γ ×d A ==> B ⟩ ->
     ⟨ ( A ==> B ) ==> ( A' ==> B ) ⟩ ->
     ⟨ Γ ×d A' ==> B ⟩
-TransformDomain f1 f2 = Uncurry (IntroArg (Curry f1) f2)
+TransformDomain fΓ×A->B f = Uncurry (IntroArg' (Curry fΓ×A->B) f)
+  -- Convenience versions of comp, ext, and ret using combinators
+mComp' : (Γ : Predomain) -> {A B C : Predomain} ->
+    ⟨ (Γ ×d B ==> C) ⟩ -> ⟨ (Γ ×d A ==> B) ⟩ -> ⟨ (Γ ×d A ==> C) ⟩
+mComp' Γ {A} {B} {C} f g = S {!!} (mCompU f aux) g
+    where
+      aux : ⟨ Γ ×d A ×d B ==> Γ ×d B ⟩
+      aux = mCompU π1 (mCompU (mCompU PairAssocRL (PairCong SwapPair)) PairAssocLR)
+      aux2 : ⟨ Γ ×d B ==> C ⟩ -> ⟨ Γ ×d A ×d B ==> C ⟩
+      aux2 h = mCompU f aux
+_∘m_ : {Γ A B C : Predomain} ->
+   ⟨ (Γ ×d B ==> C) ⟩ -> ⟨ (Γ ×d A ==> B) ⟩ -> ⟨ (Γ ×d A ==> C) ⟩
+_∘m_ {Γ} = mComp' Γ
+_$_∘m_ :  (Γ : Predomain) -> {A B C : Predomain} ->
+    ⟨ (Γ ×d B ==> C) ⟩ -> ⟨ (Γ ×d A ==> B) ⟩ -> ⟨ (Γ ×d A ==> C) ⟩
+Γ $ f ∘m g = mComp' Γ f g
+infixl 20 _∘m_
 mExt' : (Γ : Predomain) -> {A B : Predomain} ->
@@ -250,7 +301,7 @@ mMap {A} {B} = Curry (mExt' (A ==> B) ((With2nd mRet) ∘m App))
 mMap' : {Γ A B : Predomain} ->
     ⟨ (Γ ×d A ==> B) ⟩ -> ⟨ (Γ ×d 𝕃 A ==> 𝕃 B) ⟩
-mMap' f = Uncurry {!!}
+mMap' f = {!!}
 Map : {Γ A B : Predomain} ->
     ⟨ (Γ ×d A ==> B) ⟩ -> ⟨ (Γ ==> 𝕃 A) ⟩ -> ⟨ (Γ ==> 𝕃 B) ⟩
@@ -321,6 +372,7 @@ mFunProj A A' B B' fAA' fB'LB = {!!}
   -- ((ext ((mapL fBB') ∘ f1)) ∘ fA'LA) (a'1) ≤ ((ext ((mapL fBB') ∘ f2)) ∘ fA'LA) (a'2)
  -- Properties
 bind-unit-l : {Γ A B : Predomain} ->
     (f : ⟨ Γ ×d A ==> 𝕃 B ⟩) ->
@@ -358,3 +410,5 @@ bind-K = {!!}
  {- Goal: rel (⟦ Γ ⟧ctx ==> 𝕃 ⟦ B ⟧ty) ⟦ err [ N ] ⟧tm
       (Bind ⟦ Γ ⟧ctx ⟦ N ⟧tm (Curry ⟦ err ⟧tm))
diff --git a/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Interpretation.agda b/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Interpretation.agda
deleted file mode 100644
index 513d650..0000000
--- a/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Interpretation.agda
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-{-# OPTIONS --cubical --rewriting --guarded #-}
--- Define the interpretation of the syntax
-open import Later
-module Interpretation (k : Clock)  where
-  open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
-  open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
-  open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport
-  open import Cubical.Data.Unit
-  open import Cubical.Data.Nat hiding (_^_)
-  open import Cubical.Data.Prod
-  open import Cubical.Data.Empty
-  open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Poset
-  open import ErrorDomains k
-  open import GradualSTLC
-  private
-    variable
-      l : Level
-      A B : Set l
-  private
-    ▹_ : Set l → Set l
-    â–¹_ A = â–¹_,_ k A 
-  -- Denotational semantics
-  ⟦_⟧ty : Ty -> Type
-  ⟦ nat ⟧ty = ℕ
-  ⟦ dyn ⟧ty =  Dyn
-  ⟦ A => B ⟧ty =  ⟦ A ⟧ty -> L℧ ⟦ B ⟧ty
-  ⟦_⟧ctx : Ctx -> Type
-  ⟦ · ⟧ctx = Unit
-  ⟦ Γ :: A ⟧ctx = ⟦ Γ ⟧ctx × ⟦ A ⟧ty
-  -- Agda can infer that the context is not empty, so
-  -- ⟦ Γ ⟧ctx must be a product
-  -- Make A implicit
-  look : {Γ : Ctx} -> (env : ⟦ Γ ⟧ctx) -> (A : Ty) -> (x : Γ ∋ A) -> ⟦ A ⟧ty
-  look env A vz = projâ‚‚ env
-  look env A (vs {Γ} {S} {T} x) = look (proj₁ env) A x
-  ⟦_⟧lt : {A B : Ty} -> A ⊑ B -> EP ⟦ A ⟧ty ⟦ B ⟧ty
-  ⟦ dyn ⟧lt = EP-id Dyn
-  ⟦ A⊑A' => B⊑B' ⟧lt = EP-lift ⟦ A⊑A' ⟧lt ⟦ B⊑B' ⟧lt
-  ⟦ nat ⟧lt = EP-id ℕ
-  ⟦ inj-nat ⟧lt = EP-nat
-  ⟦ inj-arrow (A-dyn => B-dyn) ⟧lt =
-    EP-comp (EP-lift  ⟦ A-dyn ⟧lt  ⟦ B-dyn ⟧lt) EP-fun
-  ⟦_⟧lt : {A B : Ty} {n : ℕ} -> A ⊑[ n ] B -> EP ⟦ A ⟧ty ⟦ B ⟧ty
-  ⟦_⟧tm : {Γ : Ctx} {A : Ty} -> Tm Γ A -> (⟦ Γ ⟧ctx -> L℧ ⟦ A ⟧ty)
-  ⟦ var x ⟧tm  = λ ⟦Γ⟧ -> ret (look ⟦Γ⟧ _ x)
-  ⟦ lda M ⟧tm = λ ⟦Γ⟧ -> ret ( λ N -> ⟦ M ⟧tm (⟦Γ⟧ , N) )
-  ⟦ app M1 M2 ⟧tm =
-    -- λ Γ -> bind (⟦ M1 ⟧tm Γ) λ f -> bind (⟦ M2 ⟧tm Γ) f
-    λ Γ -> bind (⟦ M1 ⟧tm Γ) (bind (⟦ M2 ⟧tm Γ))
-  ⟦ err ⟧tm ⟦Γ⟧ = ℧
-  ⟦ up {Γ = Γ2} {A = A} {B = B} A⊑B M ⟧tm =
-    λ ⟦Γ⟧ -> mapL (EP.emb ⟦ A⊑B ⟧lt) (⟦ M ⟧tm ⟦Γ⟧)
-  -- Equivalently:
-  -- EP.emb (EP-L ⟦ A⊑B ⟧lt) (⟦ M ⟧tm ⟦Γ⟧)
-  ⟦ dn {A = A} {B = B} A⊑B M ⟧tm =
-    λ ⟦Γ⟧ -> bind (⟦ M ⟧tm ⟦Γ⟧) (EP.proj ⟦ A⊑B ⟧lt)
-  mapL-emb : {A A' : Type} -> (epAA' : EP A A') (a : L℧ A) ->
-    mapL (EP.emb epAA') a ≡ EP.emb (EP-L epAA') a
-  mapL-emb epAA' a = refl
-  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Results.agda b/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Results.agda
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e1a62e..0000000
--- a/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Results.agda
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-{-# OPTIONS --cubical --rewriting --guarded #-}
-open import Later
-module Results (k : Clock) where
-open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
-open import Cubical.Data.Nat renaming (ℕ to Nat) hiding (_·_ ; _^_)
-open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order
-open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
-open import Cubical.Data.Empty.Base renaming (rec to exFalso)
-open import Cubical.Data.Sum
-open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
-open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
-open import StrongBisimulation k
-open import Semantics k
-open import SyntacticTermPrecision k
-open import GradualSTLC
-open import MonFuns k
-  variable
-    l : Level
-    A B : Set l
-  ▹_ : Set l → Set l
-  â–¹_ A = â–¹_,_ k A
--- Results about the intensional theory
-module 2Cell
-  (A A' B B' : Predomain)
-  (Aâ–¹A' : EP A A')
-  (Bâ–¹B' : EP B B')
- where
-  open 𝕃
-  open EP
-  _⊑A'_ : ⟨ A' ⟩ -> ⟨ A' ⟩ -> Type
-  _⊑A'_ = rel A'
-  _⊑B'_ : ⟨ 𝕃 B' ⟩ -> ⟨ 𝕃 B' ⟩ -> Type
-  _⊑B'_ = rel (𝕃 B')
-  _⊑c_ : ⟨ A ⟩ -> ⟨ A' ⟩ -> Type
-  a ⊑c a' = (U (emb A▹A') a) ⊑A' a'
-  _⊑d_ : ⟨ 𝕃 B ⟩ -> ⟨ 𝕃 B' ⟩ -> Type
-  lb ⊑d lb' = (mapL (U (emb B▹B')) lb) ⊑B' lb'
-  _⊑f_ : ⟨ A ==> 𝕃 B ⟩ -> ⟨ A' ==> 𝕃 B' ⟩ -> Type
-  f ⊑f f' = fun-order-het A A' (𝕃 B) (𝕃 B') _⊑c_ _⊑d_ (MonFun.f f) (MonFun.f f')
-module 2CellVertical
-  (A A' A'' B B' B'' : Predomain)
-  (Aâ–¹A' : EP A A')
-  (A'â–¹A'' : EP A' A'')
-  (Bâ–¹B' : EP B B')
-  (B'â–¹B'' : EP B' B'')
-  where
--- Results about the extensional theory
-tick-extensionality : (X : Set) -> (lx~ : ▹ (L℧ X)) -> (ly : L℧ X) ->
-  ▸ (λ t -> lx~ t ≡ ly) ->
-  lx~ ≡ next ly
-tick-extensionality X lx~ ly H = λ i t → H t i
-tick-extensionality' : (X : Set) -> (lx~ : ▹ (L℧ X)) -> (ly : L℧ X) ->
-  ((t : Tick k) -> lx~ t ≡ ly) -> -- is there an implicit ▸ here?
-  lx~ ≡ next ly
-tick-extensionality' X lx~ ly H = λ i t₁ → H t₁ i
-η≢δ : (d : Predomain) -> (x : ⟨ d ⟩) -> (n : Nat) ->
-  ¬ ((η x) ≡ (δ ^ n) ℧)
-η≢δ d x zero contra = {!!}
-η≢δ d x (suc n) = {!!}
-open 𝕃 ℕ -- defines the lock-step relation
--- Bisimilarity is non-trivial at Nat type
-≈-non-trivial : {!!}
-≈-non-trivial = {!!}
--- Bisimilarity is not transitive at Nat type
--- Adequacy of lock-step relation
-module AdequacyLockstep
-  -- (lx ly : L℧ Nat)
-  -- (lx≾ly : lx ≾ ly)
-  where
-  _≾'_ : L℧ Nat → L℧ Nat → Type
-  _≾'_ = ord' (next _≾_)
-  {-
-  lx≾'ly : lx ≾' ly
-  lx≾'ly = transport (λ i → unfold-ord i lx ly) lx≾ly
-  -}
-  eq-later-eq-now : (X : Set) -> (lx~ : ▹ (L℧ X)) -> (ly : L℧ X) ->
-    ▸ (λ t -> lx~ t ≡ ly) ->
-    θ lx~ ≡ θ (next ly)
-  eq-later-eq-now = {!!}
-  sigma-later : (X : Set) (A : X -> Tick k -> Type) ->
-    ▸ (λ t -> Σ X λ x -> A x t) ->
-    Σ (▹ X) λ x~ -> ▸ (λ t -> A (x~ t) t)
-  sigma-later X A H = (λ t → fst (H t)) , (λ t → snd (H t))
-  ≾->≾' : (lx ly : L℧ Nat) ->
-    lx ≾ ly -> lx ≾' ly
-  ≾->≾' lx ly lx≾ly = transport (λ i → unfold-ord i lx ly) lx≾ly
-  adequate-err-baby :
-    ▹ ((lx : L℧ Nat) ->
-      (H-lx : lx ≾' δ ℧) ->
-      (lx ≡ ℧) ⊎ (lx ≡ δ ℧)) ->
-    (lx : L℧ Nat) ->
-    (H-lx : lx ≾' δ ℧) ->
-    (lx ≡ ℧) ⊎ (lx ≡ δ ℧)
-  adequate-err-baby _ (η x) ()
-  adequate-err-baby _ ℧ _ = inl refl
-  adequate-err-baby IH (θ lx~) H-lx =
-    inr (cong θ (tick-extensionality Nat lx~ ℧
-      λ t → {!!}))
-  data GuardedNat : Type where
-    zro : GuardedNat
-    suc : â–¹ Nat -> GuardedNat
-  _≤GN_ : GuardedNat -> Nat -> Type
-  n~ ≤GN m = {!!}
-  adequate-err :
-    â–¹ ((m : Nat) ->
-    (lx : L℧ Nat) ->
-    (H-lx : lx ≾' (δ ^ m) ℧) ->
-    (Σ (▹ Nat) λ n -> (n ≤GN m) × (lx ≡ (δ ^ n) ℧))) ->
-    (m : Nat) ->
-    (lx : L℧ Nat) ->
-    (H-lx : lx ≾' (δ ^ m) ℧) ->
-    (Σ (▹ Nat) λ n -> (n ≤ m) × ((lx ≡ (δ ^ n) ℧)))
-  adequate-err _ zero (η x) ()
-  adequate-err _ (suc m') (η x) ()
-  adequate-err _ m ℧ H-lx = next (0 , {!!})
-  adequate-err _ zero (θ lx~) ()
-  adequate-err IH (suc m') (θ lx~) H-lx = {!!}
-  ≾'-δ : (lx ly : L℧ Nat) -> (lx ≾' ly) -> (lx ≾' (δ ly))
-  ≾'-δ = {!!}
-  adequate-err-2 : (m : Nat) -> Σ Nat λ n -> (n ≤ m) ×
-    (▹ ((lx : L℧ Nat) ->
-        (H-lx : lx ≾' (δ ^ m) ℧) ->
-        (lx ≡ (δ ^ n) ℧)) ->
-      (lx : L℧ Nat) ->
-      (H-lx : lx ≾' (δ ^ m) ℧) ->
-      ((lx ≡ (δ ^ n) ℧)))
-  adequate-err-2 zero = zero , ≤-refl , thm-zero
-    where
-      thm-zero : ▹ ((lx : L℧ Nat) → lx ≾' (δ ^ zero) ℧ → lx ≡ (δ ^ zero) ℧) →
-                    (lx : L℧ Nat) → lx ≾' (δ ^ zero) ℧ → lx ≡ (δ ^ zero) ℧
-      thm-zero IH ℧ H-lx = refl
-  adequate-err-2 (suc m') =
-    (suc (fst (adequate-err-2 m'))) , ({!!} , {!!})
-      where
-        thm-suc-m' : {!!}
-        thm-suc-m' IH ℧ H-lx = {!!}
-        thm-suc-m' IH (θ lx~) H-lx =
-          cong θ (tick-irrelevance Nat lx~ ((δ ^ fst (adequate-err-2 m')) ℧)
-          λ t → {!!})
--- Given:  θ lx~ ≾' (δ ^ suc m') ℧
--- i.e.    θ lx~ ≾' θ (next (δ ^ m') ℧)
--- i.e.    ▸ (λ t -> (lx~ t) ≾ (δ ^ m') ℧)
--- By IH, we have
--- ▸ (λ t -> lx~ t ≡ (δ ^ n') ℧ for some n')
--- By tick extensionality, we have
--- lx~ ≡ next (δ ^ n') ℧, so
--- θ lx~ ≡ θ (next (δ ^ n') ℧) ≡ (δ ^ (suc n')) ℧
--- Adequacy of weak bisimilarity relation
-open Bisimilarity â„•
-module AdequacyBisimilarity
-  (lx ly : L℧ Nat)
-  (lx≈ly : lx ≈ ly) where
--- Combined result: Adequacy of extensional ordering
-open ExtRel â„•
-module AdequacyExt
-  (lx ly : L℧ Nat)
-  (lx⊴ly : lx ⊴ ly) where
-  adequate-1 : (n : Nat) (x : Nat) ->
-    (lx ≡ (δ ^ n) (η x)) ->
-    Σ Nat λ m -> ly ≡ (δ ^ m) (η x)
-  adequate-1 n x H-lx = {!!}
-  adequate-2 : (m : Nat) ->
-    (ly ≡ (δ ^ m) ℧) ->
-    Σ Nat λ n -> lx ≡ (δ ^ n) ℧
-  adequate-2 m H-ly = {!!}
-gradual_guarantee : (M : Tm · nat) (N : Tm · nat) ->
-                    · |- M ⊑tm N # nat ->
-                    ⟦ M ⟧ ≲ ⟦ N ⟧
diff --git a/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Results/Coinductive.agda b/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Results/Coinductive.agda
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5e1989
--- /dev/null
+++ b/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Results/Coinductive.agda
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+{-# OPTIONS --cubical --rewriting --guarded #-}
+{-# OPTIONS --guardedness #-}
+open import Common.Later
+module Results.Coinductive where
+open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
+open import Cubical.Data.Sum
+open import Cubical.Data.Unit renaming (Unit to ⊤)
+open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
+open import Cubical.Data.Nat renaming (ℕ to Nat) hiding (_·_ ; _^_)
+open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
+open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
+open import Cubical.Data.Empty
+open import Results.IntensionalAdequacy
+open import Semantics.StrongBisimulation
+  variable
+    l : Level
+    X : Type l
+-- If there was an answer produced at each step, we could parameterize by another type A,
+-- and make running have type A -> State Res
+  data State (Res : Type) : Type where
+    done : Res -> State Res
+    running : Machine Res -> State Res
+  record Machine (B : Type) : Type where
+    coinductive
+    field
+      view : State B
+open Machine
+Ω : {B : Type} -> Machine B
+-- Ω .view = running (Ω .view)
+view Ω = running Ω
+isom : {X : Type} -> Iso (L℧F X) (Machine (X ⊎ ⊤))
+isom {X} = iso {!!} {!!} {!!} {!!}
+   where
+     f : (L℧F X) -> (Machine (X ⊎ ⊤))
+     view (f l) with (l k0)
+     ... | η x = done (inl x)
+     ... | ℧   = done (inr tt)
+     ... | θ lx~ = running (f l)
+     inv : Machine (X ⊎ ⊤) -> L℧F X
+     inv m with (view m)
+     ... | done (inl x) = ηF x
+     ... | done (inr tt) = ℧F
+     ... | running m' = λ k -> θ λ t → inv m'' {!!}
+      where
+       m'' : Machine (X ⊎ ⊤)
+       view m'' = {!!}
+    inv : Machine (X ⊎ ⊤) -> L℧F X
+    inv m with (view m)
+    ... | done (inl x) = λ k -> η x
+    ... | done (inr x) = λ k -> ℧
+    ... | running = λ k -> θ λ t → {!!}
+-- A until B == B + A × (A until B)
+record Machine (B : Type) : Type where
+  coinductive
+  field
+    -- view : State B
+    view : B ⊎ (Unit × Machine B)
+open Machine
+Ω : {B : Type} -> Machine B
+Ω .view = inr (tt , Ω)
+-- equivalently:
+--view Ω = inr (tt , Ω)
+-- But this doesn't work:
+-- Ω = record { view = inr (tt , Ω) } -- fails termination checking
+module _ {X : Type} (H-irrel : clock-irrel X) where
+  ∀-to-machine' : (L℧F X) -> Machine (X ⊎ ⊤)
+  view (∀-to-machine' l) with ( (L℧F-iso H-irrel) l)
+  ... | inl (inl x) = inl (inl x)
+  ... | inl (inr _) = inl (inr tt)
+  ... | inr l' = inr (tt , (∀-to-machine' l'))
+record Machine (Res : Type) : Type
+data State (Res : Type) : Type where
+  result : Res -> State Res
+  error : State Res
+  running : Machine Res -> State Res
+record Machine Res where
+  coinductive
+  field view : State Res
+open Machine public
+module _ {X : Type} (H-irrel : clock-irrel X) where
+   ∀-to-machine : (L℧F X) -> Machine X
+   view (∀-to-machine l) with ( (L℧F-iso H-irrel) l)
+   ... | inl (inl x) = result x
+   ... | inl (inr _) = error
+   ... | inr l' = running (∀-to-machine l')
+   -- We can't use normal recursion, because the argument is coinductive and so may be infinite.
+   {-
+   machine-to-∀ : Machine X -> L℧F X   
+   machine-to-∀ m with (view m)
+   ... | result x = ηF x
+   ... | error = ℧F
+   ... | running m' = λ k -> θ λ t → machine-to-∀ m' k
+   -}
+   {-
+   machine-to-∀' : (k : Clock) -> (Machine X) -> L℧ k X
+   machine-to-∀' k m = fix f
+     where
+       f : ▹ k , L℧ k X -> L℧ k X
+       f lx~ with (view m)
+       ... | result x = η x
+       ... | error = ℧
+       ... | running m' = θ (λ t → lx~ t)
+   -}
+   machine-to-∀'' : (k : Clock) -> ▹ k , (Machine X -> L℧ k X) -> (Machine X -> L℧ k X)
+   machine-to-∀'' k rec m with (view m)
+   ... | result x = η x
+   ... | error = ℧
+   ... | running m' = θ (λ t → rec t m')
+   -- Instead, we can define it by a guarded fixpoint.
+   machine-to-∀' : (k : Clock) -> (Machine X) -> L℧ k X
+   machine-to-∀' k = fix (machine-to-∀'' k)
+   machine-to-∀ : Machine X -> L℧F X
+   machine-to-∀ m k = fix (machine-to-∀'' k) m
+   retr : retract ∀-to-machine machine-to-∀
+   retr l with ( (L℧F-iso H-irrel) l)
+   ... | inl (inl x) = clock-ext (λ k → {!!})
+   ... | inl (inr _) = {!!}
+   ... | inr x = {!!}
+  -- Showing these are inverses requires a notion of equality for Machines,
+  -- which is the bisimilarity relation defined below.
+-- Bisimilarity relation on Machines.
+module Bisim (X : Predomain k0) (H-irrel : clock-irrel ⟨ X ⟩) where
+  -- Mutually define coinductive bisimilarity of machines
+  -- along with the relation on states of a machine.
+  record _≋_ (m m' : Machine ⟨ X ⟩) : Type
+  _≋''_ : State ⟨ X ⟩ -> State ⟨ X ⟩ -> Type
+  result x ≋'' result x' = rel k0 X x x'
+  error ≋'' error = ⊤
+  running m ≋'' running m' = m ≋ m' -- using the coinductive bisimilarity on machines
+  _ ≋'' _ = ⊥
+  data _≋'_ (s s' : State ⟨ X ⟩) : Type
+  record _≋_ m m' where
+    coinductive
+    field prove : view m ≋' view m'
+  data _≋'_ s s' where
+    con : s ≋'' s' -> s ≋' s'
+  open _≋_ public
+∀-to-machine : (L℧F X) -> (Machine (X ⊎ ⊤))
+view (∀-to-machine l) with (l k0)
+... | η x   = inl (inl x)  -- done (inl x) }
+... | ℧     = inl (inr tt) -- done (inr tt) }
+... | θ lx~ = inr (tt , (∀-to-machine l)) -- running }
+machine-to-∀ : Machine (X ⊎ ⊤) -> L℧F X
+machine-to-∀ m with (view m)
+... | inl (inl x) = λ k -> η x
+... | inl (inr tt) = λ k -> ℧
+... | inr (tt , m') = λ k -> θ λ t → machine-to-∀ m' k
+isom : {X : Type} -> Iso (L℧F X) (Machine (X ⊎ ⊤))
+isom {X} = iso ∀-to-machine machine-to-∀ sec retr
+  where
+    sec : section ∀-to-machine machine-to-∀
+    sec m with (view m)
+    ... | inl (inl x) = {!!}
+    ... | inl (inr tt) = {!!}
+    ... | inr (_ , m') = {!!}
+    retr : retract ∀-to-machine machine-to-∀
+    retr l with (l k0) in eq
+    ... | η x = clock-ext {!!}
+    ... | ℧ = clock-ext {!!}
+    ... | θ l~ = {!!}
diff --git a/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Results/IntensionalAdequacy.agda b/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Results/IntensionalAdequacy.agda
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b4a0d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Results/IntensionalAdequacy.agda
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+{-# OPTIONS --cubical --rewriting --guarded #-}
+{-# OPTIONS --guardedness #-}
+ -- to allow opening this module in other files while there are still holes
+{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
+open import Common.Later
+module Results.IntensionalAdequacy where
+open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
+open import Cubical.Data.Nat renaming (ℕ to Nat) hiding (_·_ ; _^_)
+open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order
+open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
+open import Cubical.Data.Empty.Base renaming (rec to exFalso)
+open import Cubical.Data.Sum
+open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
+open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
+open import Cubical.Data.Unit renaming (Unit to ⊤)
+open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
+open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
+open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
+import Semantics.StrongBisimulation
+import Common.MonFuns
+import Syntax.GradualSTLC
+open import Common.Common
+-- TODO move definition of Predomain to a module that
+-- isn't parameterized by a clock!
+  variable
+    l : Level
+    X : Type l
+-- Lift monad
+open Semantics.StrongBisimulation
+-- open StrongBisimulation.LiftPredomain
+-- "Global" definitions
+L℧F : (X : Type) -> Type
+L℧F X = ∀ (k : Clock) -> L℧ k X
+ηF : {X : Type} -> X -> L℧F X
+ηF {X} x = λ k → η x
+℧F : {X : Type} -> L℧F X
+℧F = λ k -> ℧
+θF : {X : Type} -> L℧F X -> L℧F X
+θF lx = λ k → θ (λ t → lx k)
+δ-gl : {X : Type} -> L℧F X -> L℧F X
+δ-gl lx = λ k → δ k (lx k)
+δ-gl^n : (lxF : L℧F Nat) -> (n : Nat) -> (k : Clock) ->
+      ((δ-gl) ^ n) lxF k ≡ ((δ k) ^ n) (lxF k)
+δ-gl^n lxF zero k = refl
+δ-gl^n lxF (suc n') k = cong (δ k) (δ-gl^n lxF n' k)
+ _Iso⟨_⟩_  : {ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' : Level} {B : Type ℓ'} {C : Type ℓ''}
+              (X : Type ℓ) →
+              Iso X B → Iso B C → Iso X C
+  _∎Iso     : {ℓ : Level} (A : Type ℓ) → Iso A A
+   Σ-Π-Iso   : {ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' : Level} {A : Type ℓ} {B : A → Type ℓ'}
+              {C : (a : A) → B a → Type ℓ''} →
+              Iso ((a : A) → Σ-syntax (B a) (C a))
+                  (Σ-syntax ((a : A) → B a) (λ f → (a : A) → C a (f a)))
+   codomainIsoDep
+            : {ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' : Level} {A : Type ℓ} {B : A → Type ℓ'}
+              {C : A → Type ℓ''} →
+              ((a : A) → Iso (B a) (C a)) → Iso ((a : A) → B a) ((a : A) → C a)
+   ⊎Iso      : {A.ℓa : Level} {A : Type A.ℓa} {C.ℓc : Level}
+              {C : Type C.â„“c} {B.â„“b : Level} {B : Type B.â„“b} {D.â„“d : Level}
+              {D : Type D.ℓd} →
+              Iso A C → Iso B D → Iso (A ⊎ B) (C ⊎ D)
+Unit-clock-irrel : clock-irrel Unit
+Unit-clock-irrel M k k' with M k | M k'
+...  | tt | tt = refl
+∀kL℧-▹-Iso : {X : Type} -> Iso ((k : Clock) -> ▹_,_ k (L℧ k X)) ((k : Clock) -> L℧ k X) 
+∀kL℧-▹-Iso = force-iso
+∀clock-Σ : {A : Type} -> {B : A -> Clock -> Type} ->
+    -- (∀ a k -> clock-irrel (B a k)) ->
+    clock-irrel A ->
+    (∀ (k : Clock) -> Σ A (λ a -> B a k)) ->
+    Σ A (λ a -> ∀ (k : Clock) -> B a k)
+∀clock-Σ {A} {B} H-clk-irrel H =
+    let a = fst (H k0) in
+      a , (λ k -> transport
+                   (λ i → B (H-clk-irrel (fst ∘ H) k k0 i) k)
+                   (snd (H k)))
+  -- NTS:  B (fst (H k)) k ≡ B (fst (H k0)) k
+  -- i.e. essentially need to show that fst (H k) ≡ fst (H k0)
+  -- This follows from clock irrelevance for A, with M = fst ∘ H of type Clock -> A
+Iso-Π-⊎ : {A B : Clock -> Type} ->
+  Iso ((k : Clock) -> (A k ⊎ B k)) (((k : Clock) -> A k) ⊎ ((k : Clock) -> B k))
+Iso-Π-⊎ {A} {B} = iso to inv sec retr
+  where
+    to : ((k : Clock) → A k ⊎ B k) → ((k : Clock) → A k) ⊎ ((k : Clock) → B k)
+    to f with f k0
+    ... | inl a = inl (λ k → transport (type-clock-irrel A k0 k) a)
+    ... | inr b = inr (λ k → transport (type-clock-irrel B k0 k) b)
+    inv : ((k : Clock) → A k) ⊎ ((k : Clock) → B k) -> ((k : Clock) → A k ⊎ B k)
+    inv (inl f) k = inl (f k)
+    inv (inr f) k = inr (f k)
+    sec : section to inv
+    sec (inl f) = cong inl (clock-ext λ k -> {!!})
+    sec (inr f) = cong inr (clock-ext (λ k -> {!!}))
+    retr : retract to inv
+    retr f with (f k0)
+    ... | inl a = clock-ext (λ k → {!!})
+    ... | inr b = {!!}
+  {-
+  transport-filler
+            : {ℓ : Level} {A B : Type ℓ} (p : A ≡ B) (x : A) →
+              PathP (λ i → p i) x (transport p x)
+  -}              
+L℧-iso : {k : Clock} -> {X : Type} -> Iso (L℧ k X) ((X ⊎ ⊤) ⊎ (▹_,_ k (L℧ k X)))
+L℧-iso {k} {X} = iso f g sec retr
+  where
+    f : L℧ k X → (X ⊎ ⊤) ⊎ (▹ k , L℧ k X)
+    f (η x) = inl (inl x)
+    f ℧ = inl (inr tt)
+    f (θ lx~) = inr lx~
+    g : (X ⊎ ⊤) ⊎ (▹ k , L℧ k X) -> L℧ k X
+    g (inl (inl x)) = η x
+    g (inl (inr tt)) = ℧
+    g (inr lx~) = θ lx~
+    sec : section f g
+    sec (inl (inl x)) = refl
+    sec (inl (inr tt)) = refl
+    sec (inr lx~) = refl
+    retr : retract f g
+    retr (η x) = refl
+    retr ℧ = refl
+    retr (θ x) = refl
+L℧F-iso : {X : Type} -> clock-irrel X -> Iso (L℧F X) ((X ⊎ ⊤) ⊎ (L℧F X))
+L℧F-iso {X} H-irrel-X =
+  (∀ k -> L℧ k X)
+          Iso⟨ codomainIsoDep (λ k -> L℧-iso) ⟩
+  (∀ k -> (X ⊎ ⊤) ⊎ (▹_,_ k (L℧ k X)))
+          Iso⟨ Iso-Π-⊎ ⟩
+  (∀ (k : Clock) -> (X ⊎ ⊤)) ⊎ (∀ k -> ▹_,_ k (L℧ k X))
+          Iso⟨ ⊎Iso Iso-Π-⊎ idIso ⟩
+  ((∀ (k : Clock) -> X) ⊎ (∀ (k : Clock) -> ⊤)) ⊎
+       (∀ k -> ▹_,_ k (L℧ k X))
+          Iso⟨ ⊎Iso (⊎Iso (Iso-∀kA-A H-irrel-X) (Iso-∀kA-A Unit-clock-irrel)) force-iso ⟩
+  (X ⊎ ⊤) ⊎ (L℧F X) ∎Iso
+unfold-L℧F : {X : Type} -> clock-irrel X -> (L℧F X) ≡ ((X ⊎ ⊤) ⊎ (L℧F X))
+unfold-L℧F H = ua (isoToEquiv (L℧F-iso H))
+-- Adequacy of lock-step relation
+module AdequacyLockstep
+  where
+  open Semantics.StrongBisimulation
+  open Semantics.StrongBisimulation.LiftPredomain
+  _≾-gl_ : {p : Predomain k0} -> (L℧F ⟨ p ⟩) -> (L℧F ⟨ p ⟩) -> Type
+  _≾-gl_ {p} lx ly = ∀ (k : Clock) -> _≾_ k p (lx k) (ly k)
+  -- _≾'_ : {k : Clock} -> L℧ k Nat → L℧ k Nat → Type
+  -- _≾'_ {k} = {!!}
+  -- These should probably be moved to the module where _≾'_ is defined.
+  ≾'-℧ : {k : Clock} -> (lx : L℧ k Nat) ->
+    _≾'_ k (ℕ k0) lx ℧ -> lx ≡ ℧
+  ≾'-℧ (η x) ()
+  ≾'-℧ ℧ _ = refl
+  ≾'-℧ (θ x) ()
+  ≾'-θ : {k : Clock} -> (lx : L℧ k Nat) -> (ly~ : ▹_,_ k (L℧ k Nat)) ->
+    _≾'_ k (ℕ k0) lx (θ ly~) ->
+    Σ (▹_,_ k (L℧ k Nat)) (λ lx~ -> lx ≡ θ lx~)
+  ≾'-θ (θ lz~) ly~ H = lz~ , refl
+  ≾'-θ ℧ ly~ x = {!!}
+  L℧F-▹alg : ((k : Clock) -> ▹_,_ k (L℧ k Nat)) -> L℧F Nat
+  L℧F-▹alg = λ lx~ → λ k → θ (lx~ k)
+  L℧F-▹alg' : ((k : Clock) -> ▹_,_ k (L℧ k Nat)) -> L℧F Nat
+  L℧F-▹alg' = λ lx~ → λ k → θ (λ t → lx~ k t)
+  helper : {X : Type} -> {k : Clock} -> (M~ : â–¹_,_ k X) ->
+    next (M~ ◇) ≡ M~
+  helper M~ = next-Mt≡M M~ ◇
+  adequate-err' :
+    (m : Nat) ->
+    (lxF : L℧F Nat) ->
+    (H-lx : _≾-gl_ {ℕ k0} lxF ((δ-gl ^ m) ℧F)) ->
+    (Σ (Nat) λ n -> (n ≤ m) × ((lxF ≡ (δ-gl ^ n) ℧F)))
+  adequate-err' zero lxF H-lx with ( (L℧F-iso nat-clock-irrel) lxF)
+  ... | inl (inl x) = zero , {!!}
+  ... | _ = {!!}
+  adequate-err' (suc m) = {!!}
+  adequate-err :
+    (m : Nat) ->
+    (lxF : L℧F Nat) ->
+    (H-lx : _≾-gl_ {ℕ k0} lxF ((δ-gl ^ m) ℧F)) ->
+    (Σ (Nat) λ n -> (n ≤ m) × ((lxF ≡ (δ-gl ^ n) ℧F)))
+  adequate-err zero lxF H-lxF =
+    let H' = transport (λ i -> ∀ k -> unfold-≾ k (ℕ k0) i (lxF k) (℧F k)) H-lxF in
+        zero , ≤-refl , clock-ext λ k → ≾'-℧ (lxF k) (H' k)
+           -- H' says that for all k, (lxF k) ≾' (℧F k) i.e.
+           -- for all k, (lxF k) ≾' ℧, which means, by definition of ≾',
+           -- for all k, (lxF k) = ℧, which means, by clock extensionality,
+           -- that lxF = ℧F.
+  adequate-err (suc m') lxF H-lxF =
+    let IH = adequate-err m' (λ k → fst (fst (aux k)) ◇) (λ k → snd (aux k))
+    in {!!}
+      where
+        aux : (k : Clock) -> (Σ (▹ k , L℧ k Nat) (λ lx~ → lxF k ≡ θ lx~)) × _
+        aux k =  let RHS = (((δ-gl ^ m') ℧F) k) in
+                 let RHS' = (δ k RHS) in
+                 let H1 = transport (λ i -> unfold-≾ k (ℕ k0) i (lxF k) RHS') (H-lxF k) in
+                 let pair = ≾'-θ (lxF k) (next RHS) H1 in 
+                 let H2 = transport (λ i → _≾'_ k (ℕ k0) (snd pair i) RHS') H1 in
+                 let H3 = transport ((λ i -> (t : Tick k) -> _≾_ k (ℕ k0) (tick-irrelevance (fst pair) t ◇ i) RHS)) H2 in
+                 pair , (H3 â—‡)
+    {-
+    let H' = transport
+               (λ i -> ∀ k -> unfold-≾ k (ℕ k0) i (lxF k) ((δ-gl ((δ-gl ^ n) ℧F)) k)) H-lxF in
+    let H'' = transport (λ i -> ∀ k -> _≾'_ k (ℕ k0) (snd (≾'-θ (lxF k) (next ((δ-gl ^ n) ℧F k)) (H' k)) i) (δ k (((δ-gl ^ n) ℧F) k)) ) H' in
+    let IH = adequate-err n lxF {!!} in {!!}
+    -}
+      -- H-lxF says that lx ≾-gl (δ-gl ((δ-gl ^ n) ℧F))
+      -- H' says that for all k, (lxF k) ≾' (δ-gl ((δ-gl ^ n) ℧F)) k
+      -- i.e. for all k, (lxF k) ≾' δ k (((δ-gl ^ n) ℧F) k)
+      -- By inversion on ≾', this means that
+      -- for all k, there exists lx~ : ▹k (L℧ k Nat)
+      -- such that (lxF k) ≡ θ lx~, and
+      -- ▸k ( λ t -> lx~ t ≾ (next (((δ-gl ^ n) ℧F) k)) t )
+      -- ▸k ( λ t -> lx~ t ≾ (((δ-gl ^ n) ℧F) k) )
+module AdequacyBisim where
+  open Semantics.StrongBisimulation
+  open Semantics.StrongBisimulation.Bisimilarity
+  open Inductive
+  open Bisimilarity.Properties
+  -- Some properties of the global bisimilarity relation
+  module GlobalBisim (p : Predomain k0) where
+    _≈-gl_ : (L℧F ⟨ p ⟩) -> (L℧F ⟨ p ⟩) -> Type
+    _≈-gl_ lx ly = ∀ (k : Clock) -> _≈_ k p (lx k) (ly k)
+    ≈-gl-δ-elim : (lx ly : L℧F ⟨ p ⟩) ->
+      _≈-gl_ (δ-gl lx) (δ-gl ly) ->
+      _≈-gl_ lx ly
+    ≈-gl-δ-elim lx ly H = force' H'
+      where
+        H' : ∀ k -> ▹_,_ k (_≈_ k p (lx k) (ly k))
+        H' = transport (λ i → ∀ k -> unfold-≈ k p i (δ k (lx k)) (δ k (ly k))) H
+   -- H  :   (δ-gl lx) ≈-gl (δ-gl ly)
+   -- i.e.   ∀ k . (δ k (lx k)) ≈ (δ k (ly k))
+   -- i.e.   ∀ k . (δ k (lx k)) ≈' (δ k (ly k))
+   -- i.e.   ∀ k . ▸ (λ t -> (next (lx k) t) ≈ (next (ly k) t))
+   -- i.e.   ∀ k . ▸ (λ t -> (lx k) ≈ (ly k))
+   -- i.e.   ∀ k . ▹ ((lx k) ≈ (ly k))
+   -- By force we then have: ∀ k . lx k ≈ ly k
+    ≈-gl-δ : (lx ly : L℧F ⟨ p ⟩) ->
+      _≈-gl_ (δ-gl lx) ly -> _≈-gl_ lx ly
+    ≈-gl-δ lx ly H = {!!}
+      where
+        H' : {!!}
+        H' = {!!}
+  open GlobalBisim (â„• k0)
+  adequate-err :
+    (m : Nat) ->
+    (lxF : L℧F Nat) ->
+    (H-lx : _≈-gl_ lxF ((δ-gl ^ m) ℧F)) ->
+    (Σ (Nat) λ n -> ((lxF ≡ (δ-gl ^ n) ℧F)))
+  adequate-err zero lxF H-lx = (fst H3) , clock-ext (snd H4)
+    where
+      H1 : (k : Clock) -> _≈'_ k (ℕ k0) (next (_≈_ k (ℕ k0))) (lxF k) (℧F k)
+      H1 = transport (λ i → ∀ k -> unfold-≈ k (ℕ k0) i (lxF k) (℧F k)) H-lx
+      H2 : (k : Clock) -> Σ Nat (λ n → lxF k ≡ (δ k ^ n) ℧)
+      H2 k = ≈-℧ k (ℕ k0) (lxF k) (H1 k)
+      H3 : Σ Nat (λ n -> ∀ (k : Clock) -> lxF k ≡ (δ k ^ n) ℧)
+      H3 = ∀clock-Σ nat-clock-irrel H2
+      --δ-gl^n : (lxF : L℧F Nat) -> (n : Nat) -> (k : Clock) ->
+      --  ((δ-gl) ^ n) lxF k ≡ ((δ k) ^ n) (lxF k)
+      H4 : Σ Nat (λ n -> ∀ (k : Clock) -> lxF k ≡ (δ-gl ^ n) ℧F k)
+      H4 = (fst H3) , (λ k → lxF k ≡⟨ snd H3 k ⟩ (sym (δ-gl^n ℧F (fst H3) k)))
+     -- NTS: lxF k ≡ (δ-gl ^ fst H3) ℧F k
+  adequate-err (suc m') lxF H-lx = {!!}
diff --git a/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Semantics.agda b/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Semantics/Semantics.agda
similarity index 69%
rename from formalizations/guarded-cubical/Semantics.agda
rename to formalizations/guarded-cubical/Semantics/Semantics.agda
index 02ba34f..f8b1242 100644
--- a/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Semantics.agda
+++ b/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Semantics/Semantics.agda
@@ -2,10 +2,14 @@
  -- to allow opening this module in other files while there are still holes
 {-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
+{-# OPTIONS --lossy-unification #-} -- Makes type-checking *much* faster
+-- (Otherwise, finding the implicit arguments for the definitions in EP-arrow
+-- takes a long time)
+-- See
-open import Later
+open import Common.Later
-module Semantics (k : Clock) where
+module Semantics.Semantics (k : Clock) where
 open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
 open import Cubical.Data.Nat renaming (â„• to Nat) hiding (_^_)
@@ -22,22 +26,26 @@ open import Cubical.Data.Empty
 open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
-open import StrongBisimulation k
-open import GradualSTLC
-open import SyntacticTermPrecision k
-open import Lemmas k
-open import MonFuns k
+open import Common.Common
+open import Semantics.StrongBisimulation k
+open import Syntax.GradualSTLC
+-- open import SyntacticTermPrecision k
+open import Common.Lemmas k
+open import Common.MonFuns k
     l : Level
     A B : Set l
+    â„“ â„“' : Level
   ▹_ : Set l → Set l
   â–¹_ A = â–¹_,_ k A
-open 𝕃
+open LiftPredomain using (𝕃 ; ord-η-monotone ; ord-δ-monotone ; ord-bot )
 -- Denotations of Types
@@ -114,40 +122,46 @@ DynP-rel : ∀ d1 d2 ->
   rel DynP (DynP'-to-DynP d1) (DynP'-to-DynP d2)
 DynP-rel d1 d2 d1≤d2 = transport
   (λ i → rel (unfold-DynP (~ i))
-    (transport-filler (λ j -> ⟨ unfold-DynP (~ j) ⟩) d1 i)
+    (transport-filler (λ j -> ⟨ unfold-DynP (~ j) ⟩) d1 i) -- can also just use (sym unfold-⟨DynP⟩) and remove the λ j
     (transport-filler (λ j -> ⟨ unfold-DynP (~ j) ⟩) d2 i))
-rel-lemma : ∀ d1 d2 ->
-  rel (DynP' (next DynP)) d1 d2 ->
-  rel DynP (transport (sym unfold-⟨DynP⟩) d1) (transport (sym unfold-⟨DynP⟩) d2)
-rel-lemma d1 d2 d1≤d2 = {!!}
-  (λ i -> rel (unfold-DynP (~ i))
-    (transport-filler (λ j -> sym unfold-⟨DynP⟩ j ) d1 i)
-    {!!}
-    --(transport-filler (sym unfold-⟨DynP⟩) d1 i)
-    --(transport-filler (sym unfold-⟨DynP⟩) d2 i)
-  )
+DynP'-rel : ∀ d1 d2 ->
+  rel DynP d1 d2 ->
+  rel (DynP' (next DynP)) (DynP-to-DynP' d1) (DynP-to-DynP' d2)
+DynP'-rel d1 d2 d1≤d2 = transport
+  (λ i → rel (unfold-DynP i)
+    (transport-filler (λ j -> ⟨ unfold-DynP j ⟩) d1 i) -- can also just use unfold-⟨DynP⟩ and remove the λ j
+    (transport-filler (λ j -> ⟨ unfold-DynP j ⟩) d2 i))
 -- *** Embedding-projection pairs ***
+-- open MonRel
+-- open MonFun
+-- open LiftRelation
-record EP (A B : Predomain) : Set where
+record EP (A B : Predomain) : Type (â„“-suc â„“-zero)  where
+  open LiftPredomain using () renaming (_≾_ to _≾hom_)
+  open LiftRelation
+  open MonRel
+  open MonFun
     emb : MonFun A B
     proj : MonFun B (𝕃 A)
     wait-l-e : ⟨ A ==> A ⟩
-    wait-l-p : ⟨ 𝕃 A ==> 𝕃 A ⟩
+    wait-l-p : ⟨ A ==> 𝕃 A ⟩
     wait-r-e : ⟨ B ==> B ⟩
-    wait-r-p : ⟨ 𝕃 B ==> 𝕃 B ⟩
+    wait-r-p : ⟨ B ==> 𝕃 B ⟩
+    R : MonRel A B
+    upR     : fun-order-het A A A B          (rel A) (MonRel.R R) (wait-l-e .f) (emb .f)
+    upL     : fun-order-het A B B B          (MonRel.R R) (rel B) (emb .f) (wait-r-e .f)
+    dnL     : fun-order-het B B (𝕃 A) (𝕃 B) (rel B) (_≾_ A B (MonRel.R R)) (proj .f) (wait-r-p .f)
+    dnR     : fun-order-het A B (𝕃 A) (𝕃 A) (MonRel.R R) (_≾hom_ A)          (wait-l-p .f) (proj .f)
 -- Identity E-P pair
@@ -155,11 +169,18 @@ record EP (A B : Predomain) : Set where
 EP-id : (A : Predomain) -> EP A A
 EP-id A = record {
   emb = record { f = id ; isMon = λ x≤y → x≤y };
-  proj = record { f = ret ; isMon = ord-η-monotone A };
+  proj = mCompU Δ mRet ; -- record { f = ret ; isMon = ord-η-monotone A };
   wait-l-e = Id;
-  wait-l-p = Id;
+  wait-l-p = mCompU Δ mRet;
   wait-r-e = Id;
-  wait-r-p = Id}
+  wait-r-p = mCompU Δ mRet;
+  R = predomain-monrel A;
+  upR = λ a a' a≤a' → a≤a';
+  upL = λ a a' a≤a' → a≤a';
+  dnL = λ a a' a≤a' → ord-δ-monotone A (ord-η-monotone A a≤a') ; -- (ord-η-monotone A a≤a');
+  dnR = λ a a' a≤a' → ord-δ-monotone A (ord-η-monotone A a≤a') } -- ord-η-monotone A a≤a'}
@@ -192,101 +213,226 @@ p-nat = {!!} -- S DynP (K DynP p-nat') (mTransport unfold-DynP)
   -- mTransportDomain (sym unfold-DynP) p-nat'
+-- TODO add in delays for the projection and wait-p functions
 EP-nat : EP â„• DynP
 EP-nat = record {
   emb = e-nat;
   proj = p-nat;
   wait-l-e = Id;
-  wait-l-p = Id;
+  wait-l-p = mRet;
   wait-r-e = Id;
-  wait-r-p = Id}
--- E-P Pair for monotone functions Dyn to L℧ Dyn
+  wait-r-p = mRet;
+  R = record {
+    R = λ n d -> R' n (DynP-to-DynP' d) ;
+    isAntitone = λ {n} {n'} {d} n≤d n'≤n → {!!} ;
+    isMonotone = λ {n} {d} {d'} n≤d d≤d' ->
+      isMonotone' n≤d (DynP'-rel d d' d≤d') } ;
-e-fun : MonFun (DynP ==> (𝕃 DynP)) DynP
-e-fun = record { f = e-fun-f ; isMon = e-fun-mon }
-  where
-    e-fun-f : ⟨ DynP ==> (𝕃 DynP) ⟩ -> ⟨ DynP ⟩
-    e-fun-f f = DynP'-to-DynP (fun (next f))
+  upR = λ n n' n≤n' → {!!};
+  upL = λ n d n≤d → {!!};
-    e-fun-mon :
-      {f1 f2 : ⟨ DynP ==> (𝕃 DynP) ⟩} ->
-      rel (DynP ==> (𝕃 DynP)) f1 f2 ->
-      rel DynP (e-fun-f f1) (e-fun-f f2)
-    e-fun-mon {f1} {f2} f1≤f2 =
-      DynP-rel (fun (next f1)) (fun (next f2)) (λ t d1 d2 d1≤d2 → {!!})
+  dnL = λ d d' d≤d' → {!!};
+  dnR = λ n d n≤d → {!!}
+  }
+    where
+      R' : ⟨ ℕ ⟩ -> ⟨ DynP' (next DynP) ⟩ -> Type
+      R' n (nat n') = n ≡ n'
+      R' n (fun _) = ⊥
-p-fun : MonFun DynP (𝕃 (DynP ==> (𝕃 DynP)))
-p-fun = record { f = p-fun-f ; isMon = {!!} }
-  where
+      R : ⟨ ℕ ⟩ -> ⟨ DynP ⟩ -> Type
+      R n d = R' n (DynP-to-DynP' d)
-    p-fun-f' : ⟨ DynP' (next DynP) ⟩ -> ⟨ 𝕃 (DynP ==> (𝕃 DynP)) ⟩
-    p-fun-f' (nat n) = ℧
-    p-fun-f' (fun f) = θ (λ t → η (f t))
-    -- f : ▸ (λ t → MonFun (next DynP t) (𝕃 (next DynP t)))
+      isMonotone' : {n : ⟨ ℕ ⟩} {d d' : ⟨ DynP' (next DynP) ⟩}  →
+        R' n d →
+        rel (DynP' (next DynP)) d d' →
+        R' n d'
+      isMonotone' {n} {nat n1} {nat n2} n≡n1 n1≡n2 =
+        n ≡⟨ n≡n1 ⟩ n1 ≡⟨ n1≡n2 ⟩ n2 ∎
-    p-fun-f : ⟨ DynP ⟩ -> ⟨ 𝕃 (DynP ==> (𝕃 DynP)) ⟩
-    -- p-fun-f d = p-fun-f' (transport unfold-⟨DynP⟩ d)
-    p-fun-f d = p-fun-f' (transport (λ i -> ⟨ unfold-DynP i ⟩) d)
-EP-fun : EP (arr' DynP (𝕃 DynP)) DynP
+-- E-P Pair for monotone functions Dyn to L℧ Dyn
+-- This is parameterized by the waiting information of the EP-pair below it,
+-- in order for the projection/wait left function to remain in sync with the
+-- child's wait-right function (required for composition to be defined)
+EP-fun : EP (DynP ==> (𝕃 DynP)) DynP
 EP-fun = record {
   emb = e-fun;
   proj = p-fun;
-  wait-l-e = Id;
-  wait-l-p = Δ;
+  -- This is equal to the identity!
+  wait-l-e = Curry (
+    (mMap' (With2nd (EP.wait-l-e (EP-id DynP)))) ∘m
+    (Uncurry mExt) ∘m
+    (With2nd (EP.wait-l-p (EP-id DynP))) ∘m
+    π2
+  );
+  wait-l-p = mRet' (DynP ==> 𝕃 DynP) (Curry (
+    With2nd (U mExt (EP.wait-l-p (EP-id DynP))) ∘m
+    App ∘m
+    With2nd (EP.wait-l-e (EP-id DynP)))) ;
   wait-r-e = Id;
-  wait-r-p = Δ}
+  wait-r-p = record {
+    f = λ d → mapL DynP'-to-DynP (wait-r-p-fun (DynP-to-DynP' d)) ;
+    isMon = {!!} } ;
+  R = R ;
+  upR = λ n n' n≤n' → {!!};
+  upL = λ n d n≤d → {!!};
+  dnL = λ d d' d≤d' → {!!};
+  dnR = λ n d n≤d → {!!}
+  }
+    where
+      e-fun : MonFun (DynP ==> (𝕃 DynP)) DynP
+      e-fun = record { f = e-fun-f ; isMon = e-fun-mon }
+        where
+          e-fun-f : ⟨ DynP ==> (𝕃 DynP) ⟩ -> ⟨ DynP ⟩
+          e-fun-f f = DynP'-to-DynP (fun (next f))
+          e-fun-mon :
+            {f1 f2 : ⟨ DynP ==> (𝕃 DynP) ⟩} ->
+            rel (DynP ==> (𝕃 DynP)) f1 f2 ->
+            rel DynP (e-fun-f f1) (e-fun-f f2)
+          e-fun-mon {f1} {f2} f1≤f2 =
+            DynP-rel (fun (next f1)) (fun (next f2)) (λ t d1 d2 d1≤d2 → {!!})
+      p-fun : MonFun DynP (𝕃 (DynP ==> (𝕃 DynP)))
+      p-fun = record { f = p-fun-f ; isMon = {!!} }
+        where
+          p-fun-f' : ⟨ DynP' (next DynP) ⟩ -> ⟨ 𝕃 (DynP ==> (𝕃 DynP)) ⟩
+          p-fun-f' (nat n) = ℧
+          p-fun-f' (fun f) = θ (λ t → η (f t))
+    -- f : ▸ (λ t → MonFun (next DynP t) (𝕃 (next DynP t)))
+          p-fun-f : ⟨ DynP ⟩ -> ⟨ 𝕃 (DynP ==> (𝕃 DynP)) ⟩
+          -- p-fun-f d = p-fun-f' (transport unfold-⟨DynP⟩ d)
+          p-fun-f d = p-fun-f' (transport (λ i -> ⟨ unfold-DynP i ⟩) d)
+      wait-l-p-fun : ⟨   ( (DynP' (next DynP)) ==> 𝕃 (DynP' (next DynP)) ) ⟩ ->
+                     ⟨ 𝕃 ( (DynP' (next DynP)) ==> 𝕃 (DynP' (next DynP)) ) ⟩
+      wait-l-p-fun d = δ (η d) -- is this correct?                   
+      wait-r-p-fun : ⟨ DynP' (next DynP) ⟩ -> ⟨ 𝕃 (DynP' (next DynP)) ⟩
+      wait-r-p-fun (nat n) = η (nat n)
+      wait-r-p-fun (fun f) = θ (next (η (fun f)))
+     {-
+      R' : ⟨ DynP ==> 𝕃 DynP ⟩ -> ⟨ DynP' (next DynP) ⟩ -> Type
+      R' f (nat n) = ⊥
+      R' f (fun f') = ▸ λ t ->
+        fun-order-het DynP DynP (𝕃 DynP) (𝕃 DynP)
+        (rel DynP)
+        (LiftRelation._≾_ DynP DynP (rel DynP))
+        (MonFun.f f) (MonFun.f (f' t))
+      -}
+      R' : ⟨ DynP ==> 𝕃 DynP ⟩ -> ⟨ DynP' (next DynP) ⟩ -> Type
+      R' f (nat n) = ⊥
+      R' f (fun f') = ▸ λ t ->
+        mon-fun-order DynP (𝕃 DynP) f (f' t)
+      R : MonRel (DynP ==> 𝕃 DynP) DynP
+      R = record {
+        R = λ f d → R' f (DynP-to-DynP' d) ;
+        isAntitone = λ {f} {f'} {d} f≤d f'≤f → {!!} ;
+        isMonotone = λ {f} {d} {d'} f≤d d≤d' -> monotone' f≤d (DynP'-rel d d' d≤d') }
+        where
+          monotone' :  {f : ⟨ DynP ==> 𝕃 DynP ⟩} {d d' : ⟨ DynP' (next DynP) ⟩}  →
+            R' f d →
+            rel (DynP' (next DynP)) d d' ->
+            R' f d'
+          monotone' {f} {fun f~} {fun g~} f≤d d≤d' =
+            λ t → mon-fun-order-trans f (f~ t) (g~ t) (f≤d t) (d≤d' t)
 -- Composing EP pairs
+-- We can compose EP pairs provided that the "middle" wait functions
+-- satisfy a "coherence" condition.
 module EPComp
   {A B C : Predomain}
-  (epAB : EP A B)
-  (epBC : EP B C) where
+  (d' : EP B C)
+  (d : EP A B)
+  (⊑-wait-rl-e : rel (B ==> B)   (EP.wait-r-e d) (EP.wait-l-e d'))
+  (⊑-wait-rl-p : rel (B ==> 𝕃 B) (EP.wait-r-p d) (EP.wait-l-p d')) 
+  where
   open EP
   open MonFun
+  open MonRel
   comp-emb : ⟨ A ==> C ⟩
-  comp-emb = mCompU (emb epBC) (emb epAB)
-  -- A ! K A (emb epBC) <*> (emb epAB) -- mComp (emb epBC) (emb epAB)
+  comp-emb = mCompU (emb d') (emb d)
   comp-proj : ⟨ C ==> 𝕃 A ⟩
-  comp-proj = Bind C (proj epBC) (mCompU (proj epAB) π2)
-  --C ! (mExt' C (K C (proj epAB))) <*> (proj epBC)
-  -- mComp (mExt (proj epAB)) (proj epBC)
-  --  comp-proj-f =
-  --    λ c -> bind (f (proj epBC) c) (f (proj epAB)) ==
-  --    λ c -> ext  (f (proj epAB)) (f (proj epBC) c) ==
-  --    (ext (f (proj epAB))) ∘ (f (proj epBC c)) 
+  comp-proj = Bind C (proj d') (mCompU (proj d) π2)
   EP-comp : EP A C
   EP-comp = record {
     emb = comp-emb;
     proj = comp-proj;
-    wait-l-e = wait-l-e epAB;
-    wait-l-p = wait-l-p epAB;
-    wait-r-e = wait-r-e epBC;
-    wait-r-p = wait-r-p epBC}
+    wait-l-e = mCompU (wait-l-e d) (wait-l-e d);
+    wait-l-p = mCompU (mExtU (wait-l-p d)) (wait-l-p d);
+    wait-r-e = mCompU (wait-r-e d') (wait-r-e d');
+    wait-r-p = mCompU (mExtU (wait-r-p d')) (wait-r-p d');
+    R = CompMonRel (R d') (R d);
+    upR = λ a a' a≤a' →
+      emb d $ (wait-l-e d $ a)  ,
+      upR d (wait-l-e d $ a) (wait-l-e d $ a) (reflexive A _) ,
+      isAntitone (R d')
+        (upR d' (emb d $ a') (emb d $ a') (reflexive B _))
+        (transitive B
+           (emb d $ (wait-l-e d $ a))
+           (wait-r-e d $ (emb d $ a'))
+           (wait-l-e d' $ (emb d $ a'))
+           (upL d _ _ (upR d _ _ a≤a'))
+           (⊑-wait-rl-e _ _ (reflexive B _)));
+    upL = λ a c (b , a≤b , b≤c) → {!!};
+    dnL = λ c c' c≤c' → {!!};
+    dnR = λ a c a≤c → {!!} }
 -- Lifting EP pairs to 𝕃
 EP-lift : {A B : Predomain} -> EP A B -> EP (𝕃 A) (𝕃 B)
-EP-lift epAB =
+EP-lift {A} {B} d =
   record {
-    emb = U mMap (EP.emb epAB);
-    proj = U mMap (EP.proj epAB);
-    wait-l-e = U mMap (EP.wait-l-e epAB);
-    wait-l-p = U mMap (EP.wait-l-p epAB);
-    wait-r-e = U mMap (EP.wait-r-e epAB);
-    wait-r-p = U mMap (EP.wait-r-p epAB) }
+    emb = U mMap (EP.emb d);
+    proj = U mMap (EP.proj d);
+    wait-l-e = U mMap (EP.wait-l-e d);
+    wait-l-p = U mMap (EP.wait-l-p d);
+    wait-r-e = U mMap (EP.wait-r-e d);
+    wait-r-p = U mMap (EP.wait-r-p d);
+    R = LiftRelMon.R A B (EP.R d);
+    upR = λ la la' la≤la' → mapL-monotone-het (rel A) (MonRel.R (EP.R d)) (MonFun.f (EP.wait-l-e d)) (MonFun.f (EP.emb d)) (EP.upR d) la la' la≤la' ;
+    upL = λ la lb la≤lb   → mapL-monotone-het (MonRel.R (EP.R d)) (rel B) _ _ (EP.upL d) la lb la≤lb ;
+    dnL = {!!};
+    dnR = {!!}}
+      where open MonFun
+            open EP
 -- Lifting EP pairs to functions
@@ -302,53 +448,52 @@ module EPArrow
     p-arrow : ⟨ (A' ==> (𝕃 B')) ==> (𝕃 (A ==> (𝕃 B))) ⟩
     p-arrow = mFunProj A A' B B' (EP.emb epAA') (EP.proj epBB')
-    p-lift :
-      (A' -> L℧ B') -> L℧ (A -> L℧ B)
-    p-lift f =
-      ret (λ a → bind (f (EP.emb epAA' a)) (EP.proj epBB'))
 EP-arrow : {A A' B B' : Predomain} ->
   EP A A' ->
   EP B B' ->
   EP (A ==> (𝕃 B)) (A' ==> (𝕃 B'))
-EP-arrow epAA' epBB' = record {
+EP-arrow {A} {A'} {B} {B'} epAA' epBB' = record {
   emb = e-arrow;
   proj = p-arrow;
   wait-l-e = Curry (
     (mMap' (With2nd (EP.wait-l-e epBB'))) ∘m
     (Uncurry mExt) ∘m
     (With2nd (EP.wait-l-p epAA')) ∘m
-    (mRet' _ π2)
+    π2
   ) ;
-  wait-l-p = U mMap (Curry (
-    With2nd (EP.wait-l-p epBB') ∘m
+  wait-l-p = mRet' (A ==> 𝕃 B) (Curry (
+    With2nd (U mExt (EP.wait-l-p epBB')) ∘m
     App ∘m
-    With2nd (EP.wait-l-e epAA')
-  )) ;
+    With2nd (EP.wait-l-e epAA'))) ;
   wait-r-e = Curry (
     mMap' (With2nd (EP.wait-r-e epBB')) ∘m
     ((Uncurry mExt) ∘m
     (With2nd (EP.wait-r-p epAA') ∘m
-    (mRet' _ π2)))) ;
-  -- or : wait-r-e = Curry (mMap' (With2nd (EP.wait-r-e epBB')) ∘m ((Uncurry mExt) ∘m (With2nd (EP.wait-r-p epAA') ∘m (With2nd mRet)))) ;
+    π2))) ;
-  wait-r-p = U mMap (Curry (
-    With2nd (EP.wait-r-p epBB') ∘m
+  wait-r-p = mRet' (A' ==> 𝕃 B') (Curry (
+    With2nd (U mExt (EP.wait-r-p epBB')) ∘m
     App ∘m
-    With2nd (EP.wait-r-e epAA')
-  ))
+    With2nd (EP.wait-r-e epAA'))) ;
+  R = FunRel (EP.R epAA') {!!} ;
+  upR = λ p p' x p₁ p'' x₁ → {!!} ;
+  upL = {!!} ;
+  dnL = {!!} ;
+  dnR = {!!}
   where open EPArrow epAA' epBB'
@@ -720,17 +865,6 @@ UpR {Ai => Ao} M1 M2 (inj-arrow (cin' => cout')) dyn M1⊑M2 = {!!}
@@ -822,6 +956,4 @@ eta = {!!}
diff --git a/formalizations/guarded-cubical/StrongBisimulation.agda b/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Semantics/StrongBisimulation.agda
similarity index 80%
rename from formalizations/guarded-cubical/StrongBisimulation.agda
rename to formalizations/guarded-cubical/Semantics/StrongBisimulation.agda
index 895c8cb..0e4b10b 100644
--- a/formalizations/guarded-cubical/StrongBisimulation.agda
+++ b/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Semantics/StrongBisimulation.agda
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
  -- to allow opening this module in other files while there are still holes
 {-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
-open import Later
+open import Common.Later
-module StrongBisimulation(k : Clock) where
+module Semantics.StrongBisimulation(k : Clock) where
 open import Cubical.Relation.Binary
 open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Poset
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ open import Cubical.Data.Unit.Properties
 open import Agda.Primitive
+open import Common.Common
     l : Level
@@ -40,19 +42,44 @@ private
   â–¹_ A = â–¹_,_ k A
-id : {â„“ : Level} -> {A : Type â„“} -> A -> A
-id x = x
-_^_ : {â„“ : Level} -> {A : Type â„“} -> (A -> A) -> Nat -> A -> A
-f ^ zero = id
-f ^ suc n = f ∘ (f ^ n)
+Predomain' : {â„“ â„“' : Level} -> Type (â„“-max (â„“-suc â„“) (â„“-suc â„“'))
+Predomain' {â„“} {â„“'} = Poset â„“ â„“'
+-- The relation associated to a predomain d
+rel' : (d : Predomain') -> (⟨ d ⟩ -> ⟨ d ⟩ -> Type)
+rel' d = PosetStr._≤_ (d .snd)
+reflexive' : (d : Predomain') -> (x : ⟨ d ⟩) -> (rel' d x x)
+reflexive' d x = (PosetStr.isPoset (str d)) x
+transitive' : (d : Predomain') -> (x y z : ⟨ d ⟩) ->
+  rel' d x y -> rel' d y z -> rel' d x z
+transitive' d x y z x≤y y≤z =
+ (PosetStr.isPoset (str d)) x y z x≤y y≤z 
+test : Predomain' -> Predomain' -> Predomain'
+test A B =
+  (Path Predomain' A B) ,
+  posetstr (λ p1 p2 → rel' A {!p1 i0!} {!!} × {!!})
+    (isposet {!!} {!!} (λ a → {!!}) {!!} {!!}) 
 -- Define predomains as posets
 Predomain : Set₁
 Predomain = Poset â„“-zero â„“-zero
 -- The relation associated to a predomain d
 rel : (d : Predomain) -> (⟨ d ⟩ -> ⟨ d ⟩ -> Type)
 rel d = PosetStr._≤_ (d .snd)
@@ -83,6 +110,7 @@ record MonFun (X Y : Predomain) : Set where
 -- Specialize to the case of monotone functions and fill in the proof
 -- later
 -- Monotone relations between predomains X and Y
 -- (antitone in X, monotone in Y).
 record MonRel {â„“' : Level} (X Y : Predomain) : Type (â„“-suc â„“') where
@@ -102,6 +130,34 @@ predomain-monrel X = record {
   isMonotone = λ {x} {y} {y'} x≤y y≤y' -> transitive X x y y' x≤y y≤y' }
+compRel : {X Y Z : Type} ->
+  (R1 : Y -> Z -> Type â„“) ->
+  (R2 : X -> Y -> Type â„“) ->
+  (X -> Z -> Type â„“)
+compRel {ℓ} {X} {Y} {Z} R1 R2 x z = Σ[ y ∈ Y ] R2 x y × R1 y z
+CompMonRel : {X Y Z : Predomain} ->
+  MonRel {â„“} Y Z ->
+  MonRel {â„“} X Y ->
+  MonRel {â„“} X Z
+CompMonRel {â„“} {X} {Y} {Z} R1 R2 = record {
+  R = compRel (MonRel.R R1) (MonRel.R R2) ;
+  isAntitone = antitone ;
+  isMonotone = {!!} }
+    where
+      antitone : {x x' : ⟨ X ⟩} {z : ⟨ Z ⟩} ->
+        compRel (MonRel.R R1) (MonRel.R R2) x z ->
+        rel X x' x ->
+        compRel (MonRel.R R1) (MonRel.R R2) x' z 
+      antitone (y , xR2y , yR1z) x'≤x = y , (MonRel.isAntitone R2 xR2y x'≤x) , yR1z
+      monotone : {x : ⟨ X ⟩} {z z' : ⟨ Z ⟩} ->
+        compRel (MonRel.R R1) (MonRel.R R2) x z ->
+        rel Z z z' ->
+        compRel (MonRel.R R1) (MonRel.R R2) x z'
+      monotone (y , xR2y , yR1z) z≤z' = y , xR2y , (MonRel.isMonotone R1 yR1z z≤z')
 record IsMonFun {X Y : Predomain} (f : ⟨ X ⟩ → ⟨ Y ⟩) : Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ') where
@@ -408,6 +464,8 @@ UnitP = flat (Unit , isSetUnit)
 -- Predomains from arrows (need to ensure monotonicity)
 -- Ordering on functions between predomains. This does not require that the
 -- functions are monotone.
 fun-order-het : (P1 P1' P2 P2' : Predomain) ->
@@ -420,6 +478,8 @@ fun-order-het P1 P1' P2 P2' rel-P1P1' rel-P2P2' fP1P2 fP1'P2' =
   rel-P2P2' (fP1P2 p) (fP1'P2' p')
 -- TODO can define this in terms of fun-order-het
 fun-order : (P1 P2 : Predomain) -> (⟨ P1 ⟩ -> ⟨ P2 ⟩) -> (⟨ P1 ⟩ -> ⟨ P2 ⟩) -> Type ℓ-zero
 fun-order P1 P2 f1 f2 =
@@ -504,17 +564,6 @@ arr' P1 P2 =
     _≤P1_ = P1._≤_
     _≤P2_ = P2._≤_
-    {-
-    mon-fun-order : MonFun P1 P2 → MonFun P1 P2 → Type ℓ-zero
-    mon-fun-order mon-f1 mon-f2 =
-      fun-order P1 P2 (MonFun.f mon-f1) (MonFun.f mon-f2)
-    -}
-    {-
-    fun-order : MonFun P1 P2 → MonFun P1 P2 → Type ℓ-zero
-    fun-order mon-f1 mon-f2 =
-      (x y : ⟨ P1 ⟩) -> x ≤P1 y -> (mon-f1 .f) x ≤P2 (mon-f2 .f) y
-    -}
 _==>_ : Predomain -> Predomain -> Predomain
 A ==> B = arr' A B
@@ -522,6 +571,26 @@ A ==> B = arr' A B
 infixr 20 _==>_
+-- TODO show that this is a monotone relation
+-- TODO define version where the arguments are all monotone relations
+-- instead of arbitrary relations
+FunRel : {A A' B B' : Predomain} ->
+  MonRel {â„“-zero} A A' ->
+  MonRel {â„“-zero} B B' ->
+  MonRel {â„“-zero} (A ==> B) (A' ==> B')
+FunRel {A} {A'} {B} {B'} RAA' RBB' =
+  record {
+    R = λ f f' → fun-order-het A A' B B'
+                   (MonRel.R RAA') (MonRel.R RBB')
+                   (MonFun.f f) (MonFun.f f') ;
+    isAntitone = {!!} ;
+    isMonotone = λ {f} {f'} {g'} f≤f' f'≤g' a a' a≤a' →
+      MonRel.isMonotone RBB' (f≤f' a a' a≤a') {!!} } -- (f'≤g' a' a' (reflexive A' a')) }
 arr : Predomain -> ErrorDomain -> ErrorDomain
 arr dom cod =
   record {
@@ -538,9 +607,14 @@ arr dom cod =
        const-err-bot : (f : ⟨ arr' dom (𝕌 cod) ⟩) -> rel (arr' dom (𝕌 cod)) const-err f
        const-err-bot f = λ x y x≤y → ErrorDomain.℧⊥ cod (MonFun.f f y)
+-- Delay function
+δ : {X : Type} -> L℧ X -> L℧ X
+δ = θ ∘ next
+  where open L℧
 -- Lifting a heterogeneous relation between A and B to a
@@ -549,99 +623,57 @@ arr dom cod =
 module LiftRelation
   (A B : Predomain)
-  (ordAB : ⟨ A ⟩ -> ⟨ B ⟩ -> Type)
-  where
-  module A = PosetStr (A .snd)
-  module B = PosetStr (B .snd)
-  open A renaming (_≤_ to _≤A_)
-  open B renaming (_≤_ to _≤B_)
-  ord' : ▹ ( L℧ ⟨ A ⟩ → L℧ ⟨ B ⟩ → Type) ->
-             L℧ ⟨ A ⟩ → L℧ ⟨ B ⟩ → Type
-  ord' rec (η a) (η b) = ordAB a b
-  ord' rec ℧ lb = Unit
-  ord' rec (θ la~) (θ lb~) = ▸ (λ t → rec t (la~ t) (lb~ t))
-  ord' _ _ _ = ⊥
-  ord : L℧ ⟨ A ⟩ -> L℧ ⟨ B ⟩ -> Type
-  ord = fix ord'
-  unfold-ord : ord ≡ ord' (next ord)
-  unfold-ord = fix-eq ord'
-  ord-η-monotone : {a : ⟨ A ⟩} -> {b : ⟨ B ⟩} -> ordAB a b -> ord (η a) (η b)
-  ord-η-monotone {a} {b} a≤b = transport (sym (λ i → unfold-ord i (η a) (η b))) a≤b
-  ord-bot : (lb : L℧ ⟨ B ⟩) -> ord ℧ lb
-  ord-bot lb = transport (sym (λ i → unfold-ord i ℧ lb)) tt
-module LiftRelMonotone
-  (A B C : Predomain)
-  (ordAB : ⟨ A ⟩ -> ⟨ B ⟩ -> Type)
-  (ordBC : ⟨ B ⟩ -> ⟨ C ⟩ -> Type)
+  (RAB : ⟨ A ⟩ -> ⟨ B ⟩ -> Type)
   module A = PosetStr (A .snd)
   module B = PosetStr (B .snd)
-  module C = PosetStr (C .snd)
   open A renaming (_≤_ to _≤A_)
   open B renaming (_≤_ to _≤B_)
-  open C renaming (_≤_ to _≤C_)
-  open LiftRelation A B ordAB renaming (ord to ordLALB; unfold-ord to unfold-ordLALB)
-  open LiftRelation B C ordBC renaming (ord to ordLBLC; unfold-ord to unfold-ordLBLC)
+  module Inductive
+    (rec : ▹ ( L℧ ⟨ A ⟩ → L℧ ⟨ B ⟩ → Type)) where
-  ordAC : ⟨ A ⟩ -> ⟨ C ⟩ -> Type
-  ordAC a c = Σ ⟨ B ⟩ λ b → ordAB a b × ordBC b c
+    _≾'_ : L℧ ⟨ A ⟩ → L℧ ⟨ B ⟩ → Type
+    (η a) ≾' (η b) = RAB a b
+    ℧ ≾' lb = Unit
+    (θ la~) ≾' (θ lb~) = ▸ (λ t → rec t (la~ t) (lb~ t))
+    _ ≾' _ = ⊥
-  open LiftRelation A C ordAC renaming (ord to ordLALC; unfold-ord to unfold-ordLALC)
+  _≾_ : L℧ ⟨ A ⟩ -> L℧ ⟨ B ⟩ -> Type
+  _≾_ = fix _≾'_
+    where open Inductive
+  unfold-≾ : _≾_ ≡ Inductive._≾'_ (next _≾_)
+  unfold-≾ = fix-eq Inductive._≾'_
-  {-
-  ord-trans-ind :
-        ▹ ((a b c : L℧ ⟨ p ⟩) ->
-           ord' (next ord) a b ->
-           ord' (next ord) b c ->
-           ord' (next ord) a c) ->
-        (a b c : L℧ ⟨ p ⟩) ->
-         ord' (next ord) a b ->
-         ord' (next ord) b c ->
-         ord' (next ord) a c
-  -}
+  module Properties where
+     open Inductive (next _≾_)
+     ≾->≾' : {la : L℧ ⟨ A ⟩} {lb : L℧ ⟨ B ⟩} ->
+       la ≾ lb -> la ≾' lb
+     ≾->≾' {la} {lb} la≾lb = transport (λ i → unfold-≾ i la lb) la≾lb
-  ord-trans :
-    (la : L℧ ⟨ A ⟩) (lb : L℧ ⟨ B ⟩) (lc : L℧ ⟨ C ⟩) ->
-    ordLALB la lb -> ordLBLC lb lc -> ordLALC la lc
-  ord-trans la lb lc la≤lb lb≤lc = {!!}
+     ≾'->≾ : {la : L℧ ⟨ A ⟩} {lb : L℧ ⟨ B ⟩} ->
+       la ≾' lb -> la ≾ lb
+     ≾'->≾ {la} {lb} la≾'lb = transport (sym (λ i → unfold-≾ i la lb)) la≾'lb
-  {- ord-trans = fix (transport (sym (λ i ->
-         (▹ ((a b c : L℧ ⟨ p ⟩) →
-            unfold-ord i a b → unfold-ord i b c → unfold-ord i a c) →
-             (a b c : L℧ ⟨ p ⟩) →
-            unfold-ord i a b → unfold-ord i b c → unfold-ord i a c))) ord-trans-ind)
-  -}
+     ord-η-monotone : {a : ⟨ A ⟩} -> {b : ⟨ B ⟩} -> RAB a b -> (η a) ≾ (η b)
+     ord-η-monotone {a} {b} a≤b = transport (sym (λ i → unfold-≾ i (η a) (η b))) a≤b
--- Delay function
-δ : {X : Type} -> L℧ X -> L℧ X
-δ = θ ∘ next
-  where open L℧
+     ord-bot : (lb : L℧ ⟨ B ⟩) -> ℧ ≾ lb
+     ord-bot lb = transport (sym (λ i → unfold-≾ i ℧ lb)) tt
 -- Predomain to lift predomain
-module 𝕃 (p : Predomain) where
+module LiftPredomain (p : Predomain) where
   module X = PosetStr (p .snd)
   open X using (_≤_)
       -- _≤_ = X._≤_
+  {-
   ord' : ▹ ( L℧ ⟨ p ⟩ → L℧ ⟨ p ⟩ → Type) ->
                  L℧ ⟨ p ⟩ → L℧ ⟨ p ⟩ → Type
   ord' _ ℧ _ = Unit
@@ -653,54 +685,86 @@ module 𝕃 (p : Predomain) where
   ord :  L℧ ⟨ p ⟩ → L℧ ⟨ p ⟩ → Type
   ord = fix ord'
+  -}
+  -- _≾_ : L℧ ⟨ p ⟩ -> L℧ ⟨ p ⟩ -> Type
+  -- _≾_ = LiftRelation._≾_ p p (_≤_)
-  _≾_ : L℧ ⟨ p ⟩ -> L℧ ⟨ p ⟩ -> Type
-  _≾_ = ord
+  -- unfold-ord : ord ≡ ord' (next ord)
+  -- unfold-ord = fix-eq ord'
-  unfold-ord : ord ≡ ord' (next ord)
-  unfold-ord = fix-eq ord'
+   {-
+   ≈->≈' : {lx ly : L℧ ⟨ d ⟩} ->
+     lx ≈ ly -> lx ≈' ly
+   ≈->≈' {lx} {ly} lx≈ly = transport (λ i → unfold-≈ i lx ly) lx≈ly
+   ≈'->≈ : {lx ly : L℧ ⟨ d ⟩} ->
+     lx ≈' ly -> lx ≈ ly
+   ≈'->≈ {lx} {ly} lx≈'ly = transport (sym (λ i → unfold-≈ i lx ly)) lx≈'ly
+   -}
-  ord-η-monotone : {x y : ⟨ p ⟩} -> x ≤ y -> ord (η x) (η y)
-  ord-η-monotone {x} {y} x≤y = transport (sym λ i → unfold-ord i (η x) (η y)) x≤y
-  ord-δ-monotone : {lx ly : L℧ ⟨ p ⟩} -> ord lx ly -> ord (δ lx) (δ ly)
-  ord-δ-monotone = {!!}
+  -- Open the more general definitions from the heterogeneous
+  -- lifting module, specializing the types for the current
+  -- (homogeneous) situation, and re-export the definitions for
+  -- clients of this module to use at these specialized types.
+  open LiftRelation p p _≤_ public
+  -- could also say: open LiftRelation.Inductive p p _≤_ (next _≾_)
+  open Inductive (next _≾_) public
+  open Properties public
+  {-
+  ord-η-monotone : {x y : ⟨ p ⟩} -> x ≤ y -> (η x) ≾ (η y)
+  ord-η-monotone {x} {y} x≤y = transport (sym λ i → unfold-≾ i (η x) (η y)) x≤y
+  -}
+  -- TODO move to heterogeneous lifting module
+  ord-δ-monotone : {lx ly : L℧ ⟨ p ⟩} -> lx ≾ ly -> (δ lx) ≾ (δ ly)
+  ord-δ-monotone {lx} {ly} lx≤ly =
+    transport (sym (λ i → unfold-≾ i (δ lx) (δ ly))) (ord-δ-monotone' lx≤ly)
+    where
+      ord-δ-monotone' : {lx ly : L℧ ⟨ p ⟩} ->
+        lx ≾ ly ->
+        Inductive._≾'_ (next _≾_) (δ lx) (δ ly)
+      ord-δ-monotone' {lx} {ly} lx≤ly = λ t → lx≤ly
-  ord-bot : (lx : L℧ ⟨ p ⟩) -> ord ℧ lx
-  ord-bot lx = transport (sym λ i → unfold-ord i ℧ lx) tt
+  {-
+  ord-bot : (lx : L℧ ⟨ p ⟩) -> ℧ ≾ lx
+  ord-bot lx = transport (sym λ i → unfold-≾ i ℧ lx) tt
+  -}
   -- lift-ord : (A -> A -> Type) -> (L℧ A -> L℧ A -> Type)
-  ord-refl-ind : ▹ ((a : L℧ ⟨ p ⟩) -> ord a a) ->
-                    (a : L℧ ⟨ p ⟩) -> ord a a
+  ord-refl-ind : ▹ ((a : L℧ ⟨ p ⟩) -> a ≾ a) ->
+                    (a : L℧ ⟨ p ⟩) -> a ≾ a
   ord-refl-ind IH (η x) =
-    transport (sym (λ i -> fix-eq ord' i (η x) (η x))) ( X.isPoset x)
+    transport (sym (λ i -> unfold-≾ i (η x) (η x))) ( X.isPoset x)
   ord-refl-ind IH ℧ =
-    transport (sym (λ i -> fix-eq ord' i ℧ ℧)) tt
+    transport (sym (λ i -> unfold-≾ i ℧ ℧)) tt
   ord-refl-ind IH (θ x) =
-    transport (sym (λ i -> fix-eq ord' i (θ x) (θ x))) λ t → IH t (x t)
+    transport (sym (λ i -> unfold-≾ i (θ x) (θ x))) λ t → IH t (x t)
-  ord-refl : (a : L℧ ⟨ p ⟩) -> ord a a
+  ord-refl : (a : L℧ ⟨ p ⟩) -> a ≾ a
   ord-refl = fix ord-refl-ind
   𝕃 : Predomain
   𝕃 =
     (L℧ ⟨ p ⟩) ,
-    (posetstr ord (isposet {!!} {!!} ord-refl ord-trans {!!}))
+    (posetstr _≾_ (isposet {!!} {!!} ord-refl ord-trans {!!}))
       ord-trans-ind :
         ▹ ((a b c : L℧ ⟨ p ⟩) ->
-           ord' (next ord) a b ->
-           ord' (next ord) b c ->
-           ord' (next ord) a c) ->
+           a ≾' b ->
+           b ≾' c ->
+           a ≾' c) ->
         (a b c : L℧ ⟨ p ⟩) ->
-         ord' (next ord) a b ->
-         ord' (next ord) b c ->
-         ord' (next ord) a c
+         a ≾' b ->
+         b ≾' c ->
+         a ≾' c
       ord-trans-ind IH (η x) (η y) (η z) ord-ab ord-bc = X.isPoset x y z ord-ab ord-bc
         -- x ≡⟨ ord-ab ⟩ y ≡⟨ ord-bc ⟩ z ∎
@@ -711,17 +775,67 @@ module 𝕃 (p : Predomain) where
       ord-trans-ind IH (η x) (θ y) (θ z) ord-ab ord-bc = ord-ab
       ord-trans-ind IH ℧ b c ord-ab ord-bc = tt
       ord-trans-ind IH (θ lx~) (θ ly~) (θ lz~) ord-ab ord-bc =
-        λ t -> transport (sym λ i → unfold-ord i (lx~ t) (lz~ t))
+        λ t -> transport (sym λ i → unfold-≾ i (lx~ t) (lz~ t))
           (IH t (lx~ t) (ly~ t) (lz~ t)
-          (transport (λ i -> unfold-ord i (lx~ t) (ly~ t)) (ord-ab t))
-          (transport (λ i -> unfold-ord i (ly~ t) (lz~ t)) (ord-bc t)))
+          (transport (λ i -> unfold-≾ i (lx~ t) (ly~ t)) (ord-ab t))
+          (transport (λ i -> unfold-≾ i (ly~ t) (lz~ t)) (ord-bc t)))
-      ord-trans : (a b c : L℧ ⟨ p ⟩) -> ord a b -> ord b c -> ord a c
+      ord-trans : (a b c : L℧ ⟨ p ⟩) -> a ≾ b -> b ≾ c -> a ≾ c
       ord-trans = fix (transport (sym (λ i ->
          (▹ ((a b c : L℧ ⟨ p ⟩) →
-            unfold-ord i a b → unfold-ord i b c → unfold-ord i a c) →
+            unfold-≾ i a b → unfold-≾ i b c → unfold-≾ i a c) →
              (a b c : L℧ ⟨ p ⟩) →
-            unfold-ord i a b → unfold-ord i b c → unfold-ord i a c))) ord-trans-ind)
+            unfold-≾ i a b → unfold-≾ i b c → unfold-≾ i a c))) ord-trans-ind)
+module LiftRelMon
+  (A B : Predomain)
+  (RAB : MonRel A B) where
+  -- Bring the heterogeneous relation between 𝕃 A and 𝕃 B into scope
+  open LiftRelation A B (MonRel.R RAB)
+    using (_≾_ ; module Inductive ; module Properties) -- brings _≾_ into scope
+  open Inductive (next _≾_)            -- brings _≾'_ into scope
+  open Properties -- brings conversion between _≾_ and _≾'_ into scope
+  -- Bring the homogeneous lifted relations on A and B into scope 
+  -- open LiftPredomain renaming (_≾_ to _≾h_ ; _≾'_ to _≾h'_)
+  open LiftPredomain using (𝕃)
+  _≾LA_ = LiftPredomain._≾_ A
+  _≾LB_ = LiftPredomain._≾_ B
+  -- Could also say:
+  -- open LiftPredomain A using () renaming (_≾_ to _≾LA_)
+  _≾'LA_ = LiftPredomain._≾'_ A
+  _≾'LB_ = LiftPredomain._≾'_ B
+  R : MonRel (𝕃 A) (𝕃 B)
+  R = record {
+    R = _≾_ ;
+    isAntitone = {!!} ;
+    isMonotone = {!!} }
+  antitone' :
+    ▹ ({la la' : L℧ ⟨ A ⟩} -> {lb : L℧ ⟨ B ⟩} ->
+        la ≾' lb -> la' ≾'LA la -> la' ≾' lb) ->
+       {la la' : L℧ ⟨ A ⟩} -> {lb : L℧ ⟨ B ⟩} ->
+        la ≾' lb -> la' ≾'LA la -> la' ≾' lb
+  antitone' IH {η a2} {η a1} {η a3} la≤lb la'≤la =
+    MonRel.isAntitone RAB la≤lb la'≤la
+  antitone' IH {la} {℧} {lb} la≤lb la'≤la = tt
+  antitone' IH {θ la2~} {θ la1~} {θ lb~} la≤lb la'≤la =
+    λ t → ≾'->≾ (IH t (≾->≾' (la≤lb t)) ({!!} ))
+  monotone : {!!}
+  monotone = {!!}
+ -- isAntitone : ∀ {x x' y} -> R x y -> x' ≤X x -> R x' y
+ -- isMonotone : ∀ {x y y'} -> R x y -> y ≤Y y' -> R x y'
 -- Predomain to lift Error Domain
@@ -733,7 +847,10 @@ module 𝕃 (p : Predomain) where
     -- module X = PosetStr (X .snd)
     -- open Relation X
-    open 𝕃
+    open LiftPredomain
@@ -944,7 +1061,18 @@ module Bisimilarity (d : Predomain) where
      lx ≈' ly -> lx ≈ ly
     ≈'->≈ {lx} {ly} lx≈'ly = transport (sym (λ i → unfold-≈ i lx ly)) lx≈'ly
+    {-
+    ≈-℧ : (lx : L℧ ⟨ d ⟩) ->
+     lx ≈' ℧ -> (lx ≡ ℧) ⊎ (Σ Nat λ n -> lx ≡ (δ ^ n) ℧)
+    ≈-℧ ℧ H = inl refl
+    ≈-℧ (θ x) H = inr H
+    -}
+    -- Simpler version of the above:
+    ≈-℧ : (lx : L℧ ⟨ d ⟩) ->
+     lx ≈' ℧ -> (Σ Nat λ n -> lx ≡ (δ ^ n) ℧)
+    ≈-℧ ℧ H = zero , refl
+    ≈-℧ (θ x) H = H
     bisim-θ : (lx~ ly~ : L℧ ⟨ d ⟩) ->
@@ -1027,7 +1155,9 @@ module Bisimilarity (d : Predomain) where
     -- which holds by IH.
     x≈δx : (lx : L℧ ⟨ d ⟩) -> lx ≈ (δ lx)
-    x≈δx = {!!}
+    x≈δx = transport
+      (sym (λ i → (lx : L℧ ⟨ d ⟩) -> unfold-≈ i lx (δ lx)))
+      (fix x≈'δx)
     -- ¬_ : Set → Set
@@ -1072,6 +1202,10 @@ module Bisimilarity (d : Predomain) where
     lem1 :
       ▹ ((lx : L℧ ⟨ d ⟩) -> lx ≾' θ (next lx)) ->
@@ -1138,6 +1272,7 @@ module Bisimilarity (d : Predomain) where
 -- Extensional relation (two terms are error-related "up to thetas")
 module ExtRel (d : Predomain) where
@@ -1148,7 +1283,7 @@ module ExtRel (d : Predomain) where
   x ⊴ y = Σ (L℧ ⟨ d ⟩) λ p -> Σ (L℧ ⟨ d ⟩) λ q ->
     (x ≈ p) × (p ≾ q) × (q ≈ y)
diff --git a/formalizations/guarded-cubical/SyntacticTermPrecision.agda b/formalizations/guarded-cubical/SyntacticTermPrecision.agda
deleted file mode 100644
index ee17a0c..0000000
--- a/formalizations/guarded-cubical/SyntacticTermPrecision.agda
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-{-# OPTIONS --cubical --rewriting --guarded #-}
- -- to allow opening this module in other files while there are still holes
-{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
-open import Later
-module SyntacticTermPrecision (k : Clock) where
-open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
-open import Cubical.Data.Nat
-open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
-open import ErrorDomains k
-open import GradualSTLC
----- Syntactic term precision relation ----
--- Make this a sigma type
-data CtxTyPrec : Set where
-  · : CtxTyPrec
-  _::_ : {A B : Ty} -> CtxTyPrec -> A ⊑ B -> CtxTyPrec
-infixr 5 _::_
-Ctx-ref : Ctx -> CtxTyPrec
-Ctx-ref · = ·
-Ctx-ref (Γ :: x) = Ctx-ref Γ :: ⊑ref x
-lhs-ty : {A B : Ty} -> A ⊑ B -> Ty
-lhs-ty {A} d = A
-rhs-ty : {A B : Ty} -> A ⊑ B -> Ty
-rhs-ty {_} {B} d = B
-lhs : CtxTyPrec -> Ctx
-lhs · = ·
-lhs (ctx :: d) = (lhs ctx) :: lhs-ty d
-rhs : CtxTyPrec -> Ctx
-rhs · = ·
-rhs (ctx :: d) = (rhs ctx) :: rhs-ty d
-lem-lhs : (A : Ty) -> A ≡ lhs-ty (⊑ref A)
-lem-lhs A = refl
-lem-rhs : (A : Ty) -> A ≡ rhs-ty (⊑ref A)
-lem-rhs A = refl
-ctx-refl-lhs : (Γ : Ctx) -> Γ ≡ lhs (Ctx-ref Γ)
-ctx-refl-lhs · = refl
-ctx-refl-lhs (Γ :: x) = λ i -> ctx-refl-lhs Γ i :: lem-lhs x i
-ctx-refl-rhs : (Γ : Ctx) -> Γ ≡ rhs (Ctx-ref Γ)
-ctx-refl-rhs · = refl
-ctx-refl-rhs (Γ :: x) = λ i -> ctx-refl-rhs Γ i :: lem-rhs x i
-iso-L : {Γ : Ctx} {A : Ty} -> Tm Γ A -> Tm (lhs (Ctx-ref Γ)) A
-iso-L {Γ} {A} M = transport (λ i → Tm (ctx-refl-lhs Γ i) A) M
-iso-R : {Γ : Ctx} {A : Ty} -> Tm Γ A -> Tm (rhs (Ctx-ref Γ)) A
-iso-R {Γ} {A} M = transport (λ i -> Tm (ctx-refl-rhs Γ i) A) M
-TmL : {A B : Ty} -> CtxTyPrec -> A ⊑ B -> Set
-TmL ctx d = {!!}
--- "Contains" relation stating that a context Γ contains a type T
-data _∋'_ : {A B : Ty} -> CtxTyPrec -> A ⊑ B -> Set where
-infix 4 _∋'_
-contains-lhs : {A B : Ty} ->
-  (Γ : CtxTyPrec) (d : A ⊑ B) -> (Γ ∋' d) -> (lhs Γ ∋ A)
-contains-lhs = {!!}
-contains-rhs : {A B : Ty} ->
-  (Γ : CtxTyPrec) (d : A ⊑ B) -> (Γ ∋' d) -> (rhs Γ ∋ B)
-contains-rhs = {!!}
--- d is fixed here so it should be a parameter, not an index
--- (hence why it doesn't appear after M and N)
-data ltdyn-tm :
-  {A B : Ty} ->
-  (Γ : CtxTyPrec) ->
-  (d : A ⊑ B) ->
-  (M : Tm (lhs Γ) A) ->
-  (N : Tm (rhs Γ) B) -> Set where
-  -- err
-  err : {A B : Ty} -> (Γ : CtxTyPrec) -> (d : A ⊑ B) -> (N : Tm (rhs Γ) B) -> ltdyn-tm Γ d err N
-  ---- *Congruence rules* ----
-  -- variables
-  -- var : {!{A B : Ty} -> (Γ : CtxTyPrec) -> (d : A ⊑ B) -> (Γ ∋' d) -> ?!}
-  var : (A B : Ty) ->
-        (Γ : CtxTyPrec) ->
-        (d : A ⊑ B) ->
-        (x : Γ ∋' d) ->
-        ltdyn-tm Γ d (var (contains-lhs Γ d x)) (var (contains-rhs Γ d x))
-  -- natural numbers
-  zro : (Γ : CtxTyPrec) -> ltdyn-tm Γ nat zro zro
-  suc : (Γ : CtxTyPrec) (M : Tm (lhs Γ) nat) (M' : Tm (rhs Γ) nat) ->
-        ltdyn-tm Γ nat M M' ->
-        ltdyn-tm Γ nat (suc M) (suc M')
-  -- lambdas
-  lda : (Γ : CtxTyPrec) (A A' B B' : Ty)
-        (c : A ⊑ A') (d : B ⊑ B')
-        (M1 : Tm ((lhs Γ) :: A) B) (M2 : Tm ((rhs Γ) :: A') B') ->
-        ltdyn-tm (Γ :: c) d M1 M2 ->
-        ltdyn-tm Γ (c => d) (lda M1) (lda M2)
-  -- application
-  app : (Γ : CtxTyPrec) (Ain Bin Aout Bout : Ty)
-        (din : Ain ⊑ Bin) (dout : Aout ⊑ Bout)
-        (M1 : Tm (lhs Γ) (Ain => Aout)) (N1 : Tm (lhs Γ) Ain)
-        (M2 : Tm (rhs Γ) (Bin => Bout)) (N2 : Tm (rhs Γ) Bin) ->
-        ltdyn-tm Γ (din => dout) M1 M2 ->
-        ltdyn-tm Γ din N1 N2 ->
-        ltdyn-tm Γ dout (app M1 N1) (app M2 N2)
-  ---- *Cast rules* ----
-  upR : (Γ : Ctx) (A B : Ty)
-        (c : A ⊑ B)
-        --(M : Tm (lhs Γ) A)
-        (N : Tm Γ A) ->
-     --   ltdyn-tm Γ (⊑ref A) N N ->
-     ltdyn-tm (Ctx-ref Γ) c (iso-L N) (up c (iso-R N))
-     --   ltdyn-tm (Ctx-ref Γ) c N (up c N)
-  upL : (Γ : CtxTyPrec) (A B : Ty)
-        (c : A ⊑ B)
-        (M : Tm (lhs Γ) A)
-        (N : Tm (rhs Γ) B) ->
-        ltdyn-tm Γ c M N ->
-        ltdyn-tm Γ (⊑ref B) (up c M) N
-  dnL : (Γ : Ctx) (A B : Ty)
-        (c : A ⊑ B)
-        (M : Tm Γ B) ->
-       --  (N : Tm (rhs Γ) B) ->
-       --  ltdyn-tm Γ (⊑ref B) M N ->
-       ltdyn-tm (Ctx-ref Γ) c (dn c (iso-L M)) (iso-R M)
-        -- ltdyn-tm Γ c (dn c M) M
-  dnR : (Γ : CtxTyPrec) (A B : Ty)
-        (c : A ⊑ B)
-        (M : Tm (lhs Γ) A)
-        (N : Tm (rhs Γ) B) ->
-        ltdyn-tm Γ c M N ->
-        ltdyn-tm Γ (⊑ref A) M (dn c N)
--- Notation that matches the written syntax, with d appearing at the end
-_|-_⊑tm_#_ : {A B : Ty} -> (Γ : CtxTyPrec) -> (Tm (lhs Γ) A) -> (Tm (rhs Γ) B) -> A ⊑ B -> Set
-Γ |- M ⊑tm N # d = ltdyn-tm Γ d M N
diff --git a/formalizations/guarded-cubical/GradualSTLC.agda b/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Syntax/DeBruijnCommon.agda
similarity index 57%
rename from formalizations/guarded-cubical/GradualSTLC.agda
rename to formalizations/guarded-cubical/Syntax/DeBruijnCommon.agda
index 1c83416..21950d7 100644
--- a/formalizations/guarded-cubical/GradualSTLC.agda
+++ b/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Syntax/DeBruijnCommon.agda
@@ -1,14 +1,29 @@
 {-# OPTIONS --cubical --rewriting --guarded #-}
-module GradualSTLC where
 open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
+module Syntax.DeBruijnCommon
+  (Ty : Type)
+  (Ctx : Type)
+  ( · : Ctx)
+  (_::_ : Ctx -> Ty -> Ctx)
+  (let infixr 5 _::_ ; _::_ = _::_)
+  (_∋_ : Ctx -> Ty -> Type)
+  (let infixr 4 _∋_ ; _∋_ = _∋_)
+  (vz : ∀ {Γ S} -> Γ :: S ∋ S)
+  (vs : ∀ {Γ S T} (x : Γ ∋ T) -> (Γ :: S ∋ T))
+  (Tm : Ctx -> Ty -> Type)
+  where
 open import Cubical.Data.Nat
 open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
 -- Types --
 data Ty : Set where
   nat : Ty
   dyn : Ty
@@ -48,63 +63,6 @@ data _⊑_ : Ty -> Ty -> Set where
 ⊑comp inj-nat dyn = inj-nat
 ⊑comp (inj-arrow c) dyn = inj-arrow c
-ltdyn-transitive {A => B} {A' => B'} {A'' => B''} {n} {m} {p}
-  eq (_=>_ {eq = eq1} dAA' dBB') (_=>_ {eq = eq2} dA'A'' dB'B'') =
-  _=>_ {n = {!?!}} {m = {!!}} {p = {!!}} {eq = {!!}}
-    (ltdyn-transitive {!!} dAA' dA'A'')
-    (ltdyn-transitive {!!} dBB' dB'B'')
-ltdyn-transitive eq (dAA' => dBB') (inj-arrow dBC) = {!!}
-ltdyn-transitive _ nat nat = nat
-ltdyn-transitive _ nat inj-nat = inj-nat
-ltdyn-transitive _ inj-nat dyn = inj-nat
-ltdyn-transitive eq (inj-arrow dA-dyn-dyn) dyn =
-  inj-arrow (ltdyn-transitive _ dA-dyn-dyn (dyn => dyn))
-data ltdyn : â„• -> Ty -> Ty -> Set where
-  dyn : {n : â„•} -> ltdyn n dyn dyn
-  _=>_ : {A A' B B' : Ty} {n m p : â„•} ->
-    {eq : p ≡ n + m} ->
-    ltdyn n A A' -> ltdyn m B B' ->
-    ltdyn p (A => B) (A' => B')
-  nat : {n : â„•} -> ltdyn n nat nat
-  inj-nat : {n : â„•} -> ltdyn n nat dyn
-  inj-arrow : {A : Ty} -> {n : â„•} ->
-    ltdyn n A (dyn => dyn) -> ltdyn n A dyn
-_⊑[_]_ : Ty -> ℕ -> Ty -> Set
-A ⊑[ n ] B = ltdyn n A B
-max-sum : (a b c d : â„•) ->
-  max (a + b) (c + d) ≡ max a c + max b d
-max-sum zero b zero d = refl
-max-sum zero b (suc c) d = {!!}
-max-sum (suc a) b c d = {!!}
-ltdyn-transitive : {A B C : Ty} -> {n m p : â„•} ->
-   p ≡ n + m -> A ⊑[ n ] B -> B ⊑[ m ] C -> A ⊑[ p ] C
-ltdyn-transitive _ dyn dyn = dyn
-ltdyn-transitive {A => B} {A' => B'} {A'' => B''} {n} {m} {p}
-  eq (_=>_ {eq = eq1} dAA' dBB') (_=>_ {eq = eq2} dA'A'' dB'B'') =
-  _=>_ {n = {!?!}} {m = {!!}} {p = {!!}} {eq = {!!}}
-    (ltdyn-transitive {!!} dAA' dA'A'')
-    (ltdyn-transitive {!!} dBB' dB'B'')
-ltdyn-transitive eq (dAA' => dBB') (inj-arrow dBC) = {!!}
-ltdyn-transitive _ nat nat = nat
-ltdyn-transitive _ nat inj-nat = inj-nat
-ltdyn-transitive _ inj-nat dyn = inj-nat
-ltdyn-transitive eq (inj-arrow dA-dyn-dyn) dyn =
-  inj-arrow (ltdyn-transitive _ dA-dyn-dyn (dyn => dyn))
 module ⊑-properties where
@@ -147,11 +105,12 @@ data Ctx : Set where
 infixr 5 _::_
 -- "Contains" relation stating that a context Γ contains a type T
 data _∋_ : Ctx -> Ty -> Set where
   vz : ∀ {Γ S} -> Γ :: S ∋ S
-  vs : ∀ {Γ S T} (x : Γ ∋ T) -> (Γ ::  S ∋ T)
+  vs : ∀ {Γ S T} (x : Γ ∋ T) -> (Γ :: S ∋ T)
 infix 4 _∋_
@@ -170,15 +129,19 @@ data Tm : Ctx -> Ty -> Set where
 -- infix 4 _â–¸_
 --  ================================================================= --
--- Type of "proofs" --
+-- Type of "proofs", i.e., relations between contexts and types --
 ProofT = Ctx -> Ty -> Set
+-- Kits --
 VarToProof : ProofT -> Set
 VarToProof _◆_ = ∀ {Γ T} -> (Γ ∋ T) -> (Γ ◆ T)
 -- The diamond is a function, and the underscores around it allow us to use it in infix
@@ -189,10 +152,6 @@ ProofToTm _◆_ = ∀ {Γ T} -> (Γ ◆ T) -> (Tm Γ T)
 WeakeningMap : ProofT -> Set
 WeakeningMap _◆_ = ∀ {Γ S T} -> (Γ ◆ T) -> ((Γ :: S) ◆ T)
--- Kits --
 data Kit (â—† : ProofT) : Set where
   kit : ∀ (vr : VarToProof ◆) (tm : ProofToTm ◆) (wk : WeakeningMap ◆) -> Kit ◆
@@ -203,16 +162,27 @@ Subst : Ctx -> Ctx -> ProofT -> Set
 Subst Δ Γ _◈_ = ∀ {T} -> (Γ ∋ T) -> (Δ ◈ T)
--- Lift function --
+module DeBruijn
+  (trav : {Δ Γ : Ctx} {T : Ty} {_◈_ : ProofT} (K : Kit _◈_)
+       (τ : Subst Δ Γ _◈_) (t : Tm Γ T) -> Tm Δ T)
+  (var : ∀ {Γ T}   -> Γ ∋ T -> Tm Γ T)
+    where
+  -- Lift function --
 lft : {Δ Γ : Ctx} {S : Ty} {_◈_ : ProofT}
-       (K : Kit _◈_) (τ : Subst Δ Γ _◈_) {T : Ty} (h : (Γ :: S) ∋ T) -> (Δ :: S) ◈ T
+       (K : Kit _◈_) (τ : Subst Δ Γ _◈_) {T : Ty} (h : (Γ :: S) ∋ T) -> (Δ :: S) ◈ T       
 lft (kit vr tm wk) Ï„ vz = vr vz
 lft (kit vr tm wk) Ï„ (vs x) = wk (Ï„ x)
 -- Note that the type of lft can also be written as (Subst Δ Γ _◈_) -> (Subst (Δ ∷ S) (Γ ∷ S) _◈_)
 -- Traversal function --
 trav : {Δ Γ : Ctx} {T : Ty} {_◈_ : ProofT} (K : Kit _◈_)
@@ -225,74 +195,34 @@ trav K Ï„ (dn deriv t') = dn deriv (trav K Ï„ t')
 trav K Ï„ err = err
 trav K Ï„ zro = zro
 trav K Ï„ (suc t') = suc (trav K Ï„ t')
--- Renaming --
-idContains : {Γ : Ctx} {T : Ty} (t : Γ ∋ T) -> Γ ∋ T
-idContains t = t
-varKit : Kit _∋_
-varKit = kit idContains var vs
-rename : {Γ Δ : Ctx} {T : Ty} (ρ : Subst Δ Γ _∋_) (t : Tm Γ T) -> Tm Δ T
-rename ρ t = trav varKit ρ t
+  -- Renaming --
--- Substitution --
+  idContains : {Γ : Ctx} {T : Ty} (t : Γ ∋ T) -> Γ ∋ T
+  idContains t = t
-idTerm : {Γ : Ctx} {T : Ty} (t : Tm Γ T) -> Tm Γ T
-idTerm t = t
+  varKit : Kit _∋_
+  varKit = kit idContains var vs
-weakenTerm : WeakeningMap Tm
-weakenTerm = rename vs
+  rename : {Γ Δ : Ctx} {T : Ty} (ρ : Subst Δ Γ _∋_) (t : Tm Γ T) -> Tm Δ T
+  rename ρ t = trav varKit ρ t
-termKit : Kit Tm
-termKit = kit var idTerm weakenTerm
-sub : (Δ Γ : Ctx) (σ : Subst Δ Γ Tm) (T : Ty) (t : Tm Γ T) -> Tm Δ T
-sub Δ Γ σ T t = trav termKit σ t
--- Single substitution
--- N[M/x]
+  -- Substitution --
-_[_] : ∀ {Γ A B}
-  → Tm (Γ :: B) A
-  → Tm Γ B
-  → Tm Γ A
-_[_] {Γ} {A} {B} N M = sub Γ (Γ :: B) σ A N -- sub {!!} {!!} {!!} {!!} {!!}
-  where
-    σ : Subst Γ (Γ :: B) Tm -- i.e., {T : Ty} → Γ :: B ∋ T → Tm Γ T
-    σ vz = M
-    σ (vs x) = var x
--- Values --
-data Value : ∀ {Γ} {A} -> Tm Γ A -> Set where
-  VLam : ∀ {Γ A B} -> {N : Tm (Γ :: A) B} -> Value (lda N)
-  VZero : ∀ {Γ} -> Value {Γ} zro
-  VSuc : ∀ {Γ} -> {V : Tm Γ nat} ->
-    Value V ->
-    Value (suc V)
-  VUpFun : ∀ {Γ} {Ain Aout Bin Bout} ->
-    {cin : Ain ⊑ Bin} {cout : Aout ⊑ Bout} ->
-    {V : Tm Γ (Ain => Aout)} ->
-    Value V ->
-    Value (up (cin => cout) V)
-  VDnFun : ∀ {Γ} {Ain Aout Bin Bout} ->
-    {cin : Ain ⊑ Bin} {cout : Aout ⊑ Bout} ->
-    {V : Tm Γ (Bin => Bout)} ->
-    Value V ->
-    Value (dn (cin => cout) V)
--- Upcasts are values, downcasts are evaluation contexts
+  idTerm : {Γ : Ctx} {T : Ty} (t : Tm Γ T) -> Tm Γ T
+  idTerm t = t
-data Value : Type where
-  Zero : {Γ} -> Value
-  Suc : Value -> Value
+  weakenTerm : WeakeningMap Tm
+  weakenTerm = rename vs
+  termKit : Kit Tm
+  termKit = kit var idTerm weakenTerm
+  sub : (Δ Γ : Ctx) (σ : Subst Δ Γ Tm) (T : Ty) (t : Tm Γ T) -> Tm Δ T
+  sub Δ Γ σ T t = trav termKit σ t
diff --git a/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Syntax/GSTLC.agda b/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Syntax/GSTLC.agda
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d9ca07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Syntax/GSTLC.agda
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+{-# OPTIONS --cubical --rewriting --guarded #-}
+ -- to allow opening this module in other files while there are still holes
+{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
+open import Common.Later
+module Syntax.GSTLC (k : Clock)  where
+open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
+open import Cubical.Data.Nat hiding (_·_)
+open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
+open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
+open import Cubical.Data.Prod
+open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
+import Syntax.DeBruijnCommon
+ variable
+   â„“ : Level
+  ▹_ : Set ℓ → Set ℓ
+  â–¹_ A = â–¹_,_ k A
+-- Types --
+data Interval : Type where
+  l r : Interval
+data iCtx : Type where
+  Empty :  iCtx
+  Full : iCtx
+data Ty : iCtx -> Type where
+  nat : ∀ {Ξ} -> Ty Ξ
+  dyn : ∀ {Ξ} -> Ty Ξ
+  _=>_ : ∀ {Ξ} -> Ty Ξ -> Ty Ξ -> Ty Ξ
+  inj-nat : Ty Full 
+  inj-arrow : Ty Full -> Ty Full
+-- From a "full" type, i.e. a type precision derivation, we can completely recover its left and
+-- right "endpoints"
+lft : Ty Full -> Ty Empty
+lft nat = nat
+lft dyn = dyn
+lft (cin => cout) = lft cin => lft cout
+lft inj-nat = nat
+lft (inj-arrow c) = lft c -- here, c : A ⊑ (dyn => dyn), and inj-arrow c : A ⊑ dyn
+rgt : Ty Full -> Ty Empty
+rgt nat = nat
+rgt dyn = dyn
+rgt (cin => cout) = rgt cin => rgt cout
+rgt inj-nat = dyn
+rgt (inj-arrow c) = dyn
+endpoint : Interval -> Ty Full -> Ty Empty
+endpoint p nat = nat
+endpoint p dyn = dyn
+endpoint p (cin => cout) = endpoint p cin => endpoint p cout
+endpoint l inj-nat = nat
+endpoint r inj-nat = dyn
+endpoint l (inj-arrow c) = endpoint l c -- here, c : A ⊑ (dyn => dyn), and inj-arrow c : A ⊑ dyn
+endpoint r (inj-arrow c) = dyn
+_[_/i] : Ty Full -> Interval -> Ty Empty
+c [ p /i] = endpoint p c
+left : Ty Full -> Ty Empty
+left = endpoint l
+right : Ty Full -> Ty Empty
+right = endpoint r
+_⊑_ : Ty Empty -> Ty Empty -> Type
+A ⊑ B = Σ[ c ∈ Ty Full ] ((left c ≡ A) × (right c ≡ B))
+infixr 5 _=>_
+⊑-ref : (A : Ty Empty) -> A ⊑ A
+⊑-ref nat = nat , (refl , refl)
+⊑-ref dyn = dyn , (refl , refl)
+⊑-ref (Ai => Ao) with ⊑-ref Ai | ⊑-ref Ao
+... | ci , (eq-left-i , eq-right-i) | co , (eq-left-o , eq-right-o) =
+  (ci => co) ,
+    ((congâ‚‚ _=>_ eq-left-i eq-left-o) ,
+     (congâ‚‚ _=>_ eq-right-i eq-right-o))
+data _⊑_ : Ty Empty -> Ty Empty -> Set where
+  dyn : dyn ⊑ dyn
+  _=>_ : {A A' B B' : Ty Empty} ->
+    A ⊑ A' -> B ⊑ B' -> (A => B) ⊑ (A' => B')
+  nat : nat ⊑ nat
+  inj-nat : nat ⊑ dyn
+  inj-arrow : {A : Ty Empty} ->
+    A ⊑ (dyn => dyn) -> A ⊑ dyn
+  -- inj-arrow : {A A' : Ty} ->
+  --   (A => A') ⊑ (dyn => dyn) -> (A => A') ⊑ dyn
+⊑comp : {A B C : Ty} ->
+  A ⊑ B -> B ⊑ C -> A ⊑ C
+⊑comp dyn dyn = dyn
+⊑comp {Ai => Ao} {Bi => Bo} {Ci => Co} (cin => cout) (din => dout) =
+  (⊑comp cin din) => (⊑comp cout dout)
+⊑comp {Ai => Ao} {Bi => Bo} (cin => cout) (inj-arrow (cin' => cout')) =
+  inj-arrow ((⊑comp cin cin') => (⊑comp cout cout'))
+⊑comp nat nat = nat
+⊑comp nat inj-nat = inj-nat
+⊑comp inj-nat dyn = inj-nat
+⊑comp (inj-arrow c) dyn = inj-arrow c
+module ⊑-properties where
+  -- experiment with modules
+  ⊑-prop : ∀ A B → isProp (A ⊑ B)
+  ⊑-prop .dyn .dyn dyn dyn = refl
+  ⊑-prop .(_ => _) .(_ => _) (p1 => p3) (p2 => p4) = λ i → (⊑-prop _ _ p1 p2 i) => (⊑-prop _ _ p3 p4 i)
+  ⊑-prop .nat .nat nat nat = refl
+  ⊑-prop .nat .dyn inj-nat inj-nat = refl
+  ⊑-prop A .dyn (inj-arrow p1) (inj-arrow p2) = λ i → inj-arrow (⊑-prop _ _ p1 p2 i)
+  dyn-⊤ : ∀ A → A ⊑ dyn
+  dyn-⊤ nat = inj-nat
+  dyn-⊤ dyn = dyn
+  dyn-⊤ (A => B) = inj-arrow (dyn-⊤ A => dyn-⊤ B)
+  ⊑-dec : ∀ A B → Dec (A ⊑ B)
+  ⊑-dec A dyn = yes (dyn-⊤ A)
+  ⊑-dec nat nat = yes nat
+  ⊑-dec nat (B => B₁) = no (λ ())
+  ⊑-dec dyn nat = no (λ ())
+  ⊑-dec dyn (B => B₁) = no (λ ())
+  ⊑-dec (A => A₁) nat = no ((λ ()))
+  ⊑-dec (A => B) (A' => B') with (⊑-dec A A') | (⊑-dec B B')
+  ... | yes p | yes q = yes (p => q)
+  ... | yes p | no ¬p = no (refute ¬p)
+    where refute : ∀ {A A' B B'} → (¬ (B ⊑ B')) → ¬ ((A => B) ⊑ (A' => B'))
+          refute ¬p (_ => p) = ¬p p
+  ... | no ¬p | _ = no (refute ¬p)
+    where refute : ∀ {A A' B B'} → (¬ (A ⊑ A')) → ¬ ((A => B) ⊑ (A' => B'))
+          refute ¬p (p => _) = ¬p p
+-- Contexts --
+data Ctx : iCtx -> Type where
+  · : ∀ {Ξ} -> Ctx Ξ
+  _::_ : ∀ {Ξ} -> Ctx Ξ -> Ty Ξ -> Ctx Ξ
+infixr 5 _::_
+-- Given a "normal" type A, view it as its reflexivity precision derivation c : A ⊑ A.
+ty-refl : Ty Empty -> Ty Full
+ty-refl nat = nat
+ty-refl dyn = dyn
+ty-refl (Ai => Ao) = ty-refl Ai => ty-refl Ao
+-- View a "normal" typing context Γ as a type precision context where the derivation
+-- corresponding to each type A in Γ is just the reflexivity precision derivation A ⊑ A.
+ctx-refl : Ctx Empty -> Ctx Full
+ctx-refl · = ·
+ctx-refl (Γ :: A) = ctx-refl Γ :: ty-refl A
+-- Flag determining whether the syntax is intensional (i.e., with θ) or extensional
+data IntExt : Type where
+  Int Ext : IntExt
+-- "Contains" relation stating that a context Γ contains a type T
+data _∋_ : ∀ {Ξ} -> Ctx Ξ -> Ty Ξ -> Set where
+  vz : ∀ {Ξ Γ S} -> _∋_ {Ξ} (Γ :: S) S
+  vs : ∀ {Ξ Γ S T} (x : _∋_ {Ξ} Γ T) -> (Γ :: S ∋ T)
+infix 4 _∋_
+-- All constructors below except for those for upcast and downcast are simultaneously
+-- the term constructors, as well as the constructors for the corresponding term
+-- precision congruence rule.
+-- This explains why Ξ is generic in all but the up and dn constructors,
+-- where it is Empty to indicate that we do not obtain term precision congruence rules.
+-- All constructors below except for θ simultaneously belong to the extensional
+-- and intensional languages. θ only exists in the intensional language.
+data Tm : (α : IntExt) {Ξ : iCtx} -> (Γ : Ctx Ξ) -> Ty Ξ -> Set where
+  var : ∀ {α Ξ Γ T}   -> Γ ∋ T -> Tm α {Ξ} Γ T
+  lda : ∀ {α Ξ Γ S T} -> (Tm α {Ξ} (Γ :: S) T) -> Tm α Γ (S => T)
+  app : ∀ {α Ξ Γ S T} -> (Tm α {Ξ} Γ (S => T)) -> (Tm α Γ S) -> (Tm α Γ T)
+  err : ∀ {α Ξ Γ A} -> Tm α {Ξ} Γ A
+  up  : ∀ {α Γ} (c : Ty Full) -> Tm α {Empty} Γ (left c) -> Tm α {Empty} Γ (right c)
+  dn  : ∀ {α Γ} (c : Ty Full) -> Tm α {Empty} Γ (right c) -> Tm α {Empty} Γ (left c)
+  zro : ∀ {α Ξ Γ} -> Tm α {Ξ} Γ nat
+  suc : ∀ {α Ξ Γ} -> Tm α {Ξ} Γ nat -> Tm α Γ nat
+  θ   : ∀ {Ξ Γ A} -> ▹ Tm Int {Ξ} Γ A -> Tm Int {Ξ} Γ A
+  -- Equational theory
+  -- Other term precision rules
+  err-bot : ∀ {α Γ} (c : Ty Full) (M : Tm α {Empty} Γ (right c)) -> Tm α {Full} (ctx-refl Γ) c
+-- TODO need to quotient by the equational theory!
+-- TODO non-congruence term precision rules
+-- Substitution and Renaming using De Bruijn framework
+module DB_Base = Syntax.DeBruijnCommon (Ty Empty) (Ctx Empty) · (_::_) _∋_ vz vs (Tm Ext {Empty})
+open DB_Base
+  -- Brings in definitions of ProofT, Kit, Subst
+  -- Lift function --
+lft : {Δ Γ : Ctx Empty} {S : Ty Empty} {_◈_ : ProofT}
+       (K : Kit _◈_) (τ : Subst Δ Γ _◈_) {T : Ty Empty} (h : (Γ :: S) ∋ T) -> (Δ :: S) ◈ T       
+lft (kit vr tm wk) Ï„ vz = vr vz
+lft (kit vr tm wk) Ï„ (vs x) = wk (Ï„ x)
+  -- Note that the type of lft can also be written as (Subst Δ Γ _◈_) -> (Subst (Δ ∷ S) (Γ ∷ S) _◈_)
+  -- Traversal function --
+trav : {Δ Γ : Ctx Empty} {T : Ty Empty} {_◈_ : ProofT} (K : Kit _◈_)
+         (τ : Subst Δ Γ _◈_) (t : Tm Ext Γ T) -> Tm Ext Δ T
+trav (kit vr tm wk) Ï„ (var x) = tm (Ï„ x)
+trav K Ï„ (lda t') = (lda (trav K (lft K Ï„) t'))
+trav K Ï„ (app f s) =  (app (trav K Ï„ f) (trav K Ï„ s))
+trav K Ï„ (up deriv t') =  (up deriv (trav K Ï„ t'))
+trav K Ï„ (dn deriv t') = (dn deriv (trav K Ï„ t'))
+trav K Ï„ err = err
+trav K Ï„ zro = zro
+trav K Ï„ (suc t') = (suc (trav K Ï„ t'))
+open DB_Base.DeBruijn trav var
+-- Gives us renaming and substitution
+-- Single substitution
+-- N[M/x]
+_[_] : ∀ {Γ A B}
+  → Tm Ext (Γ :: B) A
+  → Tm Ext Γ B
+  → Tm Ext Γ A
+_[_] {Γ} {A} {B} N M = {!!} -- sub Γ (Γ :: B) σ A N
+  where
+    σ : Subst Γ (Γ :: B) (Tm Ext) -- i.e., {T : Ty} → Γ :: B ∋ T → Tm Γ T
+    σ vz = M
+    σ (vs x) = var x
diff --git a/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Syntax/GSTLCCollapse.agda b/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Syntax/GSTLCCollapse.agda
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d566b91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Syntax/GSTLCCollapse.agda
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+{-# OPTIONS --cubical --rewriting --guarded #-}
+open import Common.Later
+module Syntax.GSTLCCollapse (k : Clock) where
+open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
+open import Cubical.Data.Nat hiding (_·_)
+open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
+open import Cubical.Data.Sum
+open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
+import Syntax.DeBruijnCommon
+open import Syntax.GSTLC k
+ variable
+    â„“ : Level
+  ▹_ : Set ℓ → Set ℓ
+  â–¹_ A = â–¹_,_ k A
+IntTm = Tm Int
+ExtTm = Tm Ext
+⌊_⌋ : ∀ {Γ} {A} -> IntTm {Empty} Γ A -> ExtTm {Empty} Γ A
+⌊ var x ⌋ = var x
+⌊ lda M ⌋ = lda ⌊ M ⌋
+⌊ app M N ⌋ = app ⌊ M ⌋ ⌊ N ⌋
+⌊ err ⌋ = err
+⌊ up c M ⌋ = up c ⌊ M ⌋
+⌊ dn c M ⌋ = dn c ⌊ M ⌋
+⌊ zro ⌋ = zro
+⌊ suc M ⌋ = suc ⌊ M ⌋
+⌊ θ M~ ⌋ = ⌊ M~ ◇ ⌋
+embed : ∀ {Γ} {A} -> ExtTm {Empty} Γ A -> IntTm {Empty} Γ A
+embed (var x) = var x
+embed (lda M) = lda (embed M)
+embed (app M N) = app (embed M) (embed N)
+embed err = err
+embed (up c M) = up c (embed M)
+embed (dn c M) = dn c (embed M)
+embed zro = zro
+embed (suc M) = suc (embed M)
+-- Every extensional term has an intensional program computing it
+collapse-embed : ∀ {Γ} {A} -> retract embed (⌊_⌋ {Γ} {A})
+collapse-embed (var x) = refl
+collapse-embed (lda M) = cong lda (collapse-embed M)
+collapse-embed (app M N) = congâ‚‚ app (collapse-embed M) (collapse-embed N)
+collapse-embed err = refl
+collapse-embed (up c M) = cong (up c) (collapse-embed M)
+collapse-embed (dn c M) = cong (dn c) (collapse-embed M)
+collapse-embed zro = refl
+collapse-embed (suc M) = cong suc (collapse-embed M)