diff --git a/paper-new/ordering.tex b/paper-new/ordering.tex
index f93a189f78a79ff0c5b1ad1f1d961dd9ff401417..d5a06d644be6ded5cfeca9acaeacb578dc3febee 100644
--- a/paper-new/ordering.tex
+++ b/paper-new/ordering.tex
@@ -168,12 +168,12 @@ that it is the \emph{greatest} lower bound.
 As a first attempt at giving a semantics to the ordering, we could try to model types as
 sets equipped with an ordering that models term precision. Since term precision is reflexive
-and transitive, and since we identify terms that are equi-precise, we choose to model types
-as partially-ordered sets. We model the term precision ordering $M \ltdyn N : A \ltdyn B$ as an
-ordering relation between the posets denoted by $A$ and $B$.
+and transitive, and since we identify terms that are equi-precise, we could model types
+as partially-ordered sets and terms $\Gamma \vdash M : B$ as monotone functions.
+We could then model the term precision ordering $M \ltdyn N : A \ltdyn B$ as an
+ordering relation between the monotone functions denoted by $M$ and $N$.
-However, it turns out that modeling term precision by a relation defined by guarded fixpoint
-is not as straightforward as one might hope.
+However, it turns out that modeling term precision is not as straightforward as one might hope.
 A first attempt might be to define an ordering $\semltbad$ between $\li X$ and $\li Y$
 that allows for computations that may take different numbers of steps to be related.
 The relation is parameterized by a relation $\le$ between $X$ and $Y$, and is defined
@@ -223,8 +223,8 @@ The problem with this definition is that the resulting relation is \emph{provabl
 transitive: it can be shown (in Clocked Cubical Type Theory) that if $R$ is a
 relation on $\li X$ satisfying three specific properties, one of which is
 transitivity, then that relation is trivial.
-(The other two properties are that the relation is a congruence with respect to $\theta$,
-and that the relation is closed under delays $\delta = \theta \circ \nxt$ on either side.)
+The other two properties are that the relation is a congruence with respect to $\theta$,
+and that the relation is closed under delays $\delta = \theta \circ \nxt$ on either side.
 Since the above relation \emph{does} satisfy the other two properties, we conclude
 that it must not be transitive.
@@ -234,13 +234,16 @@ that it must not be transitive.
 We are therefore led to wonder whether we can formulate a version of the relation
 that \emph{is} transitive.
 It turns out that we can, by sacrificing another of the three properties from
-the above lemma. Namely, we give up on closure under delays. Doing so, we end up
+the above result. Namely, we give up on closure under delays. Doing so, we end up
 with a \emph{lock-step} error ordering, where, roughly speaking, in order for
 computations to be related, they must have the same stepping behavior.
 We then formulate a separate relation, \emph{weak bisimilarity}, that relates computations
 that are extensionally equal and may only differ in their stepping behavior.
+Finally, the semantics of term precision will be a combination of these two relations.
+% TODO Define it here?
 % As a result, we instead separate the semantics of term precision into two relations:
 % an intensional, step-sensitive \emph{error ordering} and a \emph{bisimilarity relation}.
@@ -294,7 +297,7 @@ describe each of these below.
   The underling type of $\li A$ is simply $\li \ty{A}$, i.e., the lift of the underlying
   type of $A$.
   The ordering on $\li A$ is the ``lock-step error-ordering'' which we describe in
-  \ref{subsec:lock-step}. The bismilarity relation is the ``weak bisimilarity''
+  \ref{sec:lock-step}. The bismilarity relation is the ``weak bisimilarity''
   described in Section \ref{}
   \item For predomains $A_i$ and $A_o$, we form the predomain of monotone functions
@@ -305,10 +308,10 @@ describe each of these below.
   $\later_t (\tilde{x}_t \le_A \tilde{y}_t)$.
-\subsubsection{Step-Sensitive Error Ordering}\label{subsec:lock-step}
+\subsubsection{Lock-Step Error Ordering}\label{sec:lock-step}
 As mentioned, the ordering on the lift of a predomain $A$ is called the
-\emph{step-sensitive error-ordering} (also called ``lock-step error ordering''),
+\emph{lock-step error-ordering} (also called the ``step-sensitive error ordering''),
 the idea being that two computations $l$ and $l'$ are related if they are in
 lock-step with regard to their intensional behavior, up to $l$ erroring.
 Formally, we define this ordering as follows:
@@ -320,10 +323,10 @@ Formally, we define this ordering as follows:
           $\later_t (\tilde{r}_t \ltls \tilde{r'}_t)$
-We also define a heterogeneous version of this ordering between the lifts of two
+We similarly define a heterogeneous version of this ordering between the lifts of two
 different predomains $A$ and $B$, parameterized by a relation $R$ between $A$ and $B$.
-\subsubsection{Weak Bisimilarity Relation}
+\subsubsection{Weak Bisimilarity Relation}\label{sec:weak-bisimilarity}
 For a predomain $A$, we define a relation on $\li A$, called ``weak bisimilarity",
 written $l \bisim l'$. Intuitively, we say $l \bisim l'$ if they are equivalent
@@ -412,6 +415,12 @@ particular concrete model under consideration.
 Thus, we postpone this discussion to the section on the abstract intensional categorical models of
 gradual typing (Section \ref{sec:abstract-intensional-models}).
+% To manage this construction, we break it down into multiple steps and do it modularly
+% We're not proving that the term model satisfies graduality 
+% (ex. the exponential in the term model includes all functions, whereas the
+% predomain model only includes monotone functions)