import numpy as np import scipy.interpolate from numbers import Number np.seterr(all='raise') # from scipy.special import gammaln, hyp2f1, hyp1f1 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt; plt.ion() from scipy.integrate import quad from scipy.stats import t as scipy_trv from numba import cfunc from scipy.optimize import minimize import warnings import as sio import scipy # from root_finding import newton, brentq from scipy.special import gamma plt.close('all') from numba import vectorize, njit import numba as nb from .numbaSpecialFns import numba_gammaln as gammaln from .numbaSpecialFns import numba_hyp2f1 as hyp2f1 from .numbaSpecialFns import numba_betainc as betainc # Source: # @article{kollo2021multivariate, # title={Multivariate Skew t-Distribution: Asymptotics for Parameter Estimators and Extension to Skew t-Copula}, # author={Kollo, T{\~o}nu and K{\"a}{\"a}rik, Meelis and Selart, Anne}, # journal={Symmetry}, # volume={13}, # number={6}, # pages={1059}, # year={2021}, # publisher={Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute} # } @njit def tcdf_1d(x, df): # if use_scipy: # # Scipy-computed tcdf vals # scipy_tcdf_vals = scipy_trv.cdf(x, df) # return scipy_tcdf_vals # else: # A = gammaln((df+1.)/2.) # B = hyp2f1(0.5, (df+1.)/2., 1.5, -x**2 / df) # # # # BA = hyp1f1(0.5, 1.5, -x**2) # C = np.sqrt(np.pi * df) # D = gammaln(df/2.) # # tcdf_vals = 0.5 + x * B * np.exp(A - D) / C tcdf_vals_v2 = 0.5 * betainc(0.5 * df, 0.5, df / (df + x**2)) inds = x > 0 tcdf_vals_v2[inds] = 1 - tcdf_vals_v2[inds] return tcdf_vals_v2 def tspdf_1d_scipy(x, loc, scale, df, skew): z = (x - loc)/np.sqrt(scale) return 2 * scipy_trv.pdf(z, df + 1) * scipy_trv.cdf(skew * z, df + 1) @njit def tspdf_1d(x, loc, scale, df, skew): return np.exp(tslogpdf_1d(x, loc, scale, df, skew)) @njit def tslogpdf_1d(x, loc, scale, df, skew): dim = 1 vals, vecs = scale, np.array([1]) logdet = np.log(scale) valsinv = np.array([1./vals]) U = vecs * np.sqrt(valsinv) dev = x - loc maha = np.square(dev * U) t = 0.5 * (df + dim) A = gammaln(t) B = gammaln(0.5 * df) C = (dim/2.) * np.log(df * np.pi) D = 0.5 * logdet E = -t * np.log(1 + (1./df) * maha) w = np.sqrt(scale) J = dev * skew / w # Old definition -- this works # J = dev * skew rad = np.sqrt((dim + df) / (maha + df)) Fval = tcdf_1d(J * rad, dim + df) F = np.log(2) + np.log(Fval) return A - B - C - D + E + F def sampleCvM(dataSort, CDF): N = len(dataSort) CDF_vals = CDF(dataSort) empirical_CDF = np.linspace(1, 2*N - 1, 2) / (2 * N) diff_CDFs = CDF_vals - empirical_CDF CvM = 1/(12 * N) + np.sum(diff_CDFs ** 2) def getIntegrand(loc, scale, df, skew): @njit(cache=True) def integrand(y): return tspdf_1d(y, loc, scale, df, skew)[0] return integrand # def tscdf(x, loc, scale, df, skew): # tscdf_vals = np.zeros_like(x) # # integrand = getIntegrand(loc, scale, df, skew) # nb_integrand = cfunc("float64(float64)")(integrand) # for index, upper_limit in enumerate(x): # # integral_val, abs_err = quad(lambda y: tspdf_1d(y, loc, scale, df, skew), -np.inf, upper_limit, epsrel = 1e-4) # integral_val, abs_err = quad(nb_integrand.ctypes, -np.inf, upper_limit) # # tscdf_vals[index] = integral_val # # # return tscdf_vals def tscdf(x, loc, scale, df, skew): if isinstance(x, Number): x = np.array([x]) integrand = getIntegrand(loc, scale, df, skew) # Closure that captures the parameters of the distribution nb_integrand = cfunc("float64(float64)")(integrand) # Convert it cfunc for faster integration with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") if len(x) == 1: tscdf_vals = quad(nb_integrand.ctypes, -np.inf, x)[0] else: partial_integrals = np.zeros_like(x) partial_integrals[0] = quad(nb_integrand.ctypes, -np.inf, x[0])[0] sliding_windows = np.lib.stride_tricks.sliding_window_view(x, 2) for index, window in enumerate(sliding_windows): integral_val, abs_err = quad(nb_integrand.ctypes, window[0], window[1]) partial_integrals[index + 1] = integral_val tscdf_vals = np.cumsum(partial_integrals) # for index, upper_limit in enumerate(x): # # integral_val, abs_err = quad(lambda y: tspdf_1d(y, loc, scale, df, skew), -np.inf, upper_limit, epsrel = 1e-4) # integral_val, abs_err = quad(nb_integrand.ctypes, -np.inf, upper_limit) # # tscdf_vals[index] = integral_val return tscdf_vals def getObjectiveFunction(data, use_loglikelihood = False): sorted_data = np.sort(data) N = len(data) def objFun(theta): loc = theta[0] scale = theta[1] df = theta[2] skew = theta[3] tscdf_vals = tscdf(sorted_data, loc, scale, df, skew) empirical_CDF = np.arange(1, 2 * N , 2) / (2 * N) diff_CDFs = tscdf_vals - empirical_CDF CvM = 1 / (12 * N) + np.sum(diff_CDFs ** 2) return CvM @njit def loglikelihood(theta): loc = theta[0] scale = theta[1] df = theta[2] skew = theta[3] llvals = tslogpdf_1d(sorted_data, loc, scale, df, skew) return -np.sum(llvals) if use_loglikelihood: return loglikelihood else: return objFun @njit def root_Newton_Rhapson(fun, x0, jac, tol=1e-12, maxiter=100): for _ in range(maxiter): fval = fun(x0) if np.abs(fval) < tol: x1 = x0 break fder = jac(x0) newton_step = fval / fder x1 = x0 - newton_step if np.abs(x1) < tol: break x0 = x1 return x1 def ts_invcdf(q, loc, scale, df, skew): def ffun(x): return tscdf(x, loc, scale, df, skew) - q def fprime(x): return tspdf_1d(x, loc, scale, df, skew) # Do a single Newton iteration p0 = 0.0 fval = ffun(p0) fder = fprime(p0) newton_step = fval / fder # Newton step p = p0 - newton_step if p0 < p: r = brentq(f, p0, p) else: r = brentq(f, p, p0) xvals = np.linspace(-20, 20, 1_000) fvals = f(xvals) # r = newton(func = f, x0 = 0.0, fprime = fprime) return r def numerical_inverse(rv_domain, cdf_vals): return scipy.interpolate.interp1d(cdf_vals, rv_domain, kind='cubic', fill_value="extrapolate") # def inv_fn(x): # # Want inputs to be numbers between zero and one # # sampled_data = np.interp(x, cdf_vals, rv_domain) # # # return sampled_data # # return inv_fn def tskew_moments(loc, scale, df, skew): w = np.sqrt(scale) alpha = skew omega = scale omega_bar = scale / (w * w) delta = (alpha * omega_bar) / np.sqrt(1 + alpha * omega_bar * alpha) gamma_div = np.exp(gammaln(0.5 * (df -1)) - gammaln(0.5 * df)) mu = delta * np.sqrt(df / np.pi) * gamma_div expected_value = omega * mu + loc pass if __name__ == '__main__': x = np.linspace(-6, 6, 1_000) # res = tcdf_1d(x, 3) # fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, sharex=True) # for df in [1, 2, 5, 100]: # p = tspdf_1d(x, 0, 1, df, skew = 0) # axs[0].plot(x, p) # # for s in [1, 2, 5, 10]: # p = tspdf_1d(x, 0, s, 2, xi = 0) # axs[1].plot(x, p) # # for xi in [0, -1, -2, -5, -5000]: # p = tspdf_1d(x, 0, 1, 2, xi) # axs[2].plot(x, p) # # p_ev = tspdf_1d(x, 0.5, 2, 3, 5) # fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2) # axs[0].plot(p_ev, label = 'Erick') # ef_integral = quad(lambda x: tspdf_1d(x, 0.5, 2, 3, 5), -np.inf, np.inf) loc = 1 scale = 2 df = 5 skew = 1 q = 0.5 tslogpdf_1d(q, loc, scale, df, skew) N = 1_000 xvals = np.linspace(-10, 10, N) cdf = tscdf(xvals, loc, scale, df, skew ) pdf = tspdf_1d(xvals, loc, scale, df, skew) invcdf = numerical_inverse(xvals, cdf) uniform_realization = np.random.rand(N) skewt_realization = invcdf(uniform_realization) # logpdf = tslogpdf_1d(x, loc, scale, df, skew) # t = timeit.Timer(partial(tscdf, x, loc, scale, df, skew)) # print(t.timeit(1)) cdf = tscdf(x+2, loc, scale, df, skew) # plt.figure() # plt.plot(x, cdf) theta = np.array([loc + 0.2, scale - 1, df+2, skew-2]) test_data = sio.loadmat('/home/efvega/data/copulaTesting/2d_data.mat')['data'][1, :] obj_fun = getObjectiveFunction(skewt_realization, use_loglikelihood=False) obj_fun(theta) def callbackF(theta): print(theta) res = minimize(getObjectiveFunction(skewt_realization, use_loglikelihood=True), x0 = theta, callback=callbackF, method='Nelder-Mead') print('Now switching') # res = minimize(getObjectiveFunction(skewt_realization, use_loglikelihood=False), x0 = res.x, callback=callbackF, method='Nelder-Mead') est_pdf = tspdf_1d(xvals, res.x[0], res.x[1], res.x[2], res.x[3]) plt.hist(skewt_realization, bins = 50, density=True) plt.plot(xvals, est_pdf, linestyle = '--') plt.plot(xvals, pdf) # print(res_initial.x) print(res.x) # integrand = getIntegrand(loc, scale, df, skew) # nb_integrand = cfunc("float64(float64)")(integrand)