From 42283dac1e16f232f59c7c7746fada33f68e0bce Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Marcus M. Darden" <>
Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2019 16:27:03 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Reorganize to combine the first two TODO's at the top of the

 Makefile | 27 +++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 6b10ff6..aeda718 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -17,6 +17,21 @@
 #   3. Files you want to include in your final submission cannot match the
 #      test*.cpp pattern.
+# TODO (begin) #
+# Change EXECUTABLE to match the command name given in the project spec.
+EXECUTABLE  = executable
+DEBUG       = $(EXECUTABLE)_debug
+# If main() is in a file named project*.cpp, use the following line
+PROJECTFILE = $(or $(wildcard project*.cpp), $(EXECUTABLE).cpp)
+# If main() is in another file delete line above, edit and uncomment below
+#PROJECTFILE = mymainfile.cpp
+# TODO (end) #
 # enables c++17 on CAEN or 281 autograder
 PATH := /usr/um/gcc-6.2.0/bin:$(PATH)
 LD_LIBRARY_PATH := /usr/um/gcc-6.2.0/lib64
@@ -28,11 +43,6 @@ LD_RUN_PATH := /usr/um/gcc-6.2.0/lib64
 # REMOTE_BASEDIR := w18/eecs281    # /home/mmdarden/w18/eecs281/project0
 REMOTE_BASEDIR := eecs281
-# Change EXECUTABLE to match the command name given in the project spec.
-EXECUTABLE  = executable
-DEBUG       = $(EXECUTABLE)_debug
 # designate which compiler to use
 CXX         = g++
@@ -47,13 +57,6 @@ SOURCES     := $(filter-out $(TESTSOURCES), $(SOURCES))
 # list of objects used in project
 OBJECTS     = $(SOURCES:%.cpp=%.o)
-# If main() is in a file named project*.cpp, use the following line
-PROJECTFILE = $(or $(wildcard project*.cpp), $(EXECUTABLE).cpp)
-# If main() is in another file delete line above, edit and uncomment below
-#PROJECTFILE = mymainfile.cpp
 # name of the tarball created for submission
 PARTIAL_SUBMITFILE = partialsubmit.tar.gz
 FULL_SUBMITFILE = fullsubmit.tar.gz