# Version 4.1 - 2016-10-07, Marcus M. Darden (mmdarden@umich.edu)
#   * Allow test rules to worry without a defined PROJECTFILE
#   * COPYFILE_DISABLE=true sets an environment variable that prevents MacOS
#     from doing messy things while making tarballs
#   * make clean now removes .dSYM directories from MacOS compilation
#   * make debug now builds EXECUTABLE_debug
#       1. make clean
#       2. make -rR
#       3. make debug
#     Will generate both an executable and executable_debug properly
#   * Added -Wconversion to prevent conversion oversights
# Version 4 - 2015-05-03, Marcus M. Darden (mmdarden@umich.edu)
#   * Updated build rules for tests
# Version 3.0.1 - 2015-01-22, Waleed Khan (wkhan@umich.edu)
#   * Added '$(EXECUTABLE): $(OBJECTS)' target. Now you can compile with
#     'make executable', and re-linking isn't done unnecessarily.
# Version 3 - 2015-01-16, Marcus M. Darden (mmdarden@umich.edu)
#   * Add help rule and message
#   * All customization locations are cleary marked.
# Version 2 - 2014-11-02, Marcus M. Darden (mmdarden@umich.edu)
#   * Move customization section to the bottom of the file
#   * Add support for submit without test cases, to prevent submission
#     deduction while testing, when code fails to compile
#       usage: make partialsubmit  <- includes no test case files
#              make fullsubmit     <- includes all test case files
#   * Add automatic creation of test targets for test driver files
#       usage: (add cpp files to the project folder with a test prefix)
#              make alltests       <- builds all test*.cpp
#              make test_insert    <- builds testinsert from test_insert.cpp
#              make test2          <- builds testinsert from test2.cpp
#   * Add documentation and changelog
# Version 1 - 2014-09-21, David Snider (sniderdj@umich.edu)
# Version 0 - ????-??-??, Matt Diffenderfer (mjdiffy@umich.edu)