 "cells": [
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 20,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "import numpy as np\n",
    "import pandas as pd\n",
    "import cv2\n",
    "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
    "import os\n",
    "from azure.storage.blob import ContainerClient\n",
    "import io\n",
    "import time\n",
    "from PIL import Image\n",
    "import datetime"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 21,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [
     "name": "stdout",
     "output_type": "stream",
     "text": [
   "source": [
    "file_path_color_left = \"data/00\\image_left/\"\n",
    "file_path_color_right = \"data/00\\image_right/\"\n",
    "left_images = os.listdir(file_path_color_left)\n",
    "right_images = os.listdir(file_path_color_right)\n",
    "# plt.figure(figsize=(12,4))\n",
    "# plt.imshow(cv2.imread(file_path_color_left + left_images[165],0)) \n",
    "#turning it into greyscale because we don't really need color unless we're interested in matching moving objects/features. "
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 22,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "def pixel_coord_np(height,width):\n",
    "    \"\"\"\n",
    "    Pixel in homogenous coordinate\n",
    "    Returns:\n",
    "        Pixel coordinate:       [3, width * height]\n",
    "    \"\"\"\n",
    "    x = np.linspace(0, width - 1, width).astype(np.float32)\n",
    "    y = np.linspace(0, height - 1, height).astype(np.float32)\n",
    "    [x, y] = np.meshgrid(x, y)\n",
    "    return np.vstack((x.flatten(), y.flatten(), np.ones_like(x.flatten())))\n",
    "def intrinsic_from_fov(height, width, fov=90):\n",
    "    \"\"\"\n",
    "    Basic Pinhole Camera Model\n",
    "    intrinsic params from fov and sensor width and height in pixels\n",
    "    Returns:\n",
    "        K:      [4, 4]\n",
    "    \"\"\"\n",
    "    px, py = (width / 2, height / 2)\n",
    "    hfov = fov / 360. * 2. * np.pi\n",
    "    fx = width / (2. * np.tan(hfov / 2.))\n",
    "    vfov = 2. * np.arctan(np.tan(hfov / 2) * height / width)\n",
    "    fy = height / (2. * np.tan(vfov / 2.))\n",
    "    return np.array([[fx, 0, px, 0.],\n",
    "                     [0, fy, py, 0.],\n",
    "                     [0, 0, 1., 0.],\n",
    "                     [0., 0., 0., 1.]])\n",
    "def quaternion_rotation_matrix(Q):\n",
    "    \"\"\"\n",
    "    Covert a quaternion into a full projection matrix.\n",
    " \n",
    "    Input\n",
    "    :param Q: A 7 element array representing translation and the quaternion (q0,q1,q2,q3) \n",
    " \n",
    "    Output\n",
    "    :return: A 3x4 element matrix representing the full projection matrix. \n",
    "             This projection matrix converts a point in the local reference \n",
    "             frame to a point in the global reference frame.\n",
    "    \"\"\"\n",
    "    # Extract the values from Q\n",
    "    t0 = Q[0]\n",
    "    t1 = Q[1]\n",
    "    t2 = Q[2]\n",
    "    q0 = Q[3]\n",
    "    q1 = Q[4]\n",
    "    q2 = Q[5]\n",
    "    q3 = Q[6]\n",
    "     \n",
    "    # First row of the rotation matrix\n",
    "    r00 = 2 * (q0 * q0 + q1 * q1) - 1\n",
    "    r01 = 2 * (q1 * q2 - q0 * q3)\n",
    "    r02 = 2 * (q1 * q3 + q0 * q2)\n",
    "     \n",
    "    # Second row of the rotation matrix\n",
    "    r10 = 2 * (q1 * q2 + q0 * q3)\n",
    "    r11 = 2 * (q0 * q0 + q2 * q2) - 1\n",
    "    r12 = 2 * (q2 * q3 - q0 * q1)\n",
    "     \n",
    "    # Third row of the rotation matrix\n",
    "    r20 = 2 * (q1 * q3 - q0 * q2)\n",
    "    r21 = 2 * (q2 * q3 + q0 * q1)\n",
    "    r22 = 2 * (q0 * q0 + q3 * q3) - 1\n",
    "     \n",
    "    # 3x4 projection matrix\n",
    "    pro_matrix = np.array([[r00, r01, r02, t0],\n",
    "                           [r10, r11, r12, t1],\n",
    "                           [r20, r21, r22, t2]])\n",
    "                            \n",
    "    return pro_matrix"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 23,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [
     "name": "stdout",
     "output_type": "stream",
     "text": [
   "source": [
    "class Dataset_Handler():\n",
    "    def __init__(self, sequence, lidar=False, progress_bar=True, low_memory=True):\n",
    "        \n",
    "        \n",
    "        # This will tell our odometry function if handler contains lidar info\n",
    "        self.lidar = lidar\n",
    "        # This will tell odometry functin how to access data from this object\n",
    "        self.low_memory = low_memory\n",
    "        \n",
    "        # Set file paths and get ground truth poses\n",
    "        self.seq_dir = \"data\\{}/\".format(sequence)\n",
    "        self.poses_dir = \"data\\{}.csv\".format(sequence)\n",
    "        self.depth_dir = \"data\\{}/\".format(sequence)\n",
    "        poses = pd.read_csv(self.poses_dir, header=None)\n",
    "        \n",
    "        # Get names of files to iterate through\n",
    "        self.left_image_files = os.listdir(self.seq_dir + 'image_left')\n",
    "        self.right_image_files = os.listdir(self.seq_dir + 'image_right')\n",
    "        self.left_depth_files = os.listdir(self.depth_dir + 'depth_left')\n",
    "        self.right_depth_files = os.listdir(self.depth_dir + 'depth_right')\n",
    "        \n",
    "        # self.velodyne_files = os.listdir(self.seq_dir + 'flow')\n",
    "        self.num_frames = len(self.left_image_files)\n",
    "        print(self.num_frames)\n",
    "        # self.lidar_path = self.seq_dir + 'flow/'\n",
    "        self.first_image_left = cv2.imread(self.seq_dir + 'image_left/' \n",
    "                                               + self.left_image_files[0])\n",
    "        height = 480\n",
    "        width = 640\n",
    "        K = intrinsic_from_fov(height,width)\n",
    "        self.P0 = np.array(K[:3,:4])\n",
    "        self.P1 = np.array(K[:3,:4])\n",
    "        \n",
    "        \n",
    "        # Get calibration details for scene\n",
    "        # calib = pd.read_csv(self.seq_dir + 'calib.txt', delimiter=' ', header=None, index_col=0)\n",
    "        # self.P0 = np.array(calib.loc['P0:']).reshape((3,4))\n",
    "        # self.P1 = np.array(calib.loc['P1:']).reshape((3,4))\n",
    "        # self.P2 = np.array(calib.loc['P2:']).reshape((3,4)) #RGB cams\n",
    "        # self.P3 = np.array(calib.loc['P3:']).reshape((3,4)) #RGB cams\n",
    "        # This is the transformation matrix for LIDAR\n",
    "        # self.Tr = np.array(calib.loc['Tr:']).reshape((3,4))\n",
    "        \n",
    "        # Get times and ground truth poses\n",
    "        self.times = np.array(pd.read_csv(self.seq_dir + 'times.txt', \n",
    "                                          delimiter=' ', \n",
    "                                          header=None))\n",
    "        self.gt = np.zeros((len(poses), 3, 4))\n",
    "        for i in range(len(poses)):\n",
    "            self.gt[i] = np.array(quaternion_rotation_matrix(poses.iloc[i])).reshape((3, 4))\n",
    "        \n",
    "        # Get images and lidar loaded\n",
    "        if self.low_memory:\n",
    "            # Will use generators to provide data sequentially to save RAM\n",
    "            # Use class method to set up generators\n",
    "            self.reset_frames()\n",
    "            # Store original frame to memory for testing functions\n",
    "            self.first_image_left = cv2.imread(self.seq_dir + 'image_left/' \n",
    "                                               + self.left_image_files[0])\n",
    "            self.first_image_right = cv2.imread(self.seq_dir + 'image_right/' \n",
    "                                               + self.right_image_files[0])\n",
    "            self.second_image_left = cv2.imread(self.seq_dir + 'image_left/' \n",
    "                                               + self.left_image_files[1])\n",
    "            self.first_depth_left = np.load(self.depth_dir + 'depth_left/'\n",
    "                                                + self.left_depth_files[0])\n",
    "            self.first_depth_right = np.load(self.depth_dir + 'depth_right/'\n",
    "                                                + self.right_depth_files[0])\n",
    "            self.second_depth_left = np.load(self.depth_dir + 'depth_left/'\n",
    "                                                + self.left_depth_files[1])\n",
    "                                                \n",
    "            if self.lidar:\n",
    "                self.first_pointcloud = np.fromfile(self.lidar_path + self.velodyne_files[0],\n",
    "                                                    dtype=np.float32, \n",
    "                                                    count=-1).reshape((-1, 4))\n",
    "            self.imheight = height\n",
    "            self.imwidth = width\n",
    "            \n",
    "        else:\n",
    "            # If RAM is not a concern (>32GB), pass low_memory=False\n",
    "            if progress_bar:\n",
    "                import progressbar\n",
    "                bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=self.num_frames)\n",
    "            self.images_left = []\n",
    "            self.images_right = []\n",
    "            self.depths_left = []\n",
    "            self.depths_right =[]\n",
    "            self.pointclouds = []\n",
    "            for i, name_left in enumerate(self.left_image_files):\n",
    "                name_right = self.right_image_files[i]\n",
    "                d_left = self.left_depth_files\n",
    "                d_right = self.right_depth_files\n",
    "                self.images_left.append(cv2.imread(self.seq_dir + 'image_left/' + name_left))\n",
    "                self.images_right.append(cv2.imread(self.seq_dir + 'image_right/' + name_right))\n",
    "                self.depths_left.append(np.load(self.depth_dir + 'depth_left/' + d_left))\n",
    "                self.depths_right.append(np.load(self.depth_dir + 'depth_right/' + d_right))\n",
    "                if self.lidar:\n",
    "                    pointcloud = np.fromfile(self.lidar_path + self.velodyne_files[i], \n",
    "                                             dtype=np.float32, \n",
    "                                             count=-1).reshape([-1,4])\n",
    "                    self.pointclouds.append(pointcloud)\n",
    "                if progress_bar:\n",
    "                    bar.update(i+1)\n",
    "                \n",
    "            self.imheight = self.images_left[0].shape[0]\n",
    "            self.imwidth = self.images_left[0].shape[1]\n",
    "            # Keep consistent instance variable names as when using low_memory\n",
    "            self.first_image_left = self.images_left[0]\n",
    "            self.first_image_right = self.images_right[0]\n",
    "            self.second_image_left = self.images_left[1]\n",
    "            if self.lidar:\n",
    "                self.first_pointcloud = self.pointclouds[0]\n",
    "            \n",
    "    def reset_frames(self):\n",
    "        # Resets all generators to the first frame of the sequence\n",
    "        self.images_left = (cv2.imread(self.seq_dir + 'image_left/' + name_left)\n",
    "                            for name_left in self.left_image_files)\n",
    "        self.images_right = (cv2.imread(self.seq_dir + 'image_right/' + name_right)\n",
    "                            for name_right in self.right_image_files)\n",
    "        self.depths_left = (np.load(self.depth_dir+'depth_left/' + d_left)\n",
    "                            for d_left in self.left_depth_files)\n",
    "        self.depths_right = (np.load(self.depth_dir+'depth_right/' + d_right)\n",
    "                            for d_right in self.right_depth_files)                    \n",
    "        if self.lidar:\n",
    "            self.pointclouds = (np.fromfile(self.lidar_path + velodyne_file, \n",
    "                                            dtype=np.float32, \n",
    "                                            count=-1).reshape((-1, 4))\n",
    "                                for velodyne_file in self.velodyne_files)\n",
    "        pass\n",
    "handler = Dataset_Handler(\"00\")\n",
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 24,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "def compute_left_disparity_map(left_image, right_image, matcher = 'bm', rgb = True, verbose = True):\n",
    "    '''\n",
    "    Takes a left and right pair of images to computes the disparity map for the left\n",
    "    image. \n",
    "    \n",
    "    Arguments:\n",
    "    img_left -- image from left camera\n",
    "    img_right -- image from right camera\n",
    "    \n",
    "    Optional Arguments:\n",
    "    matcher -- (str) can be 'bm' for StereoBM or 'sgbm' for StereoSGBM matching.\n",
    "    rgb -- (bool) set to True if passing RGB images as input. \n",
    "    verbose -- (bool) set to True to report matching type and time to compute\n",
    "    \n",
    "    Returns:\n",
    "    disp_left -- disparity map for the left camera image\n",
    "    \n",
    "    '''\n",
    "    sad_window = 6\n",
    "    num_disparities = sad_window * 16\n",
    "    block_size = 11\n",
    "    matcher_name = matcher\n",
    "    if matcher_name == 'bm':\n",
    "        matcher = cv2.StereoBM_create(numDisparities=num_disparities,\n",
    "                                        blockSize=block_size)\n",
    "                                        \n",
    "    elif matcher_name == 'sgbm':\n",
    "        matcher = cv2.StereoSGBM_create(numDisparities=num_disparities,\n",
    "                                        blockSize=block_size,\n",
    "                                        P1 = 8*3*sad_window**2,\n",
    "                                        P2 = 32*3*sad_window**2,\n",
    "                                        mode = cv2.STEREO_SGBM_MODE_SGBM_3WAY)\n",
    "    if rgb:\n",
    "        left_image = cv2.cvtColor(left_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)\n",
    "        right_image = cv2.cvtColor(right_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)\n",
    "    \n",
    "    start = datetime.datetime.now()\n",
    "    disp_left = matcher.compute(left_image, right_image).astype(np.float32)/16\n",
    "    end = datetime.datetime.now()\n",
    "    if verbose:\n",
    "        print(f'Time to compute disparity map using Stereo{matcher_name.upper()}:', end-start)\n",
    "    \n",
    "    return disp_left\n"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 25,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [
     "name": "stdout",
     "output_type": "stream",
     "text": [
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.009997\n"
   "source": [
    "first_left = cv2.imread(file_path_color_left + left_images[167])\n",
    "first_right = cv2.imread(file_path_color_right + right_images[167])\n",
    "disp = compute_left_disparity_map(left_image=first_left, right_image=first_right,\n",
    "                                    matcher = 'bm', verbose = True)\n",
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 26,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "def decompose_projection_matrix(p):\n",
    "    '''\n",
    "    Shortcut to use cv2.decomposeProjectionMatrix(), which only returns k, r, t, and divides\n",
    "    t by the scale, then returns it as a vector with shape (3,) (non-homogeneous)\n",
    "    \n",
    "    Arguments:\n",
    "    p -- projection matrix to be decomposed\n",
    "    \n",
    "    Returns:\n",
    "    k, r, t -- intrinsic matrix, rotation matrix, and 3D translation vector\n",
    "    \n",
    "    '''\n",
    "    k, r, t, _, _, _, _ = cv2.decomposeProjectionMatrix(p)\n",
    "    t = (t / t[3])[:3]\n",
    "    \n",
    "    return k, r, t\n",
    "def calc_depth_map(disp_left, k_left, t_left, t_right, rectified=True):\n",
    "    '''\n",
    "    Assuming we don't have access to the depth map...\n",
    "    \n",
    "    Calculate depth map using a disparity map, intrinsic camera matrix, and translation vectors\n",
    "    from camera extrinsic matrices (to calculate baseline). Note that default behavior is for\n",
    "    rectified projection matrix for right camera. If using a regular projection matrix, pass\n",
    "    rectified=False to avoid issues.\n",
    "    \n",
    "    \n",
    "    Arguments:\n",
    "    disp_left -- disparity map of left camera\n",
    "    k_left -- intrinsic matrix for left camera\n",
    "    t_left -- translation vector for left camera\n",
    "    t_right -- translation vector for right camera\n",
    "    \n",
    "    Optional Arguments:\n",
    "    rectified -- (bool) set to False if t_right is not from rectified projection matrix\n",
    "    \n",
    "    Returns:\n",
    "    depth_map -- calculated depth map for left camera\n",
    "    \n",
    "    '''\n",
    "    # Get focal length of x axis for left camera\n",
    "    f = k_left[0][0]\n",
    "    \n",
    "    # Calculate baseline of stereo pair\n",
    "    if rectified:\n",
    "        b = t_right[0] - t_left[0] \n",
    "    else:\n",
    "        b = t_left[0] - t_right[0]\n",
    "        \n",
    "    # Avoid instability and division by zero\n",
    "    disp_left[disp_left == 0.0] = 0.1\n",
    "    disp_left[disp_left == -1.0] = 0.1\n",
    "    \n",
    "    # Make empty depth map then fill with depth\n",
    "    depth_map = np.ones(disp_left.shape)\n",
    "    depth_map = f * b / disp_left\n",
    "    \n",
    "    return depth_map"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 27,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [
     "data": {
      "text/plain": [
       "array([[3.1132812, 3.1132812, 3.1152344, ..., 3.9003906, 3.9023438,\n",
       "        3.9042969],\n",
       "       [3.1171875, 3.1191406, 3.1191406, ..., 3.9082031, 3.9101562,\n",
       "        3.9121094],\n",
       "       [3.1230469, 3.1230469, 3.125    , ..., 3.9160156, 3.9179688,\n",
       "        3.9199219],\n",
       "       ...,\n",
       "       [2.0664062, 2.0664062, 2.0683594, ..., 3.1738281, 3.2265625,\n",
       "        3.2285156],\n",
       "       [2.0625   , 2.0644531, 2.0644531, ..., 3.1679688, 3.21875  ,\n",
       "        3.2207031],\n",
       "       [2.0585938, 2.0605469, 2.0605469, ..., 3.2070312, 3.2089844,\n",
       "        3.2128906]], dtype=float32)"
     "execution_count": 27,
     "metadata": {},
     "output_type": "execute_result"
   "source": [
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 28,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "def pointcloud2image(pointcloud, imheight, imwidth, Tr, P0):\n",
    "    '''\n",
    "    ...\n",
    "    Takes a pointcloud of shape Nx4 and projects it onto an image plane, first transforming\n",
    "    the X, Y, Z coordinates of points to the camera frame with tranformation matrix Tr, then\n",
    "    projecting them using camera projection matrix P0.\n",
    "    \n",
    "    Arguments:\n",
    "    pointcloud -- array of shape Nx4 containing (X, Y, Z, reflectivity)\n",
    "    imheight -- height (in pixels) of image plane\n",
    "    imwidth -- width (in pixels) of image plane\n",
    "    Tr -- 3x4 transformation matrix between lidar (X, Y, Z, 1) homogeneous and camera (X, Y, Z)\n",
    "    P0 -- projection matrix of camera (should have identity transformation if Tr used)\n",
    "    \n",
    "    Returns:\n",
    "    render -- a (imheight x imwidth) array containing depth (Z) information from lidar scan\n",
    "    \n",
    "    '''\n",
    "    pointcloud = pointcloud[pointcloud[:, 0] > 0]\n",
    "    \n",
    "    pointcloud = np.hstack([pointcloud[:, :3], np.ones(pointcloud.shape[0]).reshape((-1,1))])\n",
    "    \n",
    "    # Transform pointcloud into camera coordinate frame\n",
    "    cam_xyz = Tr.dot(pointcloud.T)\n",
    "    \n",
    "    # Ignore any points behind the camera (probably redundant but just in case)\n",
    "    cam_xyz = cam_xyz[:, cam_xyz[2] > 0]\n",
    "    \n",
    "    # Extract the Z row which is the depth from camera\n",
    "    depth = cam_xyz[2].copy()\n",
    "    \n",
    "    # Project coordinates in camera frame to flat plane at Z=1 by dividing by Z\n",
    "    cam_xyz /= cam_xyz[2]\n",
    "    \n",
    "    # Add row of ones to make our 3D coordinates on plane homogeneous for dotting with P0\n",
    "    cam_xyz = np.vstack([cam_xyz, np.ones(cam_xyz.shape[1])])\n",
    "    \n",
    "    # Get pixel coordinates of X, Y, Z points in camera coordinate frame\n",
    "    projection = P0.dot(cam_xyz)\n",
    "    #projection = (projection / projection[2])\n",
    "    \n",
    "    # Turn pixels into integers for indexing\n",
    "    pixel_coordinates = np.round(projection.T, 0)[:, :2].astype('int')\n",
    "    #pixel_coordinates = np.array(pixel_coordinates)\n",
    "    \n",
    "    # Limit pixel coordinates considered to those that fit on the image plane\n",
    "    indices = np.where((pixel_coordinates[:, 0] < imwidth)\n",
    "                       & (pixel_coordinates[:, 0] >= 0)\n",
    "                       & (pixel_coordinates[:, 1] < imheight)\n",
    "                       & (pixel_coordinates[:, 1] >= 0)\n",
    "                      )\n",
    "    pixel_coordinates = pixel_coordinates[indices]\n",
    "    depth = depth[indices]\n",
    "    \n",
    "    # Establish empty render image, then fill with the depths of each point\n",
    "    render = np.zeros((imheight, imwidth))\n",
    "    for j, (u, v) in enumerate(pixel_coordinates):\n",
    "        if u >= imwidth or u < 0:\n",
    "            continue\n",
    "        if v >= imheight or v < 0:\n",
    "            continue\n",
    "        render[v, u] = depth[j]\n",
    "    # Fill zero values with large distance so they will be ignored. (Using same max value)\n",
    "    \n",
    "    return render"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 29,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "def stereo_2_depth(img_left, img_right, P0, P1, matcher='bm', rgb=True, verbose=False, \n",
    "                   rectified=True):\n",
    "    '''\n",
    "    Takes stereo pair of images and returns a depth map for the left camera. If your projection\n",
    "    matrices are not rectified, set rectified=False.\n",
    "    \n",
    "    Arguments:\n",
    "    img_left -- image of left camera\n",
    "    img_right -- image of right camera\n",
    "    P0 -- Projection matrix for the left camera\n",
    "    P1 -- Projection matrix for the right camera\n",
    "    \n",
    "    Optional Arguments:\n",
    "    matcher -- (str) can be 'bm' for StereoBM or 'sgbm' for StereoSGBM\n",
    "    rgb -- (bool) set to True if images passed are RGB. Default is False\n",
    "    verbose -- (bool) set to True to report computation time and method\n",
    "    rectified -- (bool) set to False if P1 not rectified to P0. Default is True\n",
    "    \n",
    "    Returns:\n",
    "    depth -- depth map for left camera\n",
    "    \n",
    "    '''\n",
    "    # Compute disparity map\n",
    "    disp = compute_left_disparity_map(img_left, \n",
    "                                      img_right, \n",
    "                                      matcher=matcher, \n",
    "                                      rgb=rgb, \n",
    "                                      verbose=verbose)\n",
    "    # Decompose projection matrices\n",
    "    k_left, r_left, t_left = decompose_projection_matrix(P0)\n",
    "    k_right, r_right, t_right = decompose_projection_matrix(P1)\n",
    "    # Calculate depth map for left camera\n",
    "    depth = calc_depth_map(disp, k_left, t_left, t_right)\n",
    "    \n",
    "    return depth"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 30,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "def extract_features(image, detector='sift', mask=None):\n",
    "    \"\"\"\n",
    "    Find keypoints and descriptors for the image\n",
    "    Arguments:\n",
    "    image -- a grayscale image\n",
    "    Returns:\n",
    "    kp -- list of the extracted keypoints (features) in an image\n",
    "    des -- list of the keypoint descriptors in an image\n",
    "    \"\"\"\n",
    "    if detector == 'sift':\n",
    "        det = cv2.SIFT_create()\n",
    "    elif detector == 'orb':\n",
    "        det = cv2.ORB_create()\n",
    "    elif detector == 'surf':\n",
    "        det = cv2.xfeatures2d.SURF_create()\n",
    "        \n",
    "    kp, des = det.detectAndCompute(image, mask)\n",
    "    \n",
    "    return kp, des"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 31,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "def match_features(des1, des2, matching='BF', detector='sift', sort=True, k=2):\n",
    "    \"\"\"\n",
    "    Match features from two images\n",
    "    Arguments:\n",
    "    des1 -- list of the keypoint descriptors in the first image\n",
    "    des2 -- list of the keypoint descriptors in the second image\n",
    "    matching -- (str) can be 'BF' for Brute Force or 'FLANN'\n",
    "    detector -- (str) can be 'sift or 'orb'. Default is 'sift'\n",
    "    sort -- (bool) whether to sort matches by distance. Default is True\n",
    "    k -- (int) number of neighbors to match to each feature.\n",
    "    Returns:\n",
    "    matches -- list of matched features from two images. Each match[i] is k or less matches for \n",
    "               the same query descriptor\n",
    "    \"\"\"\n",
    "    if matching == 'BF':\n",
    "        if detector == 'sift':\n",
    "            matcher = cv2.BFMatcher_create(cv2.NORM_L2, crossCheck=False)\n",
    "        elif detector == 'orb':\n",
    "            matcher = cv2.BFMatcher_create(cv2.NORM_HAMMING2, crossCheck=False)\n",
    "        matches = matcher.knnMatch(des1, des2, k=k)\n",
    "    elif matching == 'FLANN':\n",
    "        FLANN_INDEX_KDTREE = 1\n",
    "        index_params = dict(algorithm = FLANN_INDEX_KDTREE, trees=5)\n",
    "        search_params = dict(checks=50)\n",
    "        matcher = cv2.FlannBasedMatcher(index_params, search_params)\n",
    "        matches = matcher.knnMatch(des1, des2, k=k)\n",
    "    \n",
    "    if sort:\n",
    "        matches = sorted(matches, key = lambda x:x[0].distance)\n",
    "    return matches"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 32,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "def visualize_matches(image1, kp1, image2, kp2, match):\n",
    "    \"\"\"\n",
    "    Visualize corresponding matches in two images\n",
    "    Arguments:\n",
    "    image1 -- the first image in a matched image pair\n",
    "    kp1 -- list of the keypoints in the first image\n",
    "    image2 -- the second image in a matched image pair\n",
    "    kp2 -- list of the keypoints in the second image\n",
    "    match -- list of matched features from the pair of images\n",
    "    Returns:\n",
    "    image_matches -- an image showing the corresponding matches on both image1 and image2 or None if you don't use this function\n",
    "    \"\"\"\n",
    "    image_matches = cv2.drawMatches(image1, kp1, image2, kp2, match, None, flags=2)\n",
    "    plt.figure(figsize=(16, 6), dpi=100)\n",
    "    plt.imshow(image_matches)"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 33,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "def filter_matches_distance(matches, dist_threshold):\n",
    "    \"\"\"\n",
    "    Filter matched features from two images by distance between the best matches\n",
    "    Arguments:\n",
    "    match -- list of matched features from two images\n",
    "    dist_threshold -- maximum allowed relative distance between the best matches, (0.0, 1.0) \n",
    "    Returns:\n",
    "    filtered_match -- list of good matches, satisfying the distance threshold\n",
    "    \"\"\"\n",
    "    filtered_match = []\n",
    "    for m, n in matches:\n",
    "        if m.distance <= dist_threshold*n.distance:\n",
    "            filtered_match.append(m)\n",
    "    return filtered_match"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 34,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "def estimate_motion(match, kp1, kp2, k, depth1=None, max_depth=3000):\n",
    "    \"\"\"\n",
    "    Estimate camera motion from a pair of subsequent image frames\n",
    "    Arguments:\n",
    "    match -- list of matched features from the pair of images\n",
    "    kp1 -- list of the keypoints in the first image\n",
    "    kp2 -- list of the keypoints in the second image\n",
    "    k -- camera intrinsic calibration matrix \n",
    "    \n",
    "    Optional arguments:\n",
    "    depth1 -- Depth map of the first frame. Set to None to use Essential Matrix decomposition\n",
    "    max_depth -- Threshold of depth to ignore matched features. 3000 is default\n",
    "    Returns:\n",
    "    rmat -- estimated 3x3 rotation matrix\n",
    "    tvec -- estimated 3x1 translation vector\n",
    "    image1_points -- matched feature pixel coordinates in the first image. \n",
    "                     image1_points[i] = [u, v] -> pixel coordinates of i-th match\n",
    "    image2_points -- matched feature pixel coordinates in the second image. \n",
    "                     image2_points[i] = [u, v] -> pixel coordinates of i-th match\n",
    "               \n",
    "    \"\"\"\n",
    "    rmat = np.eye(3)\n",
    "    tvec = np.zeros((3, 1))\n",
    "    \n",
    "    image1_points = np.float32([kp1[m.queryIdx].pt for m in match])\n",
    "    image2_points = np.float32([kp2[m.trainIdx].pt for m in match])\n",
    "   \n",
    "    # if depth1 is not None:\n",
    "    cx = k[0, 2]\n",
    "    cy = k[1, 2]\n",
    "    fx = k[0, 0]\n",
    "    fy = k[1, 1]\n",
    "    object_points = np.zeros((0, 3))\n",
    "    delete = []\n",
    "    \n",
    "    # Extract depth information of query image at match points and build 3D positions\n",
    "    for i, (u, v) in enumerate(image1_points):\n",
    "        z = depth1[int(v), int(u)]\n",
    "        \n",
    "        if z > max_depth:\n",
    "            delete.append(i)\n",
    "            continue\n",
    "            \n",
    "        # Use arithmetic to extract x and y (faster than using inverse of k)\n",
    "        x = z*(u-cx)/fx\n",
    "        y = z*(v-cy)/fy\n",
    "        object_points = np.vstack([object_points, np.array([x, y, z])])\n",
    "        # Equivalent math with dot product w/ inverse of k matrix, but SLOWER (see Appendix A)\n",
    "        #object_points = np.vstack([object_points, np.linalg.inv(k).dot(z*np.array([u, v, 1]))])\n",
    "    image1_points = np.delete(image1_points, delete, 0)\n",
    "    image2_points = np.delete(image2_points, delete, 0)\n",
    "    \n",
    "    # Use PnP algorithm with RANSAC for robustness to outliers\n",
    "    \n",
    "    _,rvec, tvec, inliers = cv2.solvePnPRansac(object_points, image2_points, cameraMatrix=k, distCoeffs=None)\n",
    "    rmat = cv2.Rodrigues(rvec)[0]\n",
    "    \n",
    "    return rmat, tvec, image1_points, image2_points"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 35,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [
     "name": "stdout",
     "output_type": "stream",
     "text": [
      "Number of matches before filtering: 47\n",
      "Number of matches after filtering: 5\n"
   "source": [
    "image_left11 = handler.first_image_left\n",
    "image_plus11 = handler.second_image_left\n",
    "depth_left11 = np.load(handler.depth_dir + 'depth_left/'\n",
    "                                                + handler.left_depth_files[133])\n",
    "image_right11 = handler.first_image_right\n",
    "depth_plus11 = np.load(handler.depth_dir + 'depth_left/'\n",
    "                                                + handler.left_depth_files[1])\n",
    "kp0, des0 = extract_features(image_left11, 'sift')\n",
    "kp1, des1 = extract_features(image_plus11, 'sift')\n",
    "matches = match_features(des0, des1, matching='BF', detector='sift', sort=True)\n",
    "print('Number of matches before filtering:', len(matches))\n",
    "matches = filter_matches_distance(matches, 0.45)\n",
    "print('Number of matches after filtering:', len(matches))\n",
    "visualize_matches(image_left11, kp0, image_plus11, kp1, matches)"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 36,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [
     "name": "stdout",
     "output_type": "stream",
     "text": [
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006027\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005975\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.007059\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005005\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006033\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006032\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.007002\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.008971\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005008\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.010032\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.008002\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006968\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006027\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005998\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.004999\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006000\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.009004\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.004030\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005006\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.007015\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006002\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.007987\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.007984\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006001\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005040\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.009011\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.004999\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006999\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006990\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005026\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006000\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005007\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006002\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.010000\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.008001\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.007071\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006003\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.007002\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006000\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005973\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.009014\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.007000\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005959\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005027\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.008971\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005963\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006999\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.004992\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.008035\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005034\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.008070\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005965\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.007045\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005029\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005024\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.008015\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.007006\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.008035\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005035\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.004987\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.007000\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006003\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006999\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.004999\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006024\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005034\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.007015\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005999\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006997\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005005\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.007992\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006002\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.004994\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006998\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.009008\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005032\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.004998\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.008012\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.008000\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.008001\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005029\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.009059\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005999\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005999\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005002\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005032\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.007999\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.008033\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.007001\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005010\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005015\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.004998\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006998\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.008027\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005032\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.008001\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.008007\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005975\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006999\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006000\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.007000\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.007033\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006002\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005990\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.009987\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.007999\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005026\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006980\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.008000\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006998\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005025\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005005\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.008969\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005910\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006022\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.007034\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.007029\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.004999\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006002\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005030\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.007997\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.007996\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005998\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005034\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.011007\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.010080\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.010015\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006014\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.008999\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.008984\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.011999\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006001\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.008001\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006000\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006001\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.009995\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.004999\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.010038\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.009000\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.008999\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.010001\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.009986\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.009037\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.004969\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.010025\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.010075\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.009000\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.009035\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.007008\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.008998\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.011004\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.009992\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.011044\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.010033\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005036\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006029\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.009970\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005899\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.010003\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005994\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.010007\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.004999\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006975\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005996\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.008987\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.009998\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005997\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.011049\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.009039\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.010054\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.011027\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.007001\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.009010\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005970\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.009969\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.011046\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.010001\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.010000\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.009003\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.011048\n",
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      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.004998\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005018\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.004998\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.004951\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.008989\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006039\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.007039\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005001\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006007\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005006\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.007057\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.007002\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005982\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.004997\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006892\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.008000\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006012\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.007031\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.005031\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.008998\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.007997\n",
      "Time to compute disparity map using StereoBM: 0:00:00.006002\n"
   "source": [
    "stereo_l = handler.images_left\n",
    "stereo_r = handler.images_right\n",
    "depth_l = handler.depths_left\n",
    "depth_r = handler.depths_right\n",
    "%matplotlib tk\n",
    "xs = []\n",
    "ys = []\n",
    "zs = []\n",
    "compute_times = []\n",
    "fig1 = plt.figure()\n",
    "#uncomment this for viewing ground truth\n",
    "ax = fig1.add_subplot(projection='3d')\n",
    "ax.view_init(elev=-20, azim=270)\n",
    "ax.plot(handler.gt[:,0,3], handler.gt[:,1,3], handler.gt[:,2,3], c = 'k')\n",
    "poses = (gt for gt in handler.gt)\n",
    "for i in range(handler.num_frames):\n",
    "    i\n",
    "    img_l = next(stereo_l)\n",
    "    img_r = next(stereo_r)\n",
    "    D_left = next(depth_l)\n",
    "    D_right = next(depth_r)\n",
    "    start = datetime.datetime.now()\n",
    "    disp = compute_left_disparity_map(img_l, img_r, matcher='bm')\n",
    "    gt = next(poses)\n",
    "    xs.append(gt[0,3])\n",
    "    ys.append(gt[1,3])\n",
    "    zs.append(gt[2,3])\n",
    "    \n",
    "    plt.plot(xs,ys, zs, c = 'chartreuse')\n",
    "    plt.pause(0.00000000001)\n",
    "     \n",
    "    cv2.imshow('L-Camera', img_l)\n",
    "    cv2.imshow('R-Camera', img_r)\n",
    "    cv2.imshow('Disparity', disp)\n",
    "    ##########################################\n",
    "    #uncomment this for viewing depth image// BUT, super slow. \n",
    "    ################################################################################\n",
    "    # plt.imshow(D_left)\n",
    "    ################################################################################   \n",
    "    plt.pause(0.00000000001)\n",
    "    \n",
    "    cv2.waitKey(1)\n",
    "    end = datetime.datetime.now()\n",
    "    compute_times.append(end-start)\n",
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 37,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "k,r,t,_,_,_,_ = cv2.decomposeProjectionMatrix(handler.P0)\n",
    "depth = handler.first_depth_left\n",
    "rmat, tvec, image1_points, image2_points = estimate_motion(matches,kp0,kp1,depth1 = depth,k=k)\n",
    "transformation_matrix = np.hstack([rmat,tvec])\n"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 92,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "def visual_odometry(handler, detector='sift', matching='BF', filter_match_distance=None, \n",
    "                    stereo_matcher='bm', mask=None, depth_type='stereo', subset=None,\n",
    "                    plot=False):\n",
    "    '''\n",
    "    Function to perform visual odometry on a sequence from the KITTI visual odometry dataset.\n",
    "    Takes as input a Data_Handler object and optional parameters.\n",
    "    \n",
    "    Arguments:\n",
    "    handler -- Data_Handler object instance\n",
    "    \n",
    "    Optional Arguments:\n",
    "    detector -- (str) can be 'sift' or 'orb'. Default is 'sift'.\n",
    "    matching -- (str) can be 'BF' for Brute Force or 'FLANN'. Default is 'BF'.\n",
    "    filter_match_distance -- (float) value for ratio test on matched features. Default is None.\n",
    "    stereo_matcher -- (str) can be 'bm' (faster) or 'sgbm' (more accurate). Default is 'bm'.\n",
    "    mask -- (array) mask to reduce feature search area to where depth information available.\n",
    "    depth_type -- (str) can be 'stereo' or set to None to use Essential matrix decomposition.\n",
    "                        Note that scale will be incorrect with no depth used.\n",
    "    subset -- (int) number of frames to compute. Defaults to None to compute all frames.\n",
    "    plot -- (bool) whether to plot the estimated vs ground truth trajectory. Only works if\n",
    "                   matplotlib is set to tk mode. Default is False.\n",
    "    \n",
    "    Returns:\n",
    "    trajectory -- Array of shape Nx3x4 of estimated poses of vehicle for each computed frame.\n",
    "    \n",
    "    '''\n",
    "    # Determine if handler has lidar data\n",
    "    lidar = handler.lidar\n",
    "    \n",
    "    # Report methods being used to user\n",
    "    print('Generating disparities with Stereo{}'.format(str.upper(stereo_matcher)))\n",
    "    print('Detecting features with {} and matching with {}'.format(str.upper(detector), \n",
    "                                                                   matching))\n",
    "    if filter_match_distance is not None:\n",
    "        print('Filtering feature matches at threshold of {}*distance'.format(filter_match_distance))\n",
    "    if lidar:\n",
    "        print('Improving stereo depth estimation with lidar data')\n",
    "    if subset is not None:\n",
    "        #subset = subset + 1\n",
    "        num_frames = subset\n",
    "    else:\n",
    "        # Set num_frames to one less than the number of frames so we have sequential images\n",
    "        # in the last frame run.\n",
    "        num_frames = handler.num_frames\n",
    "        \n",
    "    if plot:\n",
    "        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 14))\n",
    "        ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d')\n",
    "        ax.view_init(elev=-20, azim=270)\n",
    "        xs = handler.gt[:, 0, 3]\n",
    "        ys = handler.gt[:, 1, 3]\n",
    "        zs = handler.gt[:, 2, 3]\n",
    "        ax.set_box_aspect((np.ptp(xs), np.ptp(ys), np.ptp(zs)))\n",
    "        ax.plot(xs, ys, zs, c='k')\n",
    "    # Establish homogeneous transformation matrix. First pose is identity    \n",
    "    T_tot = np.eye(4)\n",
    "    trajectory = np.zeros((num_frames, 3, 4))\n",
    "    trajectory[0] = T_tot[:3, :]\n",
    "    imheight = handler.imheight\n",
    "    imwidth = handler.imwidth\n",
    "    # Decompose left camera projection matrix to get intrinsic k matrix\n",
    "    k_left, r_left, t_left = decompose_projection_matrix(handler.P0)\n",
    "    if handler.low_memory:\n",
    "        handler.reset_frames()\n",
    "        image_plus1 = next(handler.images_left)\n",
    "    # Iterate through all frames of the sequence\n",
    "    for i in range(num_frames - 1):\n",
    "        # Stop if we've reached the second to last frame, since we need two sequential frames\n",
    "        #if i == num_frames - 1:\n",
    "        #    break\n",
    "        # Start timer for frame\n",
    "        start = datetime.datetime.now()\n",
    "        # Get our stereo images for depth estimation\n",
    "        if handler.low_memory:\n",
    "            image_left = image_plus1\n",
    "            image_right = next(handler.images_right)\n",
    "            # Get next frame in the left camera for visual odometry\n",
    "            image_plus1 = next(handler.images_left)\n",
    "        else:\n",
    "            image_left = handler.images_left[i]\n",
    "            image_right = handler.images_right[i]\n",
    "            # Get next frame in the left camera for visual odometry\n",
    "            image_plus1 = handler.images_left[i+1]\n",
    "        \n",
    "        # Estimate depth if using stereo depth estimation (recommended)\n",
    "        if depth_type == 'stereo':\n",
    "            depth = stereo_2_depth(image_left, \n",
    "                                   image_right, \n",
    "                                   P0=handler.P0, \n",
    "                                   P1=handler.P1,\n",
    "                                   matcher=stereo_matcher)\n",
    "            # depth = (handler.first_depth_left)\n",
    "        # Otherwise use Essential Matrix decomposition (ambiguous scale)\n",
    "        else:\n",
    "            depth = None\n",
    "            \n",
    "        # Supercede stereo depth estimations where lidar points are available\n",
    "        if lidar:\n",
    "            if handler.low_memory:\n",
    "                pointcloud = next(handler.pointclouds)\n",
    "            else:\n",
    "                pointcloud = handler.pointclouds[i]\n",
    "            lidar_depth = pointcloud2image(pointcloud, \n",
    "                                           imheight=imheight, \n",
    "                                           imwidth=imwidth, \n",
    "                                           Tr=handler.Tr, \n",
    "                                           P0=handler.P0)\n",
    "            indices = np.where(lidar_depth > 0)\n",
    "            depth[indices] = lidar_depth[indices]\n",
    "        # Get keypoints and descriptors for left camera image of two sequential frames\n",
    "        kp0, des0 = extract_features(image_left, detector, mask)\n",
    "        kp1, des1 = extract_features(image_plus1, detector, mask)\n",
    "        \n",
    "        # Get matches between features detected in the two images\n",
    "        matches_unfilt = match_features(des0, \n",
    "                                        des1, \n",
    "                                        matching=matching, \n",
    "                                        detector=detector, \n",
    "                                        sort=True)\n",
    "        \n",
    "        # Filter matches if a distance threshold is provided by user\n",
    "        if filter_match_distance is not None:\n",
    "            matches = filter_matches_distance(matches_unfilt, filter_match_distance)\n",
    "        else:\n",
    "            matches = matches_unfilt\n",
    "            \n",
    "        # Estimate motion between sequential images of the left camera\n",
    "        rmat, tvec, img1_points, img2_points = estimate_motion(matches, kp0, kp1, k=k_left, depth1=depth)\n",
    "        # Create blank homogeneous transformation matrix\n",
    "        Tmat = np.eye(4)\n",
    "        # Place resulting rotation matrix  and translation vector in their proper locations\n",
    "        # in homogeneous T matrix\n",
    "        Tmat[:3, :3] = rmat\n",
    "        Tmat[:3, 3] = tvec.T\n",
    "        T_tot = T_tot.dot(np.linalg.inv(Tmat))\n",
    "            \n",
    "        # Place pose estimate in i+1 to correspond to the second image, which we estimated for\n",
    "        trajectory[i+1, :, :] = T_tot[:3, :]\n",
    "        # End the timer for the frame and report frame rate to user\n",
    "        end = datetime.datetime.now()\n",
    "        print('Time to compute frame {}:'.format(i+1), end-start)\n",
    "        \n",
    "        if plot:\n",
    "            xs = trajectory[:i+2, 0, 3]\n",
    "            ys = trajectory[:i+2, 1, 3]\n",
    "            zs = trajectory[:i+2, 2, 3]\n",
    "            plt.plot(xs, ys, zs, c='chartreuse')\n",
    "            plt.pause(1e-32)\n",
    "            \n",
    "    if plot:        \n",
    "        plt.close()\n",
    "        \n",
    "    return trajectory"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 93,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [
     "name": "stdout",
     "output_type": "stream",
     "text": [
      "Generating disparities with StereoBM\n",
      "Detecting features with SIFT and matching with BF\n",
      "Filtering feature matches at threshold of 0.4*distance\n",
      "Time to compute frame 1: 0:00:00.131964\n",
      "Time to compute frame 2: 0:00:00.120015\n",
      "Time to compute frame 3: 0:00:00.115006\n",
      "Time to compute frame 4: 0:00:00.124001\n",
      "Time to compute frame 5: 0:00:00.115001\n",
      "Time to compute frame 6: 0:00:00.123993\n",
      "Time to compute frame 7: 0:00:00.113998\n",
      "Time to compute frame 8: 0:00:00.115041\n",
      "Time to compute frame 9: 0:00:00.110005\n",
      "Time to compute frame 10: 0:00:00.118999\n",
      "Time to compute frame 11: 0:00:00.118939\n",
      "Time to compute frame 12: 0:00:00.120991\n",
      "Time to compute frame 13: 0:00:00.114034\n",
      "Time to compute frame 14: 0:00:00.116001\n",
      "Time to compute frame 15: 0:00:00.114000\n",
      "Time to compute frame 16: 0:00:00.118031\n",
      "Time to compute frame 17: 0:00:00.110000\n",
      "Time to compute frame 18: 0:00:00.119963\n",
      "Time to compute frame 19: 0:00:00.115973\n",
      "Time to compute frame 20: 0:00:00.113968\n",
      "Time to compute frame 21: 0:00:00.114004\n",
      "Time to compute frame 22: 0:00:00.119000\n",
      "Time to compute frame 23: 0:00:00.116999\n",
      "Time to compute frame 24: 0:00:00.136001\n",
      "Time to compute frame 25: 0:00:00.121013\n",
      "Time to compute frame 26: 0:00:00.123009\n",
      "Time to compute frame 27: 0:00:00.121010\n",
      "Time to compute frame 28: 0:00:00.123034\n",
      "Time to compute frame 29: 0:00:00.117967\n",
      "Time to compute frame 30: 0:00:00.128025\n",
      "Time to compute frame 31: 0:00:00.123001\n",
      "Time to compute frame 32: 0:00:00.129037\n",
      "Time to compute frame 33: 0:00:00.141967\n",
      "Time to compute frame 34: 0:00:00.125028\n",
      "Time to compute frame 35: 0:00:00.131006\n",
      "Time to compute frame 36: 0:00:00.126033\n",
      "Time to compute frame 37: 0:00:00.125016\n",
      "Time to compute frame 38: 0:00:00.126947\n",
      "Time to compute frame 39: 0:00:00.121997\n",
      "Time to compute frame 40: 0:00:00.131032\n",
      "Time to compute frame 41: 0:00:00.147001\n",
      "Time to compute frame 42: 0:00:00.128962\n",
      "Time to compute frame 43: 0:00:00.119038\n",
      "Time to compute frame 44: 0:00:00.115989\n",
      "Time to compute frame 45: 0:00:00.113023\n",
      "Time to compute frame 46: 0:00:00.116998\n",
      "Time to compute frame 47: 0:00:00.138015\n",
      "Time to compute frame 48: 0:00:00.106995\n",
      "Time to compute frame 49: 0:00:00.111965\n",
      "Time to compute frame 50: 0:00:00.117036\n",
      "Time to compute frame 51: 0:00:00.107991\n",
      "Time to compute frame 52: 0:00:00.109007\n",
      "Time to compute frame 53: 0:00:00.117000\n",
      "Time to compute frame 54: 0:00:00.118040\n",
      "Time to compute frame 55: 0:00:00.111968\n",
      "Time to compute frame 56: 0:00:00.112036\n",
      "Time to compute frame 57: 0:00:00.106001\n",
      "Time to compute frame 58: 0:00:00.109965\n",
      "Time to compute frame 59: 0:00:00.134001\n",
      "Time to compute frame 60: 0:00:00.113034\n",
      "Time to compute frame 61: 0:00:00.118003\n",
      "Time to compute frame 62: 0:00:00.118998\n",
      "Time to compute frame 63: 0:00:00.123006\n",
      "Time to compute frame 64: 0:00:00.114037\n",
      "Time to compute frame 65: 0:00:00.140998\n",
      "Time to compute frame 66: 0:00:00.127999\n",
      "Time to compute frame 67: 0:00:00.150001\n",
      "Time to compute frame 68: 0:00:00.132983\n",
      "Time to compute frame 69: 0:00:00.129974\n",
      "Time to compute frame 70: 0:00:00.151035\n",
      "Time to compute frame 71: 0:00:00.134962\n",
      "Time to compute frame 72: 0:00:00.143006\n",
      "Time to compute frame 73: 0:00:00.137999\n",
      "Time to compute frame 74: 0:00:00.140036\n",
      "Time to compute frame 75: 0:00:00.176004\n",
      "Time to compute frame 76: 0:00:00.143966\n",
      "Time to compute frame 77: 0:00:00.155035\n",
      "Time to compute frame 78: 0:00:00.152998\n",
      "Time to compute frame 79: 0:00:00.148000\n",
      "Time to compute frame 80: 0:00:00.152040\n",
      "Time to compute frame 81: 0:00:00.152003\n",
      "Time to compute frame 82: 0:00:00.157999\n",
      "Time to compute frame 83: 0:00:00.150006\n",
      "Time to compute frame 84: 0:00:00.170958\n",
      "Time to compute frame 85: 0:00:00.159026\n",
      "Time to compute frame 86: 0:00:00.159036\n",
      "Time to compute frame 87: 0:00:00.163014\n",
      "Time to compute frame 88: 0:00:00.158008\n",
      "Time to compute frame 89: 0:00:00.175964\n",
      "Time to compute frame 90: 0:00:00.164006\n",
      "Time to compute frame 91: 0:00:00.158977\n",
      "Time to compute frame 92: 0:00:00.154973\n",
      "Time to compute frame 93: 0:00:00.164965\n",
      "Time to compute frame 94: 0:00:00.152998\n",
      "Time to compute frame 95: 0:00:00.153035\n",
      "Time to compute frame 96: 0:00:00.174000\n",
      "Time to compute frame 97: 0:00:00.150000\n",
      "Time to compute frame 98: 0:00:00.176036\n",
      "Time to compute frame 99: 0:00:00.154028\n",
      "Time to perform odometry: 0:00:18.426400\n"
   "source": [
    "handler.lidar = False\n",
    "start = datetime.datetime.now()\n",
    "trajectory_nolidar_bm = visual_odometry(handler,\n",
    "                                        filter_match_distance=0.4,\n",
    "                                        detector='sift',\n",
    "                                        # matching='FLANN',\n",
    "                                        stereo_matcher='bm',\n",
    "                                        mask=None,     \n",
    "                                        subset=100,\n",
    "                                        plot=True)\n",
    "end = datetime.datetime.now()\n",
    "print('Time to perform odometry:', end-start)"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 88,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [
     "name": "stdout",
     "output_type": "stream",
     "text": [
      "Warning: Cannot change to a different GUI toolkit: notebook. Using tk instead.\n"
   "source": [
    "%matplotlib notebook"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 89,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8))\n",
    "ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')\n",
    "ax.plot(trajectory_nolidar_bm[:, :, 3][:, 0], \n",
    "        trajectory_nolidar_bm[:, :, 3][:, 1], \n",
    "        trajectory_nolidar_bm[:, :, 3][:, 2], label='estimated', color='orange')\n",
    "ax.plot(handler.gt[:, :, 3][:, 0], \n",
    "        handler.gt[:, :, 3][:, 1], \n",
    "        handler.gt[:, :, 3][:, 2], label='ground truth')\n",
    "ax.view_init(elev=-20, azim=270)\n"
 "metadata": {
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