diff --git a/active_sensing/__init__.py b/active_sensing/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/active_sensing/design_1d_variance.py b/active_sensing/design_1d_variance.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5f49009729d5cf390072c95f4d60081714e80d0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/active_sensing/design_1d_variance.py
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+Find choices that optimize given objective function (eg point in direction of movement)
+while attaining a given level of sensing accuracy (eg variance of estimate is small enough).
+Assume that variance for each point of interest is one dimensional, or
+can be represented as such, such as items with diagonal variance.
+Let \theta_t \in \reals^n be the set of choices available at timestep t.
+Normally we would only pick one (eg for two choices, only allow [0 1] or [1 0]),
+but we relax this problem by allowing \theta_t to lie in a probability simplex.
+This means we have the constraints:
+1_n^T \theta_t = 1
+0 <= \theta_t
+Allowing a linearly scaling cost at each timestep (t \in [1, ..., k]),
+and penalizing the difference between "choices" at each timestep,
+the optimal choices are selected by minimizing:
+    \sum_{t=1}^k c[t]^T \theta_t +
+    \sum_{t=1}^{t-1}  lambda ||\theta_t - \theta_{t+1}||_2^2
+    \theta_1, ..., \theta_k \in \reals^n
+subject to:
+    1_n^T \theta_t = 1  for all t=1,...,k
+    0 <= \theta_t       for all t=1,...,k
+    [\sum_{t=1}^k M[i, t]^T \theta_t]^-1 <= q[i]   for all i=1,...,m
+The final constraint specifies the minimum sensing accuracy at the final time
+for each of the m points of interest.
+Here, M[i, t] encodes the information (inverse of dispersion or variance) gained
+from each of the possible choices at time t, for interest point i.
+M is (m, k, n).
+Note the constraint's convexity, since:
+1) M[i, t] > 0 since 1/variance is positive
+2) \theta_t >= 0 and has a nonzero entry since it is a (discrete) probability distribution
+3) 1/x is convex over x > 0
+4) the constraint is 1/affine(x) hence convex in x
+The problem is convex.
+import numpy as np
+from scipy import sparse as spa
+from scipy import optimize as opt
+def f0(theta, c, lambda_diff, M):
+    k, n = c.shape
+    theta_m = theta.reshape(k, n)
+    linear_part = (c * theta_m).sum()
+    quadratic_part = (theta_m[1:] - theta_m[:-1]) ** 2
+    return linear_part + lambda_diff * quadratic_part.sum()
+def f0_jac(theta, c, lambda_diff, M):
+    k, n = c.shape
+    theta_m = theta.reshape(k, n)
+    quadratic_part = np.zeros((k, n))
+    l_part = 2 * (theta_m[:-1] - theta_m[1:])
+    r_part = 2 * (theta_m[1:] - theta_m[:-1])
+    quadratic_part[:-1] = l_part
+    quadratic_part[1:] += r_part
+    jac = c + lambda_diff * quadratic_part
+    return jac.ravel()
+def f0_hess_p(theta, p, c, lambda_diff, M):
+    k, n = c.shape
+    p_m = p.reshape(k, n)
+    H_pm = np.zeros_like(p_m)
+    H_pm[:-1] += 2 * (p_m[:-1] - p_m[1:])
+    H_pm[1:] += 2 * (p_m[1:] - p_m[:-1])
+    return lambda_diff * H_pm.ravel()
+def make_simplex_constraints(k, n):
+    """
+    Make matrix and vectors for constraint
+    lb <= Ax <= ub
+    where x = vec(\theta_1^T, ..., \theta_k^T)
+    Split into equality and inequality parts since solvers may treat them differently.
+    :param k: number of timesteps
+    :param n: number of choices at each timestep
+    :return:
+        A_eq: k, kn | sparse matrix of sum constraints
+        A_ineq: kn, kn | sparse matrix of non-negative constraints
+        lb: 2, | array of lower bounds [sum constraints, non-negative constraints]
+        ub: 2, | array of upper bounds [sum constraints, non-negative constraints]
+    """
+    sum_1_part = spa.block_diag(
+        [np.ones((n,)) for _ in range(k)],
+        format='csc',
+    )
+    nneg_part = spa.eye(k * n, format='csc')
+    return sum_1_part, nneg_part, np.array([1, 0]), np.array([1, np.inf])
+def info_constraint_f(theta, c, lambda_diff, M):
+    k, n = c.shape
+    theta_m = theta.reshape(k, n)
+    inner = (M * theta_m).sum(axis=(1, 2))  # m,
+    return 1/inner
+def info_constraint_jac(theta, c, lambda_diff, M):
+    pass
+def solve_instance(c, lambda_diff, M, q, x0=()):
+    """
+    Make constraints, initial guess if needed, and solve.
+    :param c: k, n | c[t] = linear cost of each of n choices at timestep t
+    :param lambda_diff: scalar weight for cost of changing choice over time
+    :param M: m, k, n | 1/variance resulting for sensing choice
+        - [i, t, j] = for point of interest i, at timestep t, for choice j
+    :param q: m, | maximum variance allowed at final timestep for each of m points
+    :param x0: (k, n) or kn, | initial guess of solution
+    :return:
+        x: k, n | specified choice (distribution) at each timestep
+        is_valid: | whether optimization terminated successfully
+            (hence x is feasible solution)
+    """
+    k, n = c.shape
+    if len(x0) == 0:
+        x0 = np.zeros((k, n))
+        x0[:, 0] = 1.
+    else:
+        x0 = x0.ravel()
+    args = (c, lambda_diff, M)
+    A_eq, A_ineq, lb, ub = make_simplex_constraints(k, n)
+    lin_eq_constraint = opt.LinearConstraint(A_eq.toarray(), 1, 1, keep_feasible=False)
+    lin_ineq_constraint = opt.LinearConstraint(A_ineq.toarray(), 0, np.inf, keep_feasible=False)
+    nonlin_constraint = opt.NonlinearConstraint(lambda x: info_constraint_f(x, *args), -np.inf, q)
+    res = opt.minimize(
+        f0, x0.ravel(), args=args,
+        method='trust-constr',
+        jac=f0_jac, hessp=f0_hess_p,
+        constraints=[lin_eq_constraint, lin_ineq_constraint, nonlin_constraint],
+        options=dict(verbose=0, sparse_jacobian=True, ),
+    )    
+    return res.x.reshape(k, n), res.success
+def _check_small_instance():
+    k = 4
+    n = 3
+    M = np.array([[
+        [2, 1, 1.],
+        [2, 1, 1],
+        [1, 2, 1],
+        [1, 2, 2],
+    ]])
+    q = np.array([1/(8-1.)])
+    c = np.ones((k, n))
+    lambda_diff = 1.
+    args = (c, lambda_diff, M)
+    x0 = np.zeros((k, n))
+    x0[:, 0] = 1.
+    x0[-1, 1] = 1
+    x0[-1, 0] = 0
+    xb = np.zeros((k, n))
+    xb[:, 0] = 1.
+    A_eq, A_ineq, lb, ub = make_simplex_constraints(k, n)
+    lin_eq_constraint = opt.LinearConstraint(A_eq.toarray(), 1, 1, keep_feasible=False)
+    lin_ineq_constraint = opt.LinearConstraint(A_ineq.toarray(), 0, np.inf, keep_feasible=False)
+    nonlin_constraint = opt.NonlinearConstraint(lambda x: info_constraint_f(x, *args), -np.inf, q)
+    # keep_feasible=False is important for trust-constr to work
+    res = opt.minimize(
+        f0, x0.ravel(), args=args,
+        method='trust-constr',
+        # method='SLSQP',
+        jac=f0_jac, hessp=f0_hess_p,
+        constraints=[lin_eq_constraint, lin_ineq_constraint, nonlin_constraint],
+        options=dict(verbose=3, sparse_jacobian=False,),
+        # options=dict(disp=3),
+    )
+    print(res.x.reshape(k, n))
+    print(A_ineq.dot(res.x))
+    print('-')
+    print(f0(res.x, *args))
+    print(f0(x0.ravel(), *args))
+    print(f0(xb.ravel(), *args))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    _check_small_instance()
diff --git a/active_sensing/orientation_planning.py b/active_sensing/orientation_planning.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..faa2173f787716b3979e3ebb47bd8cc27e0eee55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/active_sensing/orientation_planning.py
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+import numpy as np
+from active_sensing import design_1d_variance as d1v
+from misc.distances import circular_1d
+def plan_planar_1d_var_orientations(
+        x, point_x, var_bounds, lambda_diff=0.1,
+        var_fcn=None, cost_fcn=None,
+        n_angles=16, var_fcn_kwargs=None, cost_fcn_kwargs=None):
+    """
+    Plan angles in plane to satisfy sensing accuracy based on
+    spherical variance model.
+    :param x: k, 2 | already planned positions in plane
+        at which to choose orientation
+        - assume these are equally spaced in time
+        (so costs based on transitions are consistent)
+    :param point_x: m, 2 | points of interest
+    :param var_bounds: m, | maximum variance allowed at final timestep
+        for each of m points
+    :param lambda_diff: scalar weight for cost of changing choice over time
+    :param var_fcn: (x, angles, y) -> 1/M: (m, k, n_angles)
+        - facing at angle from x, variance of observation of y position
+    :param cost_fcn: (x, angles) -> c: (k, n_angles)
+        - cost of each choice of angle at each timestep
+    :param n_angles:
+    :param var_fcn_kwargs:
+    :param cost_fcn_kwargs:
+    :return:
+        yaw: k, | feasible plan of angle for each timestep, or default if not valid
+        is_valid: True iff feasible plan found
+    """
+    var_fcn = var_fcn if var_fcn else distance_angle_spherical_var
+    cost_fcn = cost_fcn if cost_fcn else face_movement_direction_cost
+    var_fcn_kwargs = var_fcn_kwargs if var_fcn_kwargs else dict()
+    cost_fcn_kwargs = cost_fcn_kwargs if cost_fcn_kwargs else dict()
+    angles = grid_1d_angles(n_angles)
+    M_inv = var_fcn(x, angles, point_x, **var_fcn_kwargs)
+    c = cost_fcn(x, angles, **cost_fcn_kwargs)
+    yaw_choices, is_valid = d1v.solve_instance(c, lambda_diff, 1/M_inv, var_bounds)
+    # extract by taking distribution average
+    yaw = (yaw_choices * angles).sum(axis=1)
+    if not is_valid:
+        yaw = make_movement_direction_angles(x)
+        try:
+            yaw[-1] = cost_fcn_kwargs['angle_last']
+        except KeyError:
+            pass
+    return yaw, is_valid
+def grid_1d_angles(n_angles=16):
+    return np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, endpoint=False, num=n_angles)
+def distance_angle_spherical_var(x, angles, y, a=(1., 5, .3)):
+    """
+    Compute variance of each possible choice according to model:
+    y_hat ~ N(y, a0 + .5 exp{a1 |w - w'|} + exp{a2 ||x - y||} )
+    where current state is [x, w] and heading pointing to point at y is w'
+    :param x: k, 2
+    :param angles: n,
+    :param y: m, 2
+    :param a: 3, | [a0, a1, a2]
+    :return: M_inv: m, k, n | [i, t, j] = variance of observation of point i
+        at state x[t], angle[j]
+    """
+    m = y.shape[0]
+    k = x.shape[0]
+    n = angles.size
+    w_p = np.arctan2(
+        y[:, 1][:, np.newaxis] - x[:, 1],
+        y[:, 0][:, np.newaxis] - x[:, 0],
+    )  # m, k
+    dif_yaw = w_p[..., np.newaxis] - angles.reshape(1, 1, -1)  # m, k, n
+    dif_yaw = circular_1d(dif_yaw.ravel(), 2*np.pi).reshape(m, k, n)
+    dif_x = np.linalg.norm(y[:, np.newaxis, :] - x[np.newaxis, ...], axis=2)  # m, k
+    M_inv = a[0] + .5 * np.exp(a[1] * dif_yaw) + np.exp(a[2] * dif_x[..., np.newaxis])
+    return M_inv
+def face_movement_direction_cost(x, angles, sd=1., angle_last=None, sd_last=0.1):
+    """
+    Set cost(yaw_t) = |yaw_t - yaw_t^h|^2 / 2 sd^2
+    where yaw_t is chosen angle at timestep t and
+    yaw_t^h is that timestep's direction of motion.
+    Use separate 'standard deviation' weighting for final timestep, since this
+    direction is often specified by the user.
+    :param x: k, 2 | [t] = position in plane at timestep t
+    :param angles:
+    :param sd:
+    :param angle_last:
+    :param sd_last:
+    :return: c: k, n | c[t] = linear cost of each of n choices at timestep t
+    """
+    k = x.shape[0]
+    n = angles.size
+    motion_yaw = make_movement_direction_angles(x)
+    motion_yaw[-1] = angle_last if angle_last is not None else motion_yaw[-2]
+    dif_yaw = motion_yaw[:, np.newaxis] - angles
+    dif_yaw = circular_1d(dif_yaw.ravel(), 2*np.pi).reshape(k, n)
+    c = np.zeros((k, n))
+    c[:-1] = dif_yaw[:-1] ** 2 / (2 * sd)
+    c[-1] = dif_yaw[-1] ** 2 / (2 * sd_last)
+    return c
+def make_movement_direction_angles(x):
+    """
+    Make yaw angles corresponding to direction of motion.
+    :param x: k, 2
+    :return: k,
+    """
+    k = x.shape[0]
+    motion_yaw = np.zeros((k,))
+    np.arctan2(
+        x[1:, 1] - x[:-1, 1],
+        x[1:, 0] - x[:-1, 0],
+        out=motion_yaw[:-1],
+    )
+    motion_yaw[-1] = motion_yaw[-2]
+    return motion_yaw
diff --git a/examples/display_orientation_planning.py b/examples/display_orientation_planning.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f2ffd1fc5203141e7db82ba9b75fbdb763bf60e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/display_orientation_planning.py
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+import numpy as np
+from scene_elements.scene import Scene
+from scene_elements.cylinder import Cylinder
+from scene_elements.sphere import Sphere
+from scene_elements.water import Water
+from scene_elements.camera import Camera
+from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
+from rigid_body_models import boat
+from vis import planar_thruster_model
+from active_sensing import orientation_planning as ori
+from misc import interpolation as itp
+def build_camera():
+    cam_f = 800.
+    cam_rows = 480
+    cam_cols = 640
+    cam_K = np.array([
+        [cam_f, 0, cam_rows/2, 0],
+        [0, cam_f, cam_cols/2, 0],
+        [0, 0, 1., 0],
+    ])
+    cam_Rt = np.array([
+        [0, 0, 1, -.2],
+        [0, -1, 0, 0],
+        [1, 0, 0, 0],
+        [0, 0, 0, 1],
+    ])
+    camera = Camera(K=cam_K, Rt=cam_Rt, cam_cols=cam_cols, cam_rows=cam_rows)
+    return camera
+def main():
+    point_x = np.array([
+        [3, 2],
+        [5, 6],
+        [4, 10.],
+    ])
+    var_bounds = np.array([1., 1, 1])
+    scene = Scene([Cylinder(pt) for pt in point_x] +
+                  [Water()] +
+                  [Sphere([-1, 14.5], color='red'),
+                   Sphere([1, 15], color='green'),
+                   Sphere([4, 4], color='black'),
+                   Sphere([4, 7], color='yellow'), ])
+    camera = build_camera()
+    DT = 0.1
+    yaw_plan_dt = 1.
+    t_max = 18
+    # [x v yaw yaw-rate]
+    x0 = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, np.pi / 2, 0])
+    x1 = np.array([0, 10, 0, 0, np.pi / 2, 0])
+    n_state = x0.size
+    cam_traj_spline = itp.build_nd_interpolator(
+        np.array([x0, x1])[:, :2], [0, t_max],
+        InterpolatedUnivariateSpline, k=1,
+    )
+    plan_x = cam_traj_spline(np.mgrid[0:t_max:yaw_plan_dt])
+    plan_yaw, is_valid = ori.plan_planar_1d_var_orientations(
+        plan_x[1:], point_x, var_bounds, n_angles=16)
+    plan_z_t = np.zeros((plan_x.shape[0], n_state + 1))
+    plan_z_t[:, :2] = plan_x
+    plan_z_t[0, :n_state] = x0
+    plan_z_t[1:, 4] = plan_yaw
+    plan_z_t[:, 4] = itp.order_circular_1d(plan_z_t[:, 4], 2 * np.pi)
+    plan_z_t[:, -1] = np.mgrid[0:t_max:yaw_plan_dt]
+    z_spline = itp.build_nd_interpolator(
+        plan_z_t[:, :-1], plan_z_t[:, -1],
+        InterpolatedUnivariateSpline, k=1,
+    )
+    xytheta = z_spline(np.mgrid[0:t_max:DT])[:, [0, 1, 4]]
+    u = np.empty((xytheta.shape[0], 0))
+    boat_model = boat.DiamondMountedThrusters()
+    planar_thruster_model.loop_camera_sim(
+        boat_model, xytheta[:, [0, 1]], xytheta[:, 2], u, DT, scene, camera)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
diff --git a/misc/distances.py b/misc/distances.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d585fff1205fd03385e3dc04edc4565e8d20c3ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/distances.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import numpy as np
+def circular_1d(x, c):
+    """
+    Wrap values in circular space to smallest magnitude representation
+    :param x: n, | values in circular space (eg S^1)
+    :param c: period of circular space [0, c) (eg 2pi)
+    :return: n, | distances
+    """
+    b = np.array([-c, 0])
+    d = np.min(np.abs((x % c) + b[:, np.newaxis]), axis=0)
+    return d
diff --git a/scene_elements/cylinder.py b/scene_elements/cylinder.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8632d9ba15fc95fd7a637d739728b113b67fdde1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scene_elements/cylinder.py
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.patches as pa
+class Cylinder(object):
+    def __init__(self, xy, z=0., height=100., radius=.5, color='#f1a5c1', alpha=0.5):
+        self.xy = np.asarray(xy)
+        self.z = z
+        self.height = height
+        self.radius = radius
+        self.color = color
+        self.alpha = alpha
+    def draw_top_view(self, ax):
+        circle = pa.Circle(tuple(self.xy), radius=self.radius, facecolor=self.color)
+        ax.add_artist(circle)
+    def calculate_image_view_shape(self, camera):
+        """
+        Use sphere approximation to position bottom of cylinder, and handle top
+        :param camera:
+        :return:
+            xy_top: 2, | [u, v] position of top of element in image
+            - not in image -> nans
+            - may be outside of image bounds, use image size to filter these
+            xy_bot: 2, | [u, v] position of bottom of element in image
+            radius: | in pixels
+        """
+        xyz1 = np.hstack([self.xy, self.z, 1.])
+        top_bot_xyz1 = np.array([xyz1, xyz1, xyz1]).T  # 4, 3
+        top_bot_xyz1[2, :] += [self.height, self.radius, -self.radius]
+        top_bot_xy1 = camera.project(top_bot_xyz1)
+        if np.any(top_bot_xy1[-1] <= 0):
+            bad = np.array([np.nan] * 2)
+            return bad, bad, np.nan
+        top_bot_xy1 /= top_bot_xy1[-1]
+        xy_top = top_bot_xy1[:-1, 0]
+        xy_bot = top_bot_xy1[:-1, 1:].mean(axis=1)
+        r = np.linalg.norm(top_bot_xy1[:-1, 1] - xy_bot)/2
+        return xy_top, xy_bot, r
+    def draw_image_view(self, ax, camera, zorder=0):
+        """
+        Do not draw if behind camera.
+        (Out of frame objects can be drawn, they will just be cut off)
+        :param ax:
+        :param camera:
+        :param zorder: ordering for fake depth
+        :return:
+        """
+        xy_top, xy_bot, r = self.calculate_image_view_shape(camera)
+        if np.isnan(xy_top).any():
+            return
+        # reverse xy to place into plot coordinates, since cam x is vertical
+        uv_leftbot = xy_bot[::-1] - r * np.array([1, 1])
+        width = 2 * r
+        height = xy_top[::-1][1] + r
+        artist = pa.Rectangle(
+            tuple(uv_leftbot), width, height,
+            facecolor=self.color, zorder=zorder, alpha=self.alpha
+        )
+        ax.add_artist(artist)
diff --git a/scene_elements/water.py b/scene_elements/water.py
index 62304d9138828190a47eb1289bc033ebf82b5127..ffabbc00104e45f24224bf4ab8a5d98036310b39 100644
--- a/scene_elements/water.py
+++ b/scene_elements/water.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ FAR_DIST_M = 1e5
 class Water(object):
-    def __init__(self, z=0., bound_xy=()):
+    def __init__(self, z=0., bound_xy=(), is_override_zorder=True):
         self.xy = ()
         self.z = z
         self.color = '#80ebff'
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ class Water(object):
             self.bound_xy = np.array([
                 np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)
             ]) * FAR_DIST_M
+        self.is_override_zorder = is_override_zorder
     def draw_top_view(self, ax):
         m = 200
@@ -53,5 +54,6 @@ class Water(object):
             bound_xy1[:2, ind_max],
             [0, camera.cam_cols],
+        zorder = -1 if self.is_override_zorder else zorder
         poly = pa.Polygon(verts[:, ::-1], facecolor=self.color, zorder=zorder)