From 01c01516fdc877cfb98a41ebfec1dfa782886836 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Max New <>
Date: Sat, 12 May 2018 16:06:32 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [code] optimizing version of cval elimination, needs renaming
 for correctness

 code/elim-complex-values.rkt | 173 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 171 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/code/elim-complex-values.rkt b/code/elim-complex-values.rkt
index 0b57b2a..f7b759f 100644
--- a/code/elim-complex-values.rkt
+++ b/code/elim-complex-values.rkt
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
 #lang racket
 (require racket/control)
+(require (for-syntax racket/control racket/match))
 ;; Eliminating complex values using delimited control
+;; celim-val : Complex-Value ->(Value |- Term) Value
 (define (celim-val v)
   (match v
     [(? symbol? x) x]
@@ -26,7 +28,7 @@
        `(case ,(celim-val discrim)
           [(inl ,xl) ,(% (k (celim-val kvl)))]
           [(inr ,xr) ,(% (k (celim-val kvr)))]))]
-    [`(case ,discrim) (control k `(case ,(celim-val discrim)))]
+    [`(case ,discrim) (abort `(case ,(celim-val discrim)))]
     [(list 'thunk t) (list 'thunk (celim-term))]
     [(list 'let (? symbol? x) v1 v2)
      (control k
@@ -35,6 +37,7 @@
              (list 'ret (celim-val v1))
              (% (k (celim-val v2)))))]))
+;; celim-term : Complex-Term ->(Term |- Term) Term
 (define (celim-term t)
   (match t
     [(list 'ret v)
@@ -66,5 +69,171 @@
     [(list (? projection? p) t) (list p (celim-term t))]
     [`(copat) `(copat)]))
+(define (celim t) (% (celim-term t)))
 (define (injection? x) (or (symbol=? x 'inl) (symbol=? x 'inr)))
-(define (projection? x) (or (symbol=? x 'fst) (symbol=? x 'snd)))
\ No newline at end of file
+(define (projection? x) (or (symbol=? x 'fst) (symbol=? x 'snd)))
+(module+ test
+  (require rackunit)
+  (check-equal? (celim '(let x (ret z) (ret (let y x (let q (case y) q)))))
+                '(let x (ret z) (let y (ret x) (case y))))
+  (check-equal? (celim '(let x (ret z) (ret (let y x (let q (case y [(inl xl) hl] [(inr xr) hr]) q)))))
+                '(let x (ret z)
+                   (let y (ret x)
+                     (case y
+                       ((inl xl) (let q (ret hl) (ret q)))
+                       ((inr xr) (let q (ret hr) (ret q)))))))
+  )
+;; Problem: only lifts programs to the most recent bound variable, could be better (optimization wise) to lift them as high as possible
+;; For instance if we have a (case contradiction) then we want to lift that as high as possible because the whole code is dead!
+;; On the other hand, we will get somewhat of a code explosion because of case statements, so in practice we would want a compromise between these two techniques.
+;; To solve this we'll work in two passes, first we will annotate
+;; every AST node with its free variables
+;; Then in the second pass we use a more *cooperative* continuation protocol:
+;; First, every prompt is at a binding site and so when we install, it
+;; is associated with a list of variables it binds w
+;; Second, when we control, we only get up to the closest prompt, so
+;; we need the prompt "handler" to "re-raise" the control if the value
+;; that we are lifting would still be well typed.
+;; If the value would not be well typed, we insert it *here* and the control is "handled"
+;; So when we control, we need to provide enough information, this means we return a list of
+;;   Exn : FV -> Kont -> CPST
+;; where FV are all of the free variables in the term Thk will return
+;;   Kont is the captured continuation up to the prompt
+;;   CPST is a function that takes a continuation for a term and returns a term (possibly re-raising later)
+;; So when we write control, we also provide the free variables of the term
+(define (control-vars-fun vars cps)
+  (control k2 (list 'raise vars k2 cps)))
+(define-syntax-rule (control-vars vars k t)
+  (control-vars-fun vars (λ (k) t)))
+;; So now all of our work is in the "handler"
+;;   First, we need to install a prompt for our term and insert an implicit "return"
+(define (minus xs ys)
+  (define (keep? x) (member x ys))
+  (filter keep? xs))
+(define (intersect? xs ys)
+  (define (in-ys? x) (member x ys))
+  (andmap in-ys? xs))
+(define (%-vars-fun binding-vars thnk)
+  (define result (% (list 'pure (thnk))))
+  (match result
+    [(list 'pure tm) tm]
+    [(list 'raise t-vars small-k t-wait)
+     (if (intersect? binding-vars t-vars)
+         (%-vars-fun binding-vars (λ () (t-wait small-k)))
+         (control-vars-fun (minus t-vars binding-vars)
+                           (λ (big-k)
+                             (t-wait (λ (x) (big-k (small-k x)))))))]))
+(define-syntax-rule (%-vars binding-vars t)
+  (%-vars-fun binding-vars (thunk t)))
+(define (get-vars v) first)
+(define (celim-val2 v)
+  (match-define (list vars val) v)
+  (match val
+    [(? symbol? x) x]
+    [(list 'cons car cdr) (list 'cons (celim-val car) (celim-val cdr))]
+    [(list 'split discrim (list 'cons x1 x2) kv)
+     (control-vars (get-vars discrim) k
+       (list 'split (celim-val discrim)
+             (list 'cons x1 x2)
+             (% (k (celim-val kv)))))]
+    [(list 'nil) (list 'nil)]
+    #;
+    [(list 'split discrim (list 'nil) kv)
+     (control k
+       (list 'split (celim-val discrim)
+             (list 'nil)
+             (% (k (celim-val kv)))))]
+    [(list (? injection? in) v) (list in (celim-val v))]
+    #;
+    [`(case ,discrim
+        [(inl ,xl) ,kvl]
+        [(inr ,xr) ,kvr])
+     (control k
+       `(case ,(celim-val discrim)
+          [(inl ,xl) ,(% (k (celim-val kvl)))]
+          [(inr ,xr) ,(% (k (celim-val kvr)))]))]
+    #;
+    [`(case ,discrim) (abort `(case ,(celim-val discrim)))]
+    [(list 'thunk t) (list 'thunk (celim-term))]
+    [(list 'let x v1 v2)
+     (control-vars (get-vars v1) k
+       (list 'let
+             x
+             (list 'ret (celim-val v1))
+             (%-vars (list x) (k (celim-val v2)))))]))
+;; celim-term : Complex-Term ->(Term |- Term) Term
+(define (celim-term2 t)
+  (match-define (list vars tm) t)
+  (match tm
+    [(list 'ret v)
+     (list 'ret (celim-val2 v))]
+    [(list 'let x t1 t2)
+     (list 'let
+           x
+           (celim-term2 t1)
+           (%-vars (list x) (celim-term2 t2)))]))
+(define (celim2 t)
+  (let loop ([thk (λ () (list 'pure (celim-term2 t)))])
+    (match (% (thk))
+      [(list 'pure tm) tm]
+      [(list 'raise _ k cps)
+       (loop (λ () (cps k)))])))
+;; Smart constructors
+(define (bound vars t)
+  (list (remove* vars (first t)) t))
+(define (appl-app ctor . args)
+  (define vars (map first args))
+  (list (append* vars)
+        `(,ctor . ,args)))
+(define (var x) `((,x) ,x))
+(define (scons car cdr) (appl-app 'cons car cdr))
+(define (snil) `(() (nil)))
+(define (sinl v) (appl-app 'sinl v))
+(define (sthunk t) (appl-app 'thunk t))
+(define (sapp t v) (appl-app 'app t v))
+(define (sforce v) (appl-app 'force v))
+(define (slet x t1 t2)
+  (define vars (append (first t1)
+                       (bound (list x) t2)))
+  (list vars
+        `(let ,x ,t1 ,t2)))
+(define (sabort v) (appl-app 'case v))
+(define (scase discrim x1 t1 x2 t2)
+  (define vars
+    (append (first discrim)
+            (bound (list x1) (first t1))
+            (bound (list x2) (first t2))))
+  (list vars
+        `(case ,discrim [,x1 ,t1] [,x2 ,t2])))
+(define (ssplit2 discrim x1 x2 t)
+  (define vars
+    (append (first discrim)
+            (bound (list x1 x2) (first t))))
+  (list vars `(split ,discrim (cons ,x1 ,x2) ,t)))
+(define (ssplit0 discrim t)
+  (define vars
+    (append (first discrim) (first t)))
+  (list vars `(split ,discrim (nil) ,t)))