From 257556f0330c8bf02813db452f05f9f0819c9167 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Max New <> Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2020 11:45:04 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] cbv syntax, op semantics, translation --- jfp-paper/defs.tex | 7 ++- jfp-paper/jfp-gtt.tex | 141 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 2 files changed, 143 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/jfp-paper/defs.tex b/jfp-paper/defs.tex index 6f1ee2d..ab761f1 100644 --- a/jfp-paper/defs.tex +++ b/jfp-paper/defs.tex @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ \newcommand{\cbpv}{CBPV} \newcommand{\cbpvstar}{CBPV*} \newcommand{\cbpvtxt}{\cbpv} -\newcommand{\sem}[1]{[[#1]]} +\newcommand{\sem}[1]{\llbracket{#1}\rrbracket} \newcommand{\sdncast}[2]{\sem{\dncast{#1}{#2}}} \newcommand{\supcast}[2]{\sem{\upcast{#1}{#2}}} \newcommand{\srho}[1]{\sem{#1}_\rho} @@ -159,8 +159,9 @@ \newcommand\errordivergeright[0]{\ltdyn\succeq} \newcommand\errordivergerightop[0]{\preceq\gtdyn} -\newcommand\bvtopv[1]{#1^{c}} -\newcommand\bvtopvpure[1]{#1^{v}} +\newcommand\cbvtocbpvcomp[1]{#1^{c}} +\newcommand\cbvtocbpvval[1]{#1^{v}} +\newcommand\cbvtocbpvty[1]{#1^{ty}} \newcommand\purely{\downarrow} %% Local Variables: diff --git a/jfp-paper/jfp-gtt.tex b/jfp-paper/jfp-gtt.tex index 62a0a78..b6826a7 100644 --- a/jfp-paper/jfp-gtt.tex +++ b/jfp-paper/jfp-gtt.tex @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ \newif\ifshort \newif\iflong %% Pick long or short version: -%% \shorttrue -\longtrue +\shorttrue +%% \longtrue \usepackage{amssymb} %% \usepackage{amsthm} @@ -3939,6 +3939,143 @@ Theorem~\ref{thm:monadic-comonadic-casts} gives the result. %% In order for this duality to be \emph{perfect}, we use the version of %% casts that are \emph{not} assumed to be +\section{Application: Deriving Call-by-value Operational Semantics} + +To show how GTT can be used to inform language design, we show how the +uniqueness principles of Theorem~\ref{thm:casts-unique} justify most +of the operational behavior of a standard Call-by-value cast calculus. + +\begin{figure} + \begin{mathpar} + \begin{array}{lrcl} + \mbox{Types} & A & \bnfdef & + {\dyn} \alt {A \to A} \alt {1}\alt {A \times A}\alt 0 \alt {A + A}\\ + \mbox{Tags} & G & \bnfdef & \dyn \to \dyn \alt 1 \alt \dyn \times \dyn \alt 0 \alt \dyn + \dyn\\ + \mbox{Terms} & M,N & \bnfdef & + \err \alt x \alt + \obcast{A}{A}M\alt + () \alt \pmpairWtoinZ M N\alt + (M,N) \alt \pmpairWtoXYinZ M x y N\\ + & & \alt & + \inl M\alt \inr M\alt + \caseofXthenYelseZ M {x_1. N_1}{x_2. N_2} \alt + \lambda x:A. M \alt M\,N\\ + + \mbox{Values} & V & \bnfdef & + \obcast G \dyn V \alt \lambda x:A. M \alt () \alt (V,V) \alt \inl V \alt \inr V \\ + \mbox{Evaluation Contexts} & S & \bnfdef & + \bullet \alt \obcast B A S\alt + (S,N)\alt (M, S) \alt \pmpairWtoXYinZ S x y N\\ + &&\alt& + \inl S \alt \inr S \alt \caseofXthenYelseZ S {x_1.N_1}{x_2.N_2}\alt + S\,N\alt V\,S\\ + \mbox{Environments} & \Gamma & \bnfdef & \cdot \alt \Gamma,x:A\\ + \mbox{Substitutions} & \gamma & \bnfdef & \cdot \alt \gamma, V/x + \end{array} + \end{mathpar} + \caption{CBV Cast Calculus} +\end{figure} + +\begin{figure} + \begin{mathpar} + E[\letXbeYinZ V x N] \step E[N[V/x]]\and + E[(\lambda x:A. M)\,V] \step E[M[V/x]]\and + E[\pmpairWtoinZ V N] \step E[N]\and + E[\pmpairWtoXYinZ {(V_1,V_2)} {x_1}{x_2} N] \step E[N[V_1/x_1][V_2/x_2]]\and + E[\caseofXthenYelseZ {\inl V}{x_1. N_1}{x_2. N_2}] \step E[N_1[V/x_1]]\and + E[\caseofXthenYelseZ {\inr V}{x_1. N_1}{x_2. N_2}] \step E[N_2[V/x_2]]\\\\ + \inferrule + {} + {\obcast{\dyn}{\dyn}V \step E[V]}\and + \inferrule + {A \ltdyn G} + {E[\obcast \dyn A V] \step E[\obcast{\dyn}{G}\obcast{G}{A}V]}\and + \inferrule + {A \ltdyn G} + {E[\obcast A \dyn V] \step E[\obcast A G \obcast G \dyn V]}\and + \inferrule + {} + {E[\obcast G \dyn \obcast \dyn G V] \step E[V]}\and + \inferrule + {G \neq G'} + {E[\obcast {G'} \dyn \obcast \dyn {G} ]}\and + \inferrule + {A \ltdyn G_A \and B \ltdyn G_B \and G_A \neq G_B} + {E[\obcast B A V] \step \err}\and + \inferrule + {} + {E[\obcast{A_1' \to A_2'}{A_1 \to A_2}V]\step + E[\lambda x:A_1'. \obcast{A_2'}{A_2}(V\,(\obcast{A_1}{A_1'}x))]}\and + \inferrule + {} + {E[\obcast 1 1 ()] \step E[()]}\and + \inferrule + {} + {E[\obcast{A_1' \times A_2'}{A_1 \times A_2}(V_1,V_2)] \step + E[(\obcast{A_1'}{A_1}V_1,\obcast{A_2'}{A_2}V_2)]}\and + \inferrule + {} + {E[\obcast{A_1' + A_2'}{A_1 + A_2}{(\inl V)}]\step + E[\obcast{A_1'}{A_1}V]}\and + \inferrule + {} + {E[\obcast{A_1' + A_2'}{A_1 + A_2}{(\inr V)}]\step + E[\obcast{A_2'}{A_2}V]} + \end{mathpar} + \caption{CBV Cast Calculus Operational Semantics} +\end{figure} + +\begin{figure} + \begin{align*} % ?, ->, 1, *, 0, + + \cbvtocbpvty{\dyn} &= \dyn\\ + \cbvtocbpvty{(A \to A')} &= \cbvtocbpvty{A} \to \cbvtocbpvty{A'}\\ + \cbvtocbpvty{1} &= 1\\ + \cbvtocbpvty{(A_1 \times A_2)} &= \cbvtocbpvty{A_1} \times \cbvtocbpvty{A_2}\\ + \cbvtocbpvty{0} &= 0\\ + \cbvtocbpvty{(A_1 + A_2)} &= \cbvtocbpvty{A_1} + \cbvtocbpvty{A_2}\\\\ + \cbvtocbpvcomp{x} &= \ret x\\ + \cbvtocbpvcomp{(\letXbeYinZ M x N)} &= + \bindXtoYinZ {\cbvtocbpvcomp{M}} x {\cbvtocbpvcomp{N}}\\ + \cbvtocbpvcomp{(\obcast{A_2}{A_1}M)} &= + \bindXtoYinZ M x + \dncast{F \cbvtocbpvty{A_2}}{F \dyn}{(\ret {\upcast{\cbvtocbpvty{A_1}}{\dyn}x})}\\ + \cbvtocbpvcomp{(\lambda x:A. M)} &= + \ret (\thunk {(\lambda x:\cbvtocbpvty{A}. \cbvtocbpvcomp{M})})\\ + \cbvtocbpvcomp{(M\,N)} &= + \bindXtoYinZ {\cbvtocbpvcomp M} f + \bindXtoYinZ {\cbvtocbpvcomp N} x + \force f\,x\\ + \cbvtocbpvcomp{()} &= \ret ()\\ + \cbvtocbpvcomp{(\pmpairWtoinZ M N)} &= + \bindXtoYinZ {\cbvtocbpvcomp M} z \pmpairWtoinZ z N\\ + \cbvtocbpvcomp{(M_1,M_2)} &= + \bindXtoYinZ {\cbvtocbpvcomp {M_1}} {x_1} + \bindXtoYinZ {\cbvtocbpvcomp {M_2}} {x_2} + \ret (x_1,x_2)\\ + \cbvtocbpvcomp{(\pmpairWtoXYinZ M x y N)} &= + \bindXtoYinZ {\cbvtocbpvcomp M} z + \pmpairWtoXYinZ z x y {\cbvtocbpvcomp N}\\ + \cbvtocbpvcomp{(\abort M)} &= + \bindXtoYinZ {\cbvtocbpvcomp M} z {\abort z}\\ + \cbvtocbpvcomp{(\inl M)} &= + \bindXtoYinZ {\cbvtocbpvcomp{M}} x \ret \inl x\\ + \cbvtocbpvcomp{(\inr M)} &= + \bindXtoYinZ {\cbvtocbpvcomp{M}} x \ret \inr x\\ + \cbvtocbpvcomp{(\caseofXthenYelseZ M {x_1. N_1}{x_2. N_2})} &= + \bindXtoYinZ {\cbvtocbpvcomp M} z + \caseofXthenYelseZ z {x_1. \cbvtocbpvcomp {N_1}}{x_2. \cbvtocbpvcomp {N_2}}\\\\ + \cbvtocbpvval{(\obcast{\dyn}{G}V)} &= \upcast{\cbvtocbpvty{G}}{\dyn}V\\ + \cbvtocbpvval{(\lambda x:A. M)} &= + \thunk {(\lambda x:\cbvtocbpvty{A}. \cbvtocbpvcomp{M})}\\ + \cbvtocbpvval{()} &= ()\\ + \cbvtocbpvval{(V_1,V_2)} &= (\cbvtocbpvval {V_1}, \cbvtocbpvval {V_2})\\ + \cbvtocbpvval{(\inl V)} &= \inl \cbvtocbpvval V \\ + \cbvtocbpvval{(\inr V)} &= \inr \cbvtocbpvval V \\ + \end{align*} + \caption{CBV to GTT translation} +\end{figure} + + \section{Contract Models of GTT} \label{sec:contract} -- GitLab